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July 28th, 2021



a sizeable problem | day 06

[On the Leverage comms]
HARRY WHAT DID YOU DO? Eliot? Bre, Sophie? ANYONE? Bueller.



Day 6 | A Sizeable Problem




A Sizeable Problem | Day 06

And here I thought I'd left my college days behind me.



Week 17 | Day 6 | Evening

Margo Hanson & Fandral
Day Six, evening | Margo's room | NSFW

There's sex, talking about feelings, and the phrase god jizz.
Did I mention there's sex? This is NSFW.

. . . )



a sizeable problem | day 06

This is weird. But apparently this is the way you people communicate???

Hello you internet people. I'm Parker.



[No Subject]

Who: Steve Rogers and Wanda Maximoff.
What: Enjoying being normal sized, Steve makes a visit.
Where: Wanda's room.
When: Week 17 (A Sizeable Problem); Day 6.
Rating: Low.
Status: Closed; In progress.

snipsnip )