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May 23rd, 2021



week thirteen ➢ day four

Do you have a minute? There's something I need to tell you, and I'm opening up with "I'm sorry" because I really messed this up.

We've got a problem.



day 4 | body swap

Has anyone seen Gar around? Green dude with a bat fang.



Week 13, Day 4

All right, this is my third time attempting to post on the network, so let's hope it's the charm.

Unfortunately, I am not posting anything good. Ravi's gone. All of his stuff has disappeared from our room.

I'm still around, just... kind of spectral.



week thirteen ➢ day three

WHO Body swap AU!Spock & Leona "Bones" McCoy • WHERE Along the edge of The Green • WHEN Week 13, Day 3
Why couldn’t she push this complicated tangle of emotions away? WARNINGS Anxiety, PTSD, and mentions of death.
Spock's emotionally compromised. Please hold while we redirect your call. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark
What: Late night visit
Where: Room 505
When: Middle of the night between Day 2 and Day 3
Warnings: some sexual banter
Status: complete

Darcy was starting to get the feeling that this wasn’t a booty call )



[No Subject]

Perhaps I ought to be slightly more disconcerted as to my rather sudden arrival here, but first and foremost, I wanted to thank you for the lovely letter! How'd you make it fly? Is it a Turn?

But I have slightly more pressing inquiries - where or to whom should I go to if I wanted to acquire some copper, and perhaps also come to decision as to where to stake a claim for a possible workshop? I will need clay as well. And various others tools.

And I suppose it wouldn't do me much good to go poking inside of this interesting typer teletyp communicator?