MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'hei'

Nov. 4th, 2013



Wonderland Event — Dome-wide mingle

[ There were blankets set out in the lush parks of the prison, and on top a feast was spread out. Fine china and chubby pots of tea, delicate cake trays filled with tarts, biscuits and sandwiches; yes, anything the hungry and weary prisoners could wish for was laid out for their convenience.

The sun was shining brightly and a playful breeze rustles the leaves of the trees. Surely a wonderful day for a tea party! ]

((ooc: Mingle for your mingling needs! Event information can be found here! ))

Nov. 1st, 2013



243 // audio + action

[ It's been a long day. An eternity or perhaps just a few minutes, seconds, heartbeats since he woke up to an empty bed and an even emptier apartment. It wasn't too hard to swallow back the panic at first, keep it at bay with positive thinking and the stubborn task of looking in every nook and cranny, of testing the line over and over and over again because sooner or later he would turn up. He'd pick up the call. He was probably just busy, or out in Sector 6 or taking a bath.

He'd show up, sooner or later.

Morning turns to day turns to evening and he's still alone. By now the panic is all-consuming, squeezing at his heart until he can't even breathe. Fingers shaking, Aidan flicks on the audio feed. One last ditch effort. ]

Has anyone- [ But he stops himself there. Sometimes you know the answer all too well. So well that you don't want it confirmed more than you've already done yourself. He draws a deep breath, steadies himself for another short minute. ]

If anyone wants t' know... I know he had a few friends here. Probably more than he knew. Helix is...

Helix is gone.

[ With that he cuts the feed, abruptly, tugs the headpiece off just as frantically before heading down to the beach. He can't think of any other place to go. ]

((ooc: Anyone is welcome to find him down at the beach! Audio responses will be icly delayed seeing as he's pretty damn heartbroken, but they will be responded to eventually. ))

Sep. 18th, 2013



[Day 237] Fear of Abandonment Therapy mingle

 [The call to those placed in abandonment therapy simply says to head to the Sector 5 prayer facility, and that's all-- not even that this has to do with those insecure feelings of yours. Posted arrows point the way down to the meditation room that has been filled up with several tables, two completely lined with coffees, teas, and bite sized refreshments ranging from cookies and pastries to sliced fruit and veggies. Plates and napkins are stacked up, and if you want a fork, they're there too.

The third table is larger and round, for that feeling of closeness, with chairs set up and for each seat a set of papers is waiting neatly on the table surface along with a pen. Topmost is a questionnaire with instructions to put detailed responses, be honest, and discuss with another attendee, with questions such as:

  • Do you get anxious if you cannot see or speak to someone close to you at any given moment?
  • Are you constantly haunted by the idea that someone may eventually leave you?
  • Do you put up with negative or even abusive behavior from someone just to keep from being alone?
  • Did someone important to you exit your life when you were young? How did you feel?
  • What exactly are you afraid of, beyond the indistinct label of "being abandoned"?

The second is a page with the heading "Make a list of all the people in your life, and determine how devastated you would be if those people left and why. Try to cut the unhealthy relationships, and distance a bit from even the good to build your independence!" and a few extra blank sheets of paper in case the one isn't enough.

Small cards are also scattered in the center of the table, printed with positive tips to help the process of healing.

"Often when people are abandoned (whether because someone leaves or even dies), they feel utterly hopeless and helpless. But you are never helpless.

Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy where you're at and whom you're with.

Abandonment issues aren't always easy to recognize, but can be worked through in a loving relationship.

Try to challenge yourself to be alone for extended periods of time without giving into the urge to reach out immediately and connect to someone."

[[ooc: mingle! you know how it goes by now, use these examples or come up with better ones if you want!]]




[Anyone brought to this group will find that there are tables set up around the perimeter of the room, one with snacks and drinks, some even with art supplies on them, while the chairs are all pushed into a circle in the middle. There is a projector set up to one side and it flashes images every so often onto the wall. Images of children, adults, the elderly with the young--some of them more formal, posed, others candid as the brief moments of life they were. Some of these images might even be familiar to certain inmates. It shouldn't be hard for them to pick out their own families after all.

