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March 31st, 2021



New Plot -- ENDOR -- April 1st to April 15th!

Endor (Star Wars)

You know the drill. At the end of seven days, at precisely 1:32 AM, the campus once more resets. Everyone trapped in the experiment falls unconscious (if not sleeping already) only to wake up sometime afterward in their assigned bed, in their assigned room, in their assigned dorm in the exact condition they arrived, wearing the precise clothing they arrived in.

This time the campus is situated in the middle of a great forest. Seemingly peaceful at first, the trees are towering and impressive. There are two suns, and those who are bright might catch onto the fact that they aren't on a planet, but a moon orbiting a much larger planet.

But you didn't really think it would be that simple, did you?

Problem One: mother fucking Ewoks. You might not find them on the second day, but by day two or three, they sure have found you. The Ewoks are extremely clever hunters, and all of you look perfect for feasting.

Problem Two: the Galactic Empire. The Empire is in the process of completing a base for their new and improved Death Star. If you don't run into Ewoks, the space fascists might not take kindly to spies that could give up the location to their top secret operation.


✺ Star Wars is hard because every fandom makes Star Wars references. MCU, Rick and Morty, all of them. So please bare with me on the liberal amounts of handwavium that will need to be used this week.

✺ While characters might not recognize Endor, Ewoks, or The Empire please feel free to make references like "I have a bad feeling about this" or "IT'S A TRAP" or anything else that would be fun.

✺ Again, liberal doses of handwavium, people. Please feel free to resume Star Wars references after this plot.

✺ Fun Fact: this was originally going to be the first plot of the game. Then we had a Luke and Leia and I knew it wasn't going to work in the evil Ewok-bastard way I wanted. Then this plot was supposed to be Hoth because I wanted to do something Star Wars and then Texas happened so the murderous Ewoks are back, baby!





Hey, we've got trees outside. Giant trees. Like redwood forest in California giant. Maybe even bigger. Really beautiful.

Until you look up and see we're not in Kansas anymore. Binary suns and I'm pretty sure that's either a moon or a planet. One of us is orbiting the other. Guess we'll figure that out as the day goes on then, huh?