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July 1st, 2022



The Walking Dead - Day One

Anybody else's magic on the fritz?

This is going to be a loooooong week.

Day 1 | The Walking Dead

Um did everyone leave?

Is anyone still here? I know it's morning but the campus usually isn't this quiet...I don't see anyone else around.



Day 1 | Walking Dead

[Nancy Wheeler, Eleven, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson]
I think I got this filter thing down?

Not totally important. Hey, everyone let me know you're good. This weekly restart thing is throwing me.



Day 1 | Walking Dead

Yes, hello, I have a question: what in the actual fuck?



Day 1 | Walking Dead

I'm usually one to keep my head down and try to avoid being noticed but...well, I'll admit that I'm entirely out of my league here.

After an hour disassociating from everything I've ever thought possible and browsing this network to get an idea of what is going on, I've managed to...get on board(?) with the circumstances and am assured that I am not, in fact, losing my fucking mind.

My name is Agathon, I'm from New York City. I'm not entirely sure how I might be able to help but, if I can, I will.




All right, everyone. I went snooping outside the boundaries of the campus since it doesn't look particularly void-y (I know, I know... don't go anywhere alone, it's a flaw and I swear I'll work on it one of these days when it comes back to bite me harder than I feel like it should) and aside from everything we already know, positive or negative? I have good news, bad news, and worse news. We'll just go in that order, shall we?

GOOD NEWS: It seems we're in a town? City? ...there are buildings around, but I didn't go so far as to find out just how large a settled place we're situated in. Not the middle of nowhere at least, so it might be easier to scavenge ourselves a few things.

BAD NEWS: "Buildings" is about the most descriptive I can be of what's out there in the immediate vicinity. What's around looks long abandoned and in terrible shape, and at least the places closest to us look absolutely torn apart for supplies.

WORSE NEWS: I didn't see many people. Any people, perhaps? I don't know how much experience everyone has with the undead, but what people I did see seemed... that. Shambling, maybe not entirely whole but still making their way around, much more interested in a slow lurch in my direction than conversation. There were only a couple of them that I saw, but I didn't stick around to let them get close enough for a better look at them. I took the most roundabout way back here I could, so hopefully I lost them before I could lead them to our collective doorstep.

So... there's some information for us. Definitely seconding the below wisdom of not venturing out alone, especially if you're keen to get a better look at what's out there. (You know how it is, do as I say and not as I do. Let me learn from your example. Other sage words so you won't get yourself killed out there.)




Has anyone seen Loki? My Loki, not the long haired one or the alligator. We usually do our resets on the roof, but when I got there, there was just a scorch mark on the roof. He never showed up. There was no notice that he disappeared.

He's not answering his door, and he's not on the roof of the theater. His old roommate left, and I don't know who his new one would be.



the walking dead | day 1

No power. No water. Awesome.

Is everyone back okay?

Good morning Derleth and welcome to an exciting new week. So far we have determined that we have:

• No power
• No running water
• No food
• No medical supplies

Signs are that there has been some fighting, but hard to say yet if that was the main cause of the situation or a consequence in the aftermath of whatever went down. A lot of us have done this dance before but for anyone who's newer, standard guidelines for a hostile environment - don't go out alone/without telling anyone, advise everyone of any useful information or resources you find, and food and medicine go a lot further when they're handled centrally. If you think you need a weapon or if you have extra you can loan out let us know.

We'll probably want to make bandages from any spare linens we've got around and dig latrines a bit away from the buildings. We can collect limited clean water from toilet tanks if someone hasn't thought of that already, otherwise we need to find a source and set up a means of filtration. If you find large sheets of paper and things to draw with get them to the cafeteria, between scouts and arty types we can try to come up with a map of the area so we know where's good and where to avoid.

Another note for newer people: if you look at the icons on your screen there should be one that links to the skills list. It looks like it might need updating, so if you want to add yourself anywhere leave a comment for Nat.

Last thing for now, if your roommate is one of the ones who didn't come back from the ball please confirm they're safe.



Day 1 | The Walking Dead

Alright, well I guess most of you noticed by now that there seems to be two Derleths, one here in the void and another one with the location Sam was describing.

If you happen to be here in the void, feel free to comment here. I'd just like to get a good idea of who we have, I know friends are still trying to find each other.

The good news is that we seem to be able to continue to share the same network, so at least we have communication. I am in no way a leader I don't know what else to



Day 1 | The Walking Dead

So, what the actual hell is with this magic teleportation, and why does it keep happening?

Andraste's ass, I preferred those woods and regular ruins. This shit is... creepy. Smells like the Fade around here took a turn for the darker.

Inquisitor, you around? Chuckles?



week 40 (walking dead); day one

I woke up, thought my roommate disappeared, scoffed in frustration and decided to go back to bed before waking up again and checking the network.

What actually happened last night?

Filter: Eleven
Did you make it out of there okay?? I'm so sorry I lost track of you.



day 1 | walking dead

For some reason, I didn't think that we would end up in some zombie apocalypse. Who else is missing Vegas?


What supplies are we in need of?


You want to come check out this town or whatever?


I totally never asked this but how does one join the Hellfire Club?




This week's a huge deviation from the norm in some aspects.

» For most of us, it seems, we're in a world that I'm assuming has been decimated by a zombie apocalypse. We have no water or electricity. The kitchens and clinic have been raided. Even the theater's been picked over for clothing. We are not on the usual Derleth campus. The Green is an overgrown lawn, and the rest of Derleth spreads out from these buildings. Reminiscent of a few other alternate Derleths with full campuses.

» For some, they are on our "normal" campus in the void.

» We can communicate between the two through the network, but that seems to be it at the moment. I would recommend being prepared in case Derleth throws a trick at us and spits one campus into the other, with bonus zombies. It may not happen, but we also haven't had split Derleth's like this so I would be prepared for anything. UPDATE: The TVs on the void campus are showing those of us in the zombie world.

» Butler Hall has returned to what it was when I first arrived: regular dormitories, two people to a room. This could be because we're not on our usual campus. Has anyone tested the wards on the rooms? They weren't working last week. UPDATE: THEY ARE DOWN.

» The zombies, or undead, are shambling so they're slow, but we don't know the layout of this area, so I wouldn't suggest going anywhere alone. You could easily get backed into a corner with a whole bunch of zombies. Most zombie lore says they like to eat human flesh. Need to assess the zombies more.

» Magic appears to be on the fritz. So so super powers for some. If you're experiencing this, please let me know.

» One of the Lokis has been missing since the night of the reset. He was not among our people who turned to stone and didn't return from the ball.

I'm asking you all to please not go outside alone, and do not go without some kind of weaponry. Make the least amount of noise you can, and check in with people often.

I've been updating the list of non-fighting skills. Please let me know if there's anything you want to add.



the walking dead | day one

So this is a post for all the magic users out there.

I'm attempting to work on the magic issue. There are, as far as I can tell, two possible causes.

One: The flow of magical energy is basically non-existent. Unless any of you have acquired any personal stores of energy or batteries on you, or want to try your hand sleeping with one of the resident gods, there's not much that can be done about that.

Two: The circumstances of the planet are fucked. Thankfully, I do have Brakebills' very own circumstance control panel. If anyone would like to try and provide assistance, I'll get it set up in the library. It has a short range but maybe we can use it to get some wards back up around campus.

And if anyone else has any ideas...?



week 40 (walking dead); day one

Well. I miss you all, already.

Filter: Orlin
Did you make it out okay?

Filter: Hugh
So much for hoping for a quiet week for rehearsals.