In the center of the circle of chairs is a table with a large bowl of treats, wrapped candies of various sorts. Hard candies, caramels, chocolates, taffy. Beside the bowl is a set of cards with instructions written on the back of them.

"Select a card and read the question aloud to the group. Whoever answers the question gets to choose a reward from the bowl and then select the next card. Continue until all of the cards have been viewed or the bowl is empty. More than one person can answer--the first to respond gets to select the next card. If no one volunteers, the card picker gets to select a person."

The cards themselves have a variety of questions and tasks, but they all have a very similar theme.]

Possible Questions )
{OOC: Mingle! These questions are not the only ones. Feel free to come up with more. Also the candy in the bowl is spiked just like the pastries and coffee, so the more characters get the picture.}

Sep. 17th, 2013



237 | Avoidance Group* Therapy Mingle

(*Also known under the snappy alternative name "If I ignore my problems, maybe they'll go away" Group.)

[In the usually so quiet library where we lay our scene, things are a little less quiet and a little less library-like, given that today it's full of bots, a few tables with neat little trays full of assorted snacks, and - of course - therapy subjects in varying states of willingness.

The robots, true to form, don't bother anyone who doesn't try to leave. Those who do try will have their path brusquely cut off and their attention directed to a whiteboard at the far end of the room - it's mostly empty, with plenty of room for writing, except for one sentence in the middle of the board, written in red: "Admitting to one's problems opens doors." Is that an attempt at an inspirational message, or meant to be taken literally? We just don't know.

There's also a table just beneath the whiteboard with little stacks of cards with suggested discussion topics (with instructions to work in pairs or smaller groups, taking turns to answer the questions).]

Possible discussion topics )

Aug. 25th, 2013



Day 233 | Sector 2 | late afternoon

[ action ]
[When she's not on assignment in Sector 1, Korra can be found wandering forlornly around Sector 2, where she and Mako had been (briefly) reunited. She'd been doing so well, not missing home, but seeing Mako, getting to talk to him and kiss him and hold him again, has opened up the floodgates. It's been weeks since she's seen Bolin or Tenzin or the air bender babies; months since she's been able to spend any significant time with her parents or Master Katara. She's never been separated from Naga this long since they were both babies.

She wants her boyfriend. She wants her best friends, and her teachers, and her parents, and her world, and her life! She's sick of being trapped here, having all of her powers and yet still being less than nothing.

Be wary of the sulky Avatar.]

[ voice -- to Garcia & Asami, but posted publicly because technology? what? ]
I'm going to be home late tonight. Don't worry about me.

Aug. 19th, 2013


⟡ action ⟡

[Today's adventure is less of a fiesta and more of a siesta.]

[Namely, one thoroughly-exhausted Zatanna can be found at the Library. Pouring over texts as if she were in danger of failing MarinaNova 101. The journals are old. The writing in them mostly by hand. She has a notebook of her own off to one side, filled with scribbles and diagrams and anything else she could think of. Most of them magic, though there were a few other symbols drawn in there as well. Such as distinctive "R"s, and lightning bolts and other insignias of her friends. Her and home.]

[If one is fortunate enough to catch her before noon, she might even still be conscious. Either mindlessly doodling or browsing one of the shelves. Otherwise...any passer-bys will find the fourteen year old passed out over the texts.]

Aug. 17th, 2013



[Day 232] [Action|Open]

[Klara is in the library, where she spends hours of each day. She loves to read and the more educational books provide a lot of information she had not been able to receive back home. Like medical books. Today she's having trouble with the fact many of the books she's looking for are on the top shelves or near enough to them. She's not very tall, even for her "age," and the stepstool she found wasn't still left her two shelves short of her target. She stood on her tiptoes and took a look around, trying to see if anyone else was around. When she thinks the coast is clear, she jumps up, using a bit of extra force to get herself up to the book she wanted, only the force used put too much pressure on the books, shoving many of them through the shelves and off into the aisle on the other side.

