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May. 28th, 2013


bigby; faust; rose; public

We never did find her.

You left your hat.

Were you lucky enough to escape the dreams?

Am I the only one still wary of falling asleep?

May. 5th, 2013


Bay C; Adam W; Public

[Text Message: Bay C]
Hey, boss. The Guzman payment finally came through.

[Text Message: Adam W]


Is it true that people can get pulled through doors if they don't go for too long? That's terrifying!

Apr. 22nd, 2013


faust, bigby wolf

How is life in your little town these days?

Have we ever encountered a boogeyman and I’ve just not noticed?

Apr. 16th, 2013


Adam W; January F

[Locked: Adam W]
I have a job! Also, can we please start talking again? I miss you :(

[Locked: January F]

Apr. 15th, 2013


Phone call to Logan W

[A few days after this.]

Ring, ring.

Apr. 6th, 2013



I guess it would only be fair to give discounts to people on these things. 10% 20% off sound about right? Yeah. Now we just need to make little membership cards.

Apr. 5th, 2013



All right you damn thing, lets see if you can do something good for me.

PI seeks Girl Friday. Flexible hours, some w/e and nights. Must pass criminal background and drug screening. No recently escaped mental patients.

Mar. 27th, 2013



Boy oh boy, journalwebs, do I have news for you. I could tell you right away, but in the great tradition of people loving to make others wait, I'll provide a little background information instead of getting right to it.

As I've mentioned (and some of you have met) before, I have a very tall, very strong wolfman sharing my headspace with me. You know, the artist formerly known as the big bad wolf (I said formerly, crazy woman). The one the residents of Fabletown call their Sheriff. Bigby Wolf. Awesome guy, if a little grumpy at first.

Anyway, apart from having amazing comic books to their names, Bigby and the residents of Fabletown have more awesomeness coming their way. What's that, you ask? A FREAKING VIDEO GAME. Yes, I ran around screaming for five minutes when I read (sorry, Jan). Yes, I keysmashed excessively at everyone I'm friends with on chat. But now I'm calm, and can share the news with the rest of you. It's going to be the absolute best, I'll actually make Bigby stick around when I play (he disappears when I read the comic book because he doesn't want to know), and the rest of you can read about it right here: [A handwritten url]

DC & Marvel: is this how awesome as it feels every time you get something new?

Mar. 25th, 2013



[As "Beast". In his usual fine printed letters.]

It will be an early spring.



I've had enough of job interviews for the moment. I've been in Vegas way too long not to know where the most fun places are. I need some suggestions on what to do to entertain myself. I learn best by example, so it'd be better if you just told me what you yourself like to do around here.

Perhaps with pictures or smoke signals or bursting into song. Actually, no smoke signals. Where there's smoke, there's fire and I'm not explaining to your insurance company that you set your place ablaze trying to send me a smoke signal when the internet exists. They won't pay out, dudes. It's not worth it.

So, anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Mar. 8th, 2013



I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so ridiculously glad to be back in my own body. To the point where I can't stop hugging myself (and Jan). Now that I've lived my non-dream of becoming a shapeshifting wolf, I would like to hide under my blankets until the end of time. I know the world is filled with excitement and adventure but I am not cut out for it. Not even a little. Nope.

Is everyone else okay?

Mar. 3rd, 2013


[as Seven M]

[Logan W]

Fancy a spacewalk, love?

[Liam R]

I don't
I want

You still in one piece?

Feb. 25th, 2013


Adam W

[As Bigby W.]

[Locked: Adam W]


Feb. 19th, 2013


[Public, as "Beast."]

Where are you, Witch?

I think we might meet on more level ground on this side of the Door, and perhaps you will do a better job of staying dead.


Posted from Boy Blue

[Snow White/Tess and Bigby Wolf/Logan]

I'm in Las Vegas. I'm also not perpetually 18 in Las Vegas.

[Rose Red]

Hi. Are you alright?

Feb. 17th, 2013


[Posted from Casey D]

Where's the candy cane forest? I can turn into a chipmunk who wears a cape.

More to come on this developing story later.


[Public, as Daniel W.]

[In beautiful, elegant blackletter typography.]

Cut for language. )

Feb. 14th, 2013


This is a positive Delight, such charming, if Outlandish tales of all your accounts. It is, I suppose, a little like letter-writing to Oneself, if Oneself were more than one. But the very purpose of my coming forward, you see (for the gentleman is so very Bashful one might think him inclined to cling to walls at dances and be a positive Disaster socially) is the date! For so many tales of loves and woes, I cannot help but state what must be acknowledged.

It is a Perfectly positioned day of All Days for a gentleman (if, of course, he should So Desire) to extend the honor of his hand to the Lady of his choosing, for Valentine's Day could not be more romantic! And no one at all in the town can oblige me in this, as they are all either too old or too young or even too married (can you believe it, romance thought dead once matrimony truly complete?)

Someone has to indulge me!

Feb. 13th, 2013


{public, anon}

And let us all give thanks on this auspicious eve for that very special day, coming only once a year, which reminds the alone how very alone they are.


[As "John S."]

Well, I give up. The creepy self-writing book stays.

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