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July 26th, 2021



a sizable problem | day 5

I'm not sure whether this is more Wells or more Carroll, but it's certainly not '47. And far too bright, at that. Is it safe to simply hurry to the closest building, or should I be a little more discerning?



Week 17 | Day 6 - morning

[Private to Loki & Fandral]
I'm back to my correct size so if you two are still interested in that threesome, I'm game.

[Private to Dan]
Are you still a giant or did you get that girl to cry on you?



Day 5 | A Sizeable Problem

Has anyone ventured into creating a full movie theatre experience yet? Yes, I know there are TVs about and smaller viewing spaces, but I'm not speaking of half measures*. I'm speaking of a sound system that rattles your bone marrow, at minimum.

*(And, yes, I know there are other concerns at the moment, but you seem to have a crack team handling it...! I believe in you!)



[No Subject]

Who: Eliot Spencer, Jo Harvelle, and Alec Hardison
What: Eliot's arrival and mistaken identity
Where: The Green
When: Day 6
Warnings: probably mentions of violence
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )



[No Subject]

Who: Tandy Bowen + Loki (MCU)
What: Dinner!
Where: The dining hall
When: Evening of Day 6
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed | In Progress

~*~*~*~ )



day five-ish | sizable problem

This is bullshit.



week 17 (sizeable problem); day 5

Um Hi. I have a bit of a request... is there anything someone can take if they're feeling a bit worn down and mildly under the weather? It's nothing contagious, I just need something to give me more energy. To really do anything at all.



sizeable problem | day four

Rey Dameron & Fen
Week 17, Day 4 | The Green | G

Fen spots Rey and tries to cheer her up. They play a bit of 'getting to know you' before planning a kitchen expedition.

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sizeable problem | day six

Rey Dameron & Stephen Strange
Week 17, Day 6 | Room 507 | G

Rey promised Stephen she'd answer questions about her experiences so they meet to talk.

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