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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/movies%29:+natasha+romanoff'

Aug. 8th, 2022




[Private to Natasha]
Alright, I've had my fun, I'm now ready to do some serious poking.

Starting with my fellow 'doctors' in the hospital. Nothing big, I'm just going to directly confront them about the weirdness going on. If it's a simulation, then maybe I'll break out of it? Or who knows? Maybe they'll respond with hostility. Either way, if you don't hear back from me in oh... half an hour... then something happened to prevent me from contacting you.




I realize I’m a bit late in sharing my concerns about our new location, but I believe we should be troubled by more than just the eccentricities of the locals. I’ve sensed a—

What if I’m wrong?
It would not be the first time

There is something different about this place. I sense that it is more of an existing entity than a static structure. It feels … alive.

Aug. 7th, 2022



Week 42: Lonely City | Day 3

If you haven't wandered through City Park, you might not have seen the carousel there that I own and run. The detail is amazing from an artistic/craftsman point of view. Although one of the horses is broken, the rest are in great condition and it goes fairly fast. Also, it's got the traditional brass/iron ring game which is harder than it seems, but still fun. If you're looking for a way to spend an afternoon, feel free to come on by. There might also be snacks.

Speaking of food, the cast party after the play last week seemed like a good time and since this week has alternating levels of weird and creepy, maybe a party at week's end wouldn't be a bad idea? I'm happy to help with food - as I'm sure others are - if other folks will take care of games and music.

Think we could maybe use your place for a shindig at week's end? I imagine you've got quite the kitchen.

Aug. 3rd, 2022



Day 2 | Friendly City

Well, I've always enjoyed buying incredibly expensive art, so I'm not mad about working for a museum, I guess.

A few quick questions for data:
  1. Does everyone remember Derleth?
  2. Does anyone have actual memories of their life here?
  3. I think most of us are in the apartment building - but who isn't?

ETA: Considering the consistency of responses, please only let me know if you do not remember Derleth, or if you have memories of your life here. I am curious still who isn't in the building.

Aug. 1st, 2022




Looks like I'm without magic this week, but if you need surgery, I'm the Head Surgeon at the generically named Hospital.

Jul. 31st, 2022




So this place is called Megalopolis, but most people just call it The City. Sort of how New Yorkers and people from San Francisco just call it "the city." I seem to have some sort of reputation around here as a slacker. I guess that's what happens when your job is "Trust Fund Baby."

I need to talk to you about Loki. He's been having headaches and some personal and has said that he went to medical to get looked over for them. He told me you found nothing.

But things are still wrong, and he's refusing to get help for the headaches.

I know, doctor/patient confidentiality, but this is something that's transcending the resets and keeps getting worse. Help me out here. Did the scan really turn up with nothing?



day one | the lonely city

I fucked up.

Just remember you forced my hand.

Where the fuck are you?




Days 7, an hour before the reset as usual
Hot tub by the pool area.

Natasha and Loki get high, talk about random stuff and work their way to becoming close again.
Drugs, talk of character death, talk of character disappearances and grief.

Read more... )



Day 7 | Rest Week


back in this place again???

derleth can take all these 🖕🖕🖕🖕 and eat some 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 and put 🖕🖕🖕 on that 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 slice of 🖕🖕🖕🖕 cake

Jul. 30th, 2022



day 6 | rest week


Want to smoke and you help me make a character for D&D?


So I think I have a cr. How many relationships have you been in? I'm going on the assumption that we both suck at keeping them.

Jul. 29th, 2022



[No Subject]

Is there a Julian here? I'd like to talk to him.

Jul. 30th, 2022



rest week | day 6

Since I've already been banged and married a couple of times I should probably introduce myself properly. I'm Melissa. Songbird is the name I use at work and I come from a town in Wyoming you've definitely never heard of. When I was still pretty young I volunteered for an experimental procedure that was attempting to give people super powers and it affected my vocal cords so I can convert sound into hard light to make shields, wings, weapons, basically anything I can think of. I've been on a bunch of teams including our version of the Avengers for a little bit, but mostly the Thunderbolts. I also have half a degree double majoring in criminology and music.

[Clint Barton]
Steve Rogers. My roommate is Steve Rogers.

Jul. 28th, 2022



day six | rest week

For those of you who have only smoked the magic greenhouse weed fresh? Can confirm it tastes better and gets you more high when it's properly dried and cured. Hit me up if you're in need. No charge. Just remember to save your non-super powered drug dealer if zombies attack again or something. I don't have any pipes or paper but I can show you how to use an apple. Uh, we might need more apples.

