MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'wufei+chang'

Nov. 28th, 2013



[Action] Day 247 | Afternoon

[Wufei was actually outside to read, deciding the fresh air would be good. The little dragon seems to enjoy it as well, considering the happy chirping as it scurries around the tree, claws digging into the bark for purchase, then down to nudge at Wufei's shoulder every so often to make sure he's not entirely lost in the book he'd brought with him.]

[Each nudge earns a small smile from the Chinese teen and a brief pause in reading.]

Nov. 17th, 2013



Day 245 - Voice

[Nope this is not a new arrival, but he's not going to make himself known for the most part. He's leaving it on voice because he doesn't want people to know who he is. Basically he is throwing a fit. But he feels it is justified at the moment. How could he not? This place is against him being happy. First his brother, then his fiancee, and now his most recent girlfriend]

Why do I even bother? ...Really, why? There's no bloody way I am supposed to be happy no matter where I go apparently. I must be cursed.

That's it. I'm done! I'm not going to try any more. I can't keep doing it!

Private to Tieria
[And because he's feeling rather sorry for himself at the moment]

You don't have to worry about the haros coming over unannounced anymore.

Nov. 12th, 2013



Day 245 Video | Potential Action

[New arrivals day? What is that? Trowa has found the pet cafe. It was unavoidable after all, given the connection he has to animals. It is an amazing collection of creatures, including some that he had never thought he'd see in his life. How could he possibly resist wanting to see what was there.

And he's found one that is rather interesting and he feels he needs to share.

So the video opens with Trowa sitting on the floor of the pet cafe with the communicator held out at arms length. Anyone watching the video will be able to see that he has gathered quite a following, cats and dogs sitting around him]

A fascinating collection of animals they have here. I wouldn't have guessed they'd have so many in this place. This one seems to be rather talkative.

[A small spotted cat pokes its head up from his lap and meows at the communicator. He pets the cat with his free hand]

Yes I know. And then there is this one. [A pause as he glances over his shoulder] Well, come say 'hello'.

[There is a pause then it looks like something is trying to climb up the back of his shirt. A moment later a head pokes up over his shoulder. But it's more of a reptilian head. Except for the horns. Then it pulls itself completely onto his shoulder. Very long and skinny. Anyone who knows mythology might guess it was a Chinese dragon. It looks at the communicator and chitters at it before running down the length of his arm to get a better look at what Trowa is holding. It looks it over, chittering at it again, before returning to Trowa's shoulder. The cat from before pokes its head up again, curious]

I haven't seen anything like this one at all before. Such a curious creature.

[He's hoping that animal in particular will attract the attention of a friend of his]

Oct. 24th, 2013



DAY 242 | Action

[Wufei was grateful when he found the gym. Yes, he could have simply found a place out in the open to train, but there was space and equipment at hand that he could and would use. He started on the mats, just to warm up before going into his katas.

Thankfully that blasted tracking anklet had been removed, though he didn't believe for a second he wasn't still monitored. He just did his best to ignore others working out, trying to at least get something of his center back.]

Oct. 16th, 2013



Day 241 | Action

[Well deserved captivity, even if he found it unjust he was captured so easily. There were a number of discrepancies he could see between the message and the city he found himself in. A prison? Ha!

He'd give it a shot to see whether OZ could have learned a thing or two from these wardens, or the other way around. So far he'd rather be stuck back in that OZ prison cell, even if his companion had been Maxwell.

He kept walking down streets, the map he'd been shown already on its way to being memorized. Looking at him, one would see obvious anger in every line of his short orange-covered stature. Impatience had him reach up at some point to tug the communicator off and place it in a pocket - obviously it added offense and he wanted it out of his way.]

[[ooc: Come poke the angry dragon?]]