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July 9th, 2022




Is there anyone willing to watch my dog? I'd like to go out scavenging and maybe finding some better animals for, you know, the arrowing, but I don't wanna risk him getting zombie-handled.



walking dead | day ??

What in the hell is going on?? Heard something that sounded awfully monster-like and — the demogorgon, it was just here. Oh damnit did we lose it

Aw you gotta be kidding me. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME.

[...some time later]

Zombies don't seem to burn as nicely as I'd hoped. That's what these walking corpses are, right? Does this thing even work



the walking dead | day 4

Well, I was hoping we'd have found a decent water source by now, but since we're still limping along it's probably prudent to mention I do have my magical coffee flask from a couple of months ago. Coffee's hardly ideal and I have no idea whether there's a limit as to how much will come out of it but we're not exactly in a position to be picky when it comes to keeping sixty-odd people hydrated for another half week.



the walking dead | day 4

Hello? I appreciate the letter. A paper airplane's better than a creepy doll. I still have questions. Does this have anything to do with Russians? Is there any way to contact home? What do I do if I run into a zombie?

More questions will come as I think of them.



Day 4 | Walking Dead


You've probably heard if you didn't see. I got bit.

Already running a fever, so I holed up with Rose and barricaded ourselves in.

Promise me you'll be around next week, and that if you're seeing me on your magic screen you won't watch. Nobody needs to see this, and we're as good as we can be in the meantime.

Sorry, pal.




You still doing okay? I promised that if you weren't I'd keep a better eye on you, so let me know if I need to be watching you sleep or anything.

I also promised not to make things awkward. I won't watch you sleep.

I think I I messed up.







the walking dead | day 4

[Steve Rogers]
Steve. Why am I internally debating whether it would be better if you got bit by a zombie or decided to run away with a teenage girl?