If El and Dustin haven't figured out there's weed in the greenhouse already, it's only a matter of time. Dustin knows I sell so, if anyone wants them to get the hugs not drugs talk, it probably shouldn't come from me.

You hanging in there?

Okay, so there are wizards and people claiming to be gods and whatever the hell, right? ...Why don't we ask them how to destroy someone like Vecna? Maybe they can give us some fucking magic or some shit?

Jul. 27th, 2022




Will you be attending the play on the last day?

Jul. 25th, 2022




I can't be the only one wanting a little excitement of the non-murderous kind. So let's play


Derleth edition.

Maybe a little murderous. But just in the fictional way.

Jul. 22nd, 2022



Rest Week | Day 3

[Voice post]

"What the shit?! Eddie! Where the hell did you go? Anybody?! Steve, Robin, Nancy! Lucas, do you copy? This is Gold Leader!"

What the hell is this, some kind of BBS? HELLO? This is Gold Leader, looking for the Watergate Quartet, Vecna's Lure, or ANYONE ELSE WHO KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS!



Rest Week - Day 3 (later in the day)

[Private to Natasha]

The update was about Wanda. Has anybody ever told you about the Scarlet Witch yet?

Anyway, she came into contact with the Darkhold, a very dangerous book of dark magic, and was corrupted by its influence.

Jul. 21st, 2022



Week 41: Rest Week | Day 3 (morning)

Fuck, I-

Sorry Derleth, no breakfast from me today. Maybe tomorrrow?

I need to get back home.

[Christine Chapel]
I remember you.



Rest Week: Day 3 | Week 41

[Private to Natasha]

You okay?

Jul. 19th, 2022



day 2 | rest week




Did I frea
I'm not use
You probably don


Want to spar?




[ooc: Posted before the afternoon rehearsal for Much Ado. Before that, anybody that was looking for him wouldn't be able to find him.]

Sheesh. Can't a guy get some alone time?

Kira... everybody... thanks for your concern. I'm alright. Really. It was a little bit between a nightmare and a memory update, and while it was intense at the time, it's okay. This is what? My third update. I know how to handle it. Hell, I've been through worse situations during our weekly outings.

You'll also notice that the Cloak of Levitation also has an updated look. Cloak is doing fine, too.



rest week | first thing day 2

Uhh... so Stephen just woke up screaming and ran out of the room and I'm not really dressed enough to go after him and anyway he probably doesn't want to talk to a teenage girl so can someone who's friends with him see if he's okay?

Jul. 17th, 2022




Okay, miscreants friends. Listen up.

I'm taking over the Failed Derleth School Project™. And before any of you say anything, Natasha is already on board with it and has complete faith in my ability to manipulate mold the minds of the future. So, this is how it's going to work.

    1) Anyone can come to my classes. Age doesn't matter to me. This isn't mandatory so if you want to spend every Void week hanging out at The Strange Pool© no one is going to stop you. This is for anyone who wants to learn something new, collaborate with others, make friendships, or plot a tyrannical rule of another galaxy have something to do instead of sit around waiting for the next disaster.

    2) I'm not looking for help at the moment. Last time there were too many chefs and not enough omelets or whatever. If something comes up and someone else's expertise could be useful, I'll reach out. If this turns into a big thing, I'll ask if someone wants to assist. But for the time being, I'm starting small. I know, surprise surprise, here to keep you on your toes Because if no one shows up there's no point in making a big thing of it. (But also if you want to teach your own thing outside of this fantastic project, by all means, go ahead, I'm not the education police.)

    3) This will not be limited to time in the Void. I'm going to find practical applications of the coursework. And, so far, we haven't been to a world yet where knowledge and learning couldn't be applied to our circumstances.

With that out of the way. The first class will be tomorrow morning after breakfast in Armitage Hall. Room 103. I'm not saying the class will be on Battle Strategy. Nor am I saying that this will be the first in a multi-part course designed to prepare you to fight evil aliens/monsters/space pirates/Lokian invaders, etc. Nor am I saying I will be giving you an insider view into the Villain Perspective™. Nor am I saying that this particular lecture series will end in a group teamwork mission ala Capture the Flag. But I'm not not saying any of those things. What I am saying is that anyone who attends at least 60% of the classes will be allowed to babysit the school mascot, Mischief. He is feisty and will be training alongside us because he is a son of chaos. and I'm afraid to leave him alone in my room because he might tear up my good leather pants

If you think you're going to attend, let me know so I can figure out how many knives to bring.

Hope you got my note about taking over your thing. ♥

Jul. 16th, 2022



Day One | Rest Week

I've been to quite a few planets in my lifetime, but this? This does not look like any of them. Did I not make it out of the Geth Consensus?

