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July 19th, 2021



Week 17 | Day 2

Still too short to do anything fun so I need entertainment.

Let's play a game. It's called Fuck-Marry-Kill. Or, I guess if you're more polite, it can be called Shag, Marry, Cliff or Bed, Wed, Behead. Either way, you comment on this post and other people give you a list of three names and you have to say with you'd bang, which you'd marry, and which you'd dispose of.

Make it good, people. A bored Margo is a dangerous Margo, even if I'm the size of your average two year old.



Day 2

I stepped on something crunchy this morning. Could have been a branch. Could have been something else. Admittedly I was half asleep at the time. So if anyone's missing might want to check the pavement outside of Butler Hall.

Hope it wasn't you, Sam.


Did you know that the imposter has his OWN room?

Got any tech that'll permanently send someone to another reality? Just one person. Should be a simple task for you, right? Assuming you actually are a "mad genius scientist" that is.

Have you tried sending anyone to your creepy waiting room dimension since you've been here?




Okay, okay, so SCOTT LANG and I are testing some shit to try and set things back to their right sizes. If our calculations are correct, then everything should go back to normal in a few moments. I'll go back to being my normal height and not the size of my dick.

Hold onto your butts. This might sting a little. Maybe a lot. Who the fuck knows?

And awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay we go.

[Note: In a few moments, everything in Derleth will go back to its normal height: people, buildings, furniture, etc. However, the squirrels from outside are now twice the size they were before (they were horse size, now they're more like elephant sized), and they are feisty little shits. About fifteen minutes of rampaging giant squirrels, Derleth will go back to how it was at the beginning of this plot. If you're in the vicinity of Rick and Scott, you will probably hear Rick screaming about NOT FUCKING WITH SQUIRRELS. NEVER FUCK WITH SQUIRRELS.]



Week 17 | Day 2

Has anyone tried riding one of the squirrels yet? You could totally recreate Joust if you did. You know... just instead of an ostrich, it'd be a squirrel.

I'd try but a teeny bit too tiny for it, I think.







[No Subject]

I got into a fight with Dolores There's been a lot of that lately, but I digress. I need and I'm just gonna chill on the couch until she lets me back into our room. Could be a couple of days.

How do you deal with it all?



WEEK 17 | DAY 2

Well, thank fuck I'm not short anymore, but is it just me or does it feel like there's a fucking earthquake happening right now?