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April 6th, 2022



ark | day 2

Based on my exploration outside the valley and what other people have described I've come up with a map showing the area to hopefully help anyone still trying to find the place.

I personally think the north-eastern entrance is the easiest to find - if you look carefully among the trees you can see the beginnings of the path where the vegetation on the ground has stopped growing. It might be worth some of us cutting the trees there down to make it more visible, especially since we'll need the wood anyway to improve our shelter. I'm also wondering if we should prioritise putting some kind of gate up on each entrance to keep the nastier things out, but it would need to be pretty sturdy and made of stone at the least. At least the bizarrely simplified version of building things we have here doesn't seem to allow for poor construction quality. It's just all either there or it's not.



dino island | day three

So I continue to have some kind of healing ability. Anyone else experience this? Is it just me? It makes this world mildly less terrifying.

Meanwhile, I've taken inventory of all the island's various berries for your safe consumption after an earlier incident on the network. You're welcome.

Completely Safe:
Red: Kind of cherry looking, taste is similar.
Blue: Look like a raspberry or blackberry shape, taste is in that vein.
Purple: Sort of shaped like a blueberry but not particularly sweet.
Yellow: Doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't have a comparable flavor.

Just Say No To Drugs:
Dark Purple/Almost Black: Also shaped like a blueberry. These berries are 100% a narcotic. Not sure if it's the healing factor or they're not dangerous but at least this week they're impossible to OD on. So not not safe, but maybe not safe if you're in the middle of nowhere.

White: Somewhere between caffeine and cocaine. Tastes bitter as fuck, dehydrates you worse than alcohol which equals instant headache unless you immediately get some water but does act as a handy antidote to the black narcotic berries.

Anyone not find somewhere safe to wait out the week?







DINO ISLAND - DAY THREE (early morning)

Private to Natasha
Got another one of those memory updates. Not as bad as the last one, but it's still a doozy.

Private to Loki
How many times have you died so far?



dino island | day three

Motherfucking fucking fuck.

I died, only it turns out my phone was on my body. Took me two fucking days to get my shit back.

So, if there's someone you haven't heard from or isn't responding on the network, there's that.

Seriously, fuck the swamp.




My sister is gone. We were going to hang out together, I was going to show her my goats. She was going to use her horn to summon Valkyries.

And we never did.

I never got to know her.



day 3 | dino island

She was right fucking there. I literally blinked and she was gone.

First Sweeney and now Sylvie. What the hell good is this ring good for if the people I care about go back? Don't think either of them wanted to go back too.

Going to find that narc




I apologize for not being available to assist with any medical emergencies. I woke up in a nest on the first day and seem to have attracted the rather stern attention of a very affectionate mother dinosaur. I think she believes me to be one of her recently hatched egglings I am working to extricate myself from the situation, but she has something of a temper. And a very hard head. But no need to worry! I’m fine. Totally fine. totally sick of being fed raw meat though Hope everyone else is doing well!