Nice airplane trick, by the way. Might any kind soul point me in the direction of where I can get a hot shower and maybe sleep for a few days?

Jul. 15th, 2022



week 41 (rest week); day one

Well since you’re all back now, and things are being proposed for the week, I’m going to go ahead and propose a fucking party of sorts. Whether its a board game one that me and Mal once hosted or a non-magical karaoke party, whatever.

I think we just need a get together that doesn’t involve fucking fairies.

Filter: Orlin
I need some bandages.



REST WEEK: Day 1; super early

Okay, so Loki and I took a jog around campus this morning. Everything seems to be normal void behavior at the moment. Nothing's overly large, we both have our memories, and the magical sky the other Loki made is still out. Somehow even more serene. Kitchens are stocked as usual (even has some of the fresh veg and fruits we snagged in Los Angeles, it seems), the pool's back to the way Strange made it, and the Green is full of its interesting creatures. And the squirrels.

All in all, it's pretty nice out after the last two weeks.

Now, that's not to say that something won't happen. We all know that things have happened at various points during void weeks, so just be aware that it's possible something will happen. At this point, it's almost a guarantee.

I'd like to propose something. Some of us have been in Derleth a long time in Derleth standards. I think it's time we take Strange's idea and expand on it. Keyleth's help last week with growing the vegetables and fruit for the survivors made me think this is something we should do here. I'm going to be taking out some trees and planting some various seeds. Keyleth, I was hoping you'd be interested in helping me test to see if it'll stick around after the next reset. If it does, we can expand the area a bit for a variety of things.

On the subject of Mobius's disappearance: You all know that Mobius and Eliot were working on a way to get a stable place for us. Mobius has disappeared, but his work is still here. Anyone with science knowledge would be helpful in looking over his notes and seeing what we can do to keep that going. Stability is something we take for granted, so I'd like to get back on track with that.

And finally, I'd like to work on the campus a bit. Maybe do some repairs on buildings, like the Greenhouse. The windows are busted there, and I'd like to keep the orchids and elf weed there. Whatever needs a hot house. I'm not really a plant expert, so if you have any experience, I'd love a few volunteers.

And thirdly, if this is your first time at the "real" Derleth, welcome home.

If you're not alive again, I'm going to kill you both.




Hello there

I do not wish to be an alarmist, but there appears to be a large contingent of these aforementioned zombies approaching the south side of the campus. They're currently at least a mile out and their speed is lethargic, but if anyone would like to join me in heading them off at the pass I will be about three hundred meters out from the campus.

Perhaps a few of the young people I crossed paths with at the Crystal River Mall would consider assisting me? Most of y All of you handled yourselves admirably against those creatures.

I see there is already another Ben among the group, so you may call me Obi-Wan. Sorry for the late introduction. I was a caught up in a bad neighborhood for most of the week.

Jul. 14th, 2022



the walking dead | day 7

Morning everyone. Gotta say, I have not been this excited for a reset in ages. We've still got 18ish hours here though so I'd really like to do another airdrop of supplies for the locals if anyone was keeping anything back waiting to see if they needed it. Remember things you came with like spare ammo reset with you as well.

Tomorrow's another void week so hopefully we'll be back to our normal looking Derleth with the full Green and power and running water. Try not to hog the showers too much or Captain America will be very disappointed in you.

Jul. 13th, 2022




Day 6
From town to campus

A Boy Scout lands in Derleth's zombie apocalypse and runs into something who is familiar and yet.... not.
Zombie gore!

Read more... )

Jul. 12th, 2022



day 6 | walking dead


I'm in what probably was the journalism building. There are reports, dated ten years ago, talking about a virus that was compared to a really bad upper respiratory infection.

And things went South.




The Walking Dead - Day Six

I'm going to miss the rabbit. He was funny.

But I was told he left and returned before, so it's possible it'll happen again. It's always possible.

Jul. 10th, 2022




Magicians/Wizards/Sorcerers/Mages: Do any of you have skills in growing things? I suspect the survivors' base probably has some fields growing food, considering there's no much to scavenge around here. Anyone wanna give them a boost? I know magic is on the fritz, but we can try.

Donations: I'm not asking anyone to give up their rations, but if you find it in your heart, we're taking donations of anything useful to supply drop on the survivors we've found. They're skittish as both Pike and Steever have mentioned, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help them. We have two and a half days left here, they have who knows how long. Anything you wanna donate, I'll be waiting with boxes.

Fliers: Sam Wilson has volunteered, but if anyone else can, it would be much appreciated.



between day 4/5 | the walking dead

Okay, so good news first? Stevie and Peter are completely fine and safe.

