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July 3rd, 2022








What do you need?



Walking Dead | Day 2

There's been some talk about trying to move people from the first floor up to higher floors, just as an added measure of security. There seem to be enough empty rooms on higher floors - plus some peoples roommates are still in the void. It might not be the worst idea.

At least the stars here are familiar - which makes nighttime navigation easier. If anyone needs a crash course in navigating by the stars or finding the north star, let me know.

Some of us made a rough map of the area yesterday. It's incomplete, but hanging next to the doors inside Butler. Feel free to add to it.

Added later:

I'll be doing crash courses in astronomy & navigating by the stars an hour after sunset and an hour before sunrise.

I'm willing to spar if you need/want.



walking dead | day 2

Exploring northeast I found decent enough sized stream near what was probably a high school. It took me around an hour to walk there - might take less time under different circumstances, but there's a lot between here and there.

I can't guarantee cleanliness at this point, but if we could start fires, we could boil it.

If there's a group that's willing to come out with me, let's make that today's priority. Also, any ideas on transport - I'm open to hearing them.

I saw you were on the other campus? Is everything alright there?



The Walking Dead | Day 2

As it turns out, guns are a bad idea against these zombies. While they are efficient in killing them, the noise draws more and more. The fact that they move slowly is definitely a saving grace. Stay quiet, stay in pairs or groups (I'm talking to you, Vax), and find any long-range weapon you can.

If I find the right supplies, I could probably rig up a decent ballista, but it would take me a few days. If anyone else has suggestions for building up our defenses on campus, let me know. We really don't want the undead to get too close.



[No Subject]

Orlin Dax & Marc Spector / Steven Grant
Pilot - The Green, Day One | In the wilderness of the Green | PG13

While scouting and looking for food, these two happen to bump into one another and Marc reveals a little bit about his ‘secret’. .

Read more... )



Walking Dead - Day 2

Loki, I have just heard of Mobius' disappearance. You two were very close, and I'm very sorry for your loss. If there is anything I may do for you, let me know.



week 40 (walking dead); day two (early)

Filter: Void peeps
Hello, fellow sitting ducks. Want to help be more useful than we feel right now?

Unfiltered portion added after the discussion
So just a general FYI and for the sake of total transparency, those of us in the void are going to keep an eye out for you all from this side of Derleth since we can all see you. If that's going to be an issue for anyone, well.. you're living among zombies right now so hopefully, it's not going to be. These are the times I have for people watching:

0:00 - 6:00
Primary: Bucky Barnes
Secondary: Allison Hargreeves

6:00 - 12:00
Primary: Silena Beauregard
Secondary: Lara Croft

12:00 - 18:00
Primary: Paul Atreides
Secondary: Hugh Christian

18:00 - 00:00
Primary: Lara Croft
Secondary: Bucky Barnes




So I got that part. Borachio from Much Ado About Nothing.

Guess it's a good thing I've read it in three different languages.
[Trigger Warning: Content that talks about homosexuality in the 1980s.]



day 2 | walking dead

mr sandman bring me a dream
It's the witching hour and Ronan tries to dream up a security system for Derleth, but Derleth said no...On the other side, Julia, Mal, and Carver watch helplessly.

pg 13 | language | gore




I’m not really in a place where I can talk right now. Emotionally, that is. Not like I’m surrounded by a horde of zombies or anything. Not anymore at least. But if you need someone’s ear … Just, I’ll be around. Not that you need to talk to me. There are probably better people to talk to. Scratch that. There are definitely better people. But I can listen. If you want me to.