After the mess she tried to clean up in the library, Klara decided maybe it would be better to spend time outside instead. She brought a large box full of odds and ends--bells, wire, wooden carvings of suns and planets, a bag of sea shells, and small thin metal pipes--and sat outside under a tree in Sector 0. It was to the side of one of the food stands which gave her a good view of most of the doors to the other sectors. She could people watch and work on her wind chimes at the same time. If she breathed in too deeply she could smell everyone nearby and it made her tense and wanting, but she kept herself sitting right there the grass. If she was going to try and work through her urges, the only way she could was by making herself be around people and get used to it...right?


{OOC: Feel free to almost get hit on the head by books in the library or notice the girl making home made wind chimes in Sector 0. She's a little hungry, but will be trying not to bite anyone who comes by.}

Aug. 8th, 2013



Day 231 || Video | Action | Mingle!

[ Peggy's face appears on screen and she's looking as composed as ever in full make-up and carefully coiffed hair. ]

I apologize for the intrusion, but it has recently come to my attention that a similar event to today has happened at least once before. If the pattern continues, a good many of you will return to your home -- [ she hoped ] -- in the morning. My question falls to those left behind; have you ever witnessed the disappearance of a fellow inmate? It's quite curious, don't you think, that no one has spoken of it before?

[ she paused and then returned to business, leaving the suppositions behind. ]

In that regard, I have a proposal. If you're of a mind to stay up until the morning announcement, please consider joining me in the amphitheater in Sector 4 around midnight. With a little bit of effort and care, I'm sure we can provide suitable entertainment for the remainder of the evening. Who knows, we may even have a little bit of dancing.

(( OOC Notes!: (1) Open Mingle for the evening onward to anyone who'd like to make use of it! Just keeping mind that Peggy will be playing 1940's style dance music (re: jazz and swing among others.

(2) Peggy can be found at the library in the morning and the winery for lunch if you'd like to hit up an action thread before set-up at the amphitheater.

(3) If you would like to hit up one of my other characters, do so here! Just put their name in the subject header. They are... Bak Chang from D.Grayman and Hei from Darker than BLACK. ))

Aug. 5th, 2013


sector 6 | morning | voice

[ voice ]
[The audio crackles ominously, a clear indicator that whoever's posting is posting from Sector 6.]

-- spr-- starflower --

[The rest of the message is lost. If the words mean nothing to you, don't worry -- they're not meant to. There's only one person in the Dome who understands the significance of the codewords "spring starflower."]

Jul. 22nd, 2013



229 - Heatwave mingle

[ It's a sweltering hot day under the sea! Luckily the wardens have provided the necessary means to keep cool: whether you're sunbathing at the beach, sniping your fellow inmates with a fully loaded super soaker or just cooling off under a tree with a cold treat, this is the place to do it! ]

(( ooc: Mingle away! You are of course encouraged to make your own posts and mingles for this event, should you want to! Event information can be found over HERE! ))

Jul. 16th, 2013



Day 228 [Video | Open]

[Nunnally's mostly managed to get the sand out of her hair at this point. She almost looks like her normal self now! Except for that hideous jumpsuit. One might be expecting her to start protesting innocence or launching a tirade against the wardens, but Nunnally seems worried, not indignant.]

Excuse me, everyone.

This may sound strange, but I went to sleep in another underwater dome called Marina Asylum and woke up here. Did something bad happen? It didn't seem like they would need to transfer people...

[Private to Euphie]

[The communicator is similar enough that Nunnally switches the feed to private. She could wait, but not knowing is the worst. There's no Suzaku to be found, but the communicator does recognize Euphie. Thank goodness...]

Euphie? Are you all right?

Jul. 15th, 2013


Day 228 ; Video

[The network opens to Jessica who's taken the time to find some other outfits before doing this this time.]

Feels I went home for a bit, or somethin'. Or I got new memories anyways -- I remember hearin' bout that happenin' to other people. Last thing I remember was it bein' day 216 -- that was twelve days ago. The orange don't suit me much better than it did the first time. Whatever's goin' on it's sure as hell fuckin' weird.

