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September 16th, 2021



rest week; day one

um. hey guys. my name’s noah czerny. i’m um…new? i wanted to ask because i am still flickering sometimes cause i don’t know what’s safe or not safe to draw off of. um. i’m a ghost. does anyone mind or not mind if i can use some energy to be solid sometimes? you can cut me off if you have to and sometimes i don’t need to be formed. but i figured i should ask first.





Well, shit. That was a thing that happened. Not that I remember much



Day 1 | Rest Week

Well, that was awkward. Big yikes levels of awkward. Everyone back to rights now? All good? No, no need to answer. I can see you're all fine.



I only want to ask if everyone would be so kind as to leave the alligator they may (or, hopefully, will not) see around Derleth alone. Thank you...!



Week 21 | Day 1

For anyone who feels the need to yell at me:

I'm fine, and Sam called dibs.

[private to Loki]

It wasn't your fault.



week 21 (rest week); day one

Good news, everyone... NO NIGHTMARES TONIGHT!

Bad news... that building is still watching me.

Also you ever been tased by an alien and vaporized? That shit fucking hurts.



Week 21 - Day 1

Almost dying feels awful. Never want to do that again.

Funny thing though, that tattoo's still on my body. Is that my reminder of it, like a scar? It's kind of cool.



Rest | Day 1

Rest, Day 1 | Peasley Theatre Basement | Before Anyone Else is Awake

Loki and Sylvie both seek out the same refuge.

Somber Lokis.

... )