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June 1st, 2021




This is all very exciting, and if any of you could point me towards a blacksmith and perhaps a dressmaker, that would be quite wonderful, but I woke up with new memories, and that's the bit that's quite disconcerting. Does that happen often?

[FILTERED TO TEENAGERS (Peter, Steve, Eddie)]

Now lads. If you'll be going out, I can't stop you. But before you go, I want each of you to go to my workshop and take a Shiner. Use it if you need to. And stay in touch.



Fillroy Day One

Thankfully I can eat again and touch things. So much better.

[John Sheppard]

I know we're somewhere knew, but I woke up with a ZPM beside me!



Fillory - Day One (after the coronation)

I know a lot of people are talking about going on quests. I'm going to stick around here, so if you want me to be a point person for the various teams, I can.

Also, has anyone seen Danny this morning? I didn't see him at the coronation and I want to make sure he doesn't wander off and into anything potentially dangerous.



fillory ➢ day 1

Fuck fuck FUCK Just out of curiosity: did anyone else keep the shit we got from the last place? Is it normal for that crap to stick around sometimes? Asking for a friend.



day 1 | fillory

[Eddie + Ms. Adair + Steve]

Okay. I'm just going to say it. I was bit by a radioactive spider and I'm kind of a superhero back home.

And - uhm - do you want to go on a quest?



week 14; day one

Alright. I'm convinced I'm not dreaming, and am also not in Ravka anymore. My dreams have been elaborate but definitely not on this level.

Since I'm still hoping I'm not being hunted in a new land now and have seen a multitude of different technologies and fashion, I could use some help in finding new clothes to fit in. All I have is what I came with and it smells too much like smoke and burnt hair for comfort (better not to ask).