[There's a pause, and then she adds.]

I gotta question for everyone though. If someone you loved, someone you really hurt but still care about, if they wanted to forget about you completely -- what would you do? Like if you could do that for them, would you?

[Because she did. But she's still not sure how she feels about it. Even if she's not in love with Hoyt anymore she still cares about him. For what that's worth.

There's other things, things with Bill and the Authority but that she doesn't want to talk about so publically. How he 's turned into a religious fanatic like her birth parents used to be. It makes her skin crawl. The memories are fresh and make her feel sick to her stomach. She'd rather not focus on them too much.

She closes the feed at that.

Jul. 3rd, 2013



226 [Action] | Closed party for Merlotte's employees

[Sam has encouraged his employee's to take the holiday off to go and enjoy the snow or festivities while they last (This is part of their gift from him). He won't force people to leave if they insist on working but Merlotte's probably won't be very busy anyway.

Later this evening he'll close the bar down for a christmas party he's throwing for his employee's. They've been told they can bring one guest of their choosing, be it a friend, significant other or a family member! Food, drinks, music, gifts, the whole shebang just for his wonderful volunteers. Happy Holidays!

Gifts below cut )

((ooc: I am open for other people tagging Sam outside of Merlotte's for gift giving or otherwise!))

Jul. 1st, 2013



DAY 226 — Christmas Day Mingle

[ Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening! A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland inside-out snowglobe at the bottom of the sea!

The prison is sparkly-white on this fine, crisp day, covered in a thick, fluffy layer of pristine snow. Bots are keeping the walkways free and safe for organic travel, but it isn't hard to find spaces fit for snowball fights, fort-building or snow angels! If the chill gets to you, there's plenty of hot, seasonal beverages readily available, along with other christmas-y snacks. Maybe you'd like to visit the Santa exhibit at the museum, or do a little last-minute shopping for presents? Perhaps you're already set to celebrate the holiday!

Whatever it is you want to do, this is the place to do it! ]

(( ooc: Mingle to your hearts contents! Event info can be found over here! ))

Jun. 5th, 2013



Day 222 — Mandatory activity mingle

[ It's a wonderful, stormy day here in Squall Asylum and vacation time is officially over! Your gracious overlords have worked out a light itinerary for you today and they expect you to keep it.

Get in line to pick up your food rations for the day. Eat breakfast if you have time for it, or perhaps you'd rather skip this one time and save yourself the discomfort during the two hours of exercise that follow. Jogging, jumping jacks or perhaps impromptu team sports, whatever you end up doing you bet you'll come out exercised in the end!

Should you not want to participate... well. We have ways to make you join in. Anyone reluctant to get their heart rate up will get a helpful electric prod by one of the bots until they comply. Tough cookies.

Luckily you'll get a chance to wash off that sweat (hope you're not shy, the wash room can get crowded) before it's time for the silent game for an hour, followed by lunch. The day is not over yet though! There's still time for a couple of hours of hard labor tending to the crops, doing laundry or perhaps breaking bricks in the yard. To make sure none of the inmates are broken this is also the time for mandatory physical checkups — bots will guide you to the hospital. No ifs or buts. The violation of personal privacy is for your own good, we promise.

Isn't it nice, being in prison? ]

((ooc: This mingle takes place during all of day 222. A bullet-point for of the itinerary can be found here, where we also encourage you to direct any questions. Event info is here if you need it. ))

Jun. 3rd, 2013



[Video//Action | early morning, before activities]

[The video opens to a pale hand groping pitifully at the floor, where the communicator is filming. She must have knocked it when she went fishing for it. With blue-tinged fingernails, the hand finally nabs the comm and drags it upwards, bypassing a plate of what looks like yesterday's dinner (fried rice with cabbage and root vegetables). The food is untouched.]

[Saya's face comes into view. She's trembling, eyes dull and barely open, skin so pale it's nearly translucent.]

...Zero? [Her voice is as small and shaky and devoid of vitality as the rest of her.] And Yuuki, and Aidan... Tear? Laura? I need to... see you. Please?