The bad news? They sort of ran into some survivors and they weren't friendly. I mean, Stevie and Peter were friendly, the survivors weren't, I mean. But no one got hurt! Mostly they just wanted to know where all of you were located? There were kind of a lot of threats? But like I said, it's fine now! The survivors don't know we're on campus. Pretty sure But yeah, trying to reason with them didn't work.

Uh, also I could use a name? Starker sounds too close to Starver, so that's out. Peevie sounds too close to peeved. Maybe some kind of crystal spider thing? That could be cool? What do you guys think?




Day 2
Near an elementary school and then a random house in the neighborhood.

Loki is taking out his feelings on zombies. Natasha is looking for supplies. They run into one another on a playground. And end up reconciling.
A whole lot of zombie gore, body horror, a couple who had a suicide pact. Seriously, this is a pretty zombieriffic log.

Read more... )



Day 4, Early Evening | The Walking Dead

Filtered to Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton

Bouncey and I doubled back after the shitshow at the Mall. Apart from being down some arrows, we actually pulled together a tidy haul, I think.

Since he did the tally last time, this is what I came up with. Saw one some of the posts that the Steve guy isn't around anymore Sorry about that but if you feel this list should be forwarded to anybody else, let me know.

And now the Grand Assessment:

- Small tool set for jewelry repair. Fine tools, quality assortment.
- Bunch of colorful fabric scraps (bandages?)/gauze from something called Build-a-Bear (Honestly I thought the Orlesians were weird)
- Needle set and sewing thread.
- Inks and half a bottle of sanitizer from a tattoo parlor.
- Paper from the parlor, maybe a ream's worth. Semi waxy but good enough for the ink.
- 6 ceramic mugs, mostly with rude pictures on them.
- Few extra shirts, varying sizes, mostly decorated with vulgar pictures or phrases according to Bouncey (Humans! Love you!!)
- 6 bags of dry stuff Bouncey says is called 'pasta'. Shaped like genetalia. (I'm dying over here.)
- Handful of some disc shaped pins that can be polished to be reflective.
- 2 Large "plastic" bins (we can both fit in one each)
- 10 "Bungey cords", most around 6 ft length but the stretch out.
- A collapsable platform with a set of wheels, can fit the bins with the bungies.
- 2 sets bow and 'firearm' (whatever those are) repair kits/cleaning sets
- 1 fire poker
- 1 fire shovel
- 7 protein bars. Apparently have a lot of 'calories' and nutrients in them, though they feel like jerky blocks to me.

Getting the box of protein bars caused a bit of a ruhkus and attracted some half-feral humans Bouncey says aren't from the campus, so we skiddadled after that. Probably not worth facing the shamblers or feral humans to head back, for a while. At least in the time-fream we're working with.

So, we can do weapon repair and cleaning and camp out, maybe use the big bins and the dolly to bring back a bigger supply of water from that river you were talking about. He reckons this plastic stuff will hold it pretty well, and we didn't take the one we took turns trying out so apart from the smell (which he says is normal) they're pretty clean.

We did use up a few bolts each looking out for those kids, but both still have ammo. I'm down to 8.




If we could all just stop being stupid for like five minutes that would be great. Thanks.

Are you fucking serious?

Do you have veterinary experience?

Any change in the magic department?

Do you want to talk about things?

Your girlfriend is still annoying everyone about not being able to find you. So if you're not either dead or Sleeping Beauty-ing it up, we're all going to be really peeved. [...] But don't be like zombie dead. Nobody wants to see you looking ewww and all.

Jul. 9th, 2022




You still doing okay? I promised that if you weren't I'd keep a better eye on you, so let me know if I need to be watching you sleep or anything.

I also promised not to make things awkward. I won't watch you sleep.

I think I I messed up.

Jul. 8th, 2022




Good News & Bad News

Good News: Ed and I found some tins of food (no telling what they are or if they're still good) and some other random supplies. They're in the kitchen.

Bad News: Zombies might not be our only problem. Ran into some not-zombies who are fairly well armed and unfriendly. Seemed to be human, but didn't stick around to find out.

[Captain's Club - Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson]
Any of you ever get put on a strike system by Bucky?

Thanks again for patching me up.



day (?) | walking dead

[ hours after the mall excursion. ]

Rogers and I decided to go on a spiritual journey. See you all next reset.

Jul. 9th, 2022



the walking dead | day 4

Well, I was hoping we'd have found a decent water source by now, but since we're still limping along it's probably prudent to mention I do have my magical coffee flask from a couple of months ago. Coffee's hardly ideal and I have no idea whether there's a limit as to how much will come out of it but we're not exactly in a position to be picky when it comes to keeping sixty-odd people hydrated for another half week.