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November 15th, 2021




Anyone got any objections to me trying to Flat Earth our void when we get back? And by that, I mean: use some kind of projector to give us SOME sort of sky that isn't creepy ass white with no sun. IDK, various planet shit. I've got a whole bunch of planets I've been do, I could take those images and turn them into a rotating night and day with different views each day.

No, this won't fuck with the actual void. It's literally just a projector.




Besides the incredibly noisy machines, I quite enjoy this city. So many different kinds of people in one area. I don't think I've ever seen this many people living on top of one another. Even Orlando didn't have this issue. I suppose you get used to the noise and the people.

Does anyone happen to know a place I can get herbs and various magical items here? I understand magic is not something they have here, but that doesn't mean their items won't work for me.



NYC '83 | Day 7

NYC '83, Day 7 | Natasha's Swanky Apartment | Night

Loki and Natasha have a few too many drinks. Some things are said that can no longer be unsaid.

Some angst.

... )





On the seventh day at precisely 1:32 AM, the campus once more resets. Everyone trapped in the experiment falls unconscious (if not sleeping already) only to wake up sometime afterward in their assigned bed, in their assigned room, in their assigned dorm in the exact condition they arrived, wearing the precise clothing they arrived in.

What remains of Derleth University has returned to its gentle void so all its guests may recuperate peacefully. The dinning hall kitchens have been restocked, along with supplies you might normally find in other buildings. So far, so good, right?

The void itself is an unsettling endless white. Almost as if the university has locked itself away in a brilliant white room, but with no discernible ground, horizon, walls or edge. You can step outside the campus, walk for hours as if you've traveled a long distance, but when you turn around the buildings of campus are only several feet away. The void is safe, but after a time can also be terribly dull.


Who the fuck are all these people that showed up?

All at the exact same time? And while they all have network access, none of them have keys to get into any of the rooms to have their own bed?

No, seriously. Who the fuck are all these people?


This got long so it's going behind a cut tag. )

  1. Carter Hall was destroyed. A large black monolith has taken its place. It's creepy. Don't touch it. Bad things happen when you touch it. Those who did still get occasional nightmares. At least it keeps the "ghosts" on the second and third floors relatively quiet?

  2. The Green has been expanded into a small wilderness. No longer a glorified field, there are trees and strange animals beyond the squirrels (details at infodesk). Fandral even made a pretty little clearing in it for all your campfire needs.

  3. There's a stable, built by Fandral and Loki, in progress, for those of you who end up with larger animals that need a nice little shelter to stay in.

  4. There's a small bar inside Dexter Hall but it is currently out of stock. Or is it? There was talk of folks getting supplies but I don't know if people decided to share or not and stock the bar.

  5. Peasley Theater does have a wardrobe for new arrivals to browse through and pick up some extra clothing. Better than just having the clothes on their back until they can do their own shopping.

  6. Sometimes this weird guy comes on TV. For those of you with some psychic ability, you might get his videos to show up on purpose. Here, here, and here.

  7. The campus still has ghosts. Most the really bad ones have been dealt with, but ghosts are a little more common than they used to be now. Oops.


I made an NPC journal and replied to the comment on the sign up page! How to I join the game with them?
Be logged in as your NPC journal and go to your manage invites page to accept your invitation to the IC com. I am not adding NPC journals to the OOC or info coms because I am lazy. NPC journals will be removed from game at the end of the plot.
So the NPCs don't have housing assignments or keys? Where will they be staying this week?
Yes, that will be a problem that characters will have to figure out this week. XD
Isn't there some kind of monster on the other side of the void that comes out at night?
I mean, this is a pretty under developed plot. Some folks have seen glimpses of something trying to get into the campus from the other side of the void. It can bend the void and try to hurt you from the other side. HMU if you want to pitch an event or NPC this mysterious monster trying to break in. Otherwise, it'll be a background maybe problem until it gets its chance to shine in its own unique plot.
What if I didn't want to request any NPCs or play any NPCs.
That's fine. This was a totally optional plot, meant to give people a chance to try on a new character or get an interaction they likely weren't going to get otherwise. You can basically treat this as a rest week.
But wait! I've fallen in love with my character and want to play them for realsies now.
Cool! You need to contact all the character's lines and get permission, just like you would for a regular hold. Make an official hold, which will be due at the end of the plot on 11/30. Get your application in before the 30th and your character will remain (and end up with a key and room assignment the following IC week).
But if I'm not keeping my NPC what happens to them?
They disappear right before the reset and a disappearance notification will go off.
I'm a slacker and I didn't fill out an NPC form yet but now I wanna.
Why do you hate my face?
Something something bananas.
I'm likely missing more questions you might have. HMU in the comments and I will address any additional concerns or questions you might have.




So there's a lot of new faces around.

Don't panic.

On all sides.

For the new arrivals: you're in a pocket dimension. We don't know who did it or why, but a good chunk of us have been here for months. Every week, the campus resets to the way it was this morning. Most people fall asleep or go unconscious during the reset and wake up in their rooms. The reset includes you. However you arrived, whatever condition you were in and the clothing you were wearing resets as well. If you're injured, please flag me down. You probably have a key on you somewhere. Look for it. If you don't, let me know and we'll figure out a place for you to stay.

If you're new here, introduce yourself. If you're not, introduce yourself. Let's try to keep it in this one place so people don't get lost.

I'll start. I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm from a dimension with superheroes, if you know what those are. If you don't, it's people with powers or abilities who used it to protect our planet and the people on it.

Now you go.

(For people who offered their services, I'm going to need people to check our stores for food, medical supplies, and clothing.)