[Too late to wish for her bed, or a last trip to the sea. Saya won't make it back, if they even are going back. One last image of the people she cares most about will be the best she can do for the last things she'll ever see.]

((OOC: Saya's final post in Marina. She'll be falling into hibernation after this and dropped from the game. Thanks to everyone who played with her, it's been a great few years!))

May. 27th, 2013



Day 221 — Morning mingle : Main shelter

[Wake up and smell the lack of coffee. You're on a bunk bed. Maybe you're a top and maybe you're a bottom. There are five other people in your room. Maybe they're friends or enemies or faces you barely recognize if at all. It doesn't matter much. You can leave this room and you don't need to come back to it.

You should get your rations though. You're probably hungry. You're definitely a little sluggish of body. What happened to that bruise you got sparing yesterday? What happened to your newly dyed hair? Mystery, mystery... Move along. Find the public bathrooms and do your business with a hundred of your closest friends.

Find the kiosk and get your rations. Careful not to let anyone steal them. You won't get more until tomorrow and the bots won't care. They aren't here to hold your hand. If you get sick or hurt and they deem it necessary they will take you to the hospital whether you wish it or not. But why dwell on such things? You're here now and you might as well enjoy it. You even get a free day today.]

(OOC: OOC info. This mingle takes place in the Main shelter over the morning hours.

May. 17th, 2013



Day 219; Video | Action | Open

[It's good that the devices within the dome can be worn. Anything handheld would not remain still for an instant, if that were the case right now. Because the tiny, vampire girl on the opposite end can't seem to walk straight. Stumbling, she catching her footing and grabs hold of a nearby rail just outside of the bar (she's only just slipped out.) The near fall sets her into a fit of giggles.]

Sorry, Sorry...

[But the apology is broken up between quiet bouts of laughter. Somehow everything tonight is hilarious. Or the opposite. One or the other. Oh, but she can be serious. Taking a breath, she visibly tries to calm herself down. Brows drawing down, she nods.]

Sorry to disrupt everyone's party. It's a good party though-! [Lifting a hand into the air she dances in place for just a second to music that can't be heard. Seconds later, though, that serious expression is back, though her movements are exaggerated and large.] I was thinking all night... [A pause-- before shaking her hands] Wait wait... let me back up. I'm always thinking. But tonight I had a lot on my mind, aaaaannndddd...

[She throws both her hands out]

I have a boyfriend and a fiance!

[What in the world is with that!? This is craziness! Doesn't everyone else think so too!? Lifting a finger into the air, her brows crease in thought for a moment while she pieces her thoughts together.]

Actually, I-- I don't know if we can still be engaged and here at the same time. [Because he's there. Er... at home. Well, not home, home, but home.] But...[She nods and continues on conversationally] even when I forgot about it we were still engaged. [... Or something. This is hard to describe. Shaking her head, she tries again.]

It's fine to love someone else here, isn't it?

Drunk Yuuki ramblings... )

May. 16th, 2013



Day 219 [video-->Action] Merlotte's Mingle - Open to All!

[What better way to kick off a mingle than to broadcast the invitation to the entire dome?]

Hey ya'll. I know it's kinda outta place t'say Welcome to Marina cause no one really wants t'be here, but it ain't all bad. In any case, I've got a bar an grill here in Sector 4 called Merlotte's, figure th' new arrivals may want to come on down and have a drink or two after a trip like that.

Anyone's welcome of course, we're open from mornin' to night. Come on in an' have a bite to eat or somethin' to ease your troubles.

((ooc: This is an open mingle. Feel free to thread everywhere with anyone. As always, before threadjacking make sure it's okay by the player but otherwise have fun! Sam is available to chat with either by Video or in person and his thread is right Here. There is a full menu of down-home diner/grill sort of foods, so hamburgers, french fries, salads, soups, breakfast items or whatever other comfort food you can think of and a few other things from other worlds. There is a full bar, wine, liquor, beer and even blood or synthetic blood. He also has a pool table and there's plenty of room in booths or tables to play cards or whatever else.))