MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'april+ludgate'

Aug. 9th, 2015



Day 334 | Action | Open 4th wall friendly

[April is sitting on the sidewalk in Sector 1, with her head resting on her knees. She looks pretty sad, despite the fact that there are two medium-sized dogs of indeterminate breed attempting to lick her face. She just kind of stares at people going by, but at this point it doesn't look like she's really seeing them or trying to search for anyone in particular.]

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[Day 329] In Bloom Event/Dance Mingle

[DAYTIME: Walking in a floral wonderland. Not to be confused with an actual wonderland. Completely different event. You could be anywhere and everywhere today and not escape the petals.

DANCE: The sector 2 garden is a little extra pleasant and inviting this evening. Gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, delicious hor d'oeuvres, sparkling punch, and music. And dry. Did we mention it's dry? Not a single flood as far as the eye can see. So, find someone and get out there and dance.]

(OOC: Event INFO. Feel free to have your mingle set up cover both aspects of the day.)

Apr. 7th, 2015



Day 318 : Casino Night Mingle

[Plink, plink, plink.

Flashing lights. Beeps, clicks, spinning, clacking.

The sun isn't up, but it makes everything glitter all the more starkly. Find a table or a machine or a buffet and make yourself comfortable.

What happens in the Marina casino stays in the Marina casino.

Plink, plink, plink.]

(OOC: Casino Night information)

Mar. 11th, 2015



Day 314 | Video

[April looks bored, because she always looks bored.]

If I don't get to see someone being hit in the face with a pie today, I'm going to be very disappointed in all of you.

Jan. 5th, 2015




[You won't hear them coming. You won't see their snare. The mistletoe bots are out and they're hunting you, two by two. You can run and you can hide, but eventually you will be caught, and then there's nothing left to do but kiss your way out!

Chapstick stations will be available.]

(OOC: Mistletoe Bots Info)

Dec. 19th, 2014



Day 302 | Video/Action

[April stares at the camera without much expression except some resigned disgust. She's sitting on a bench in Sector 0, still in her in her orange jumpsuit.]

Hey. So. This sucks. This is because I drove a riding mower through a Nordstrom one time? And...all that other stuff. Come on. Ugh. Someone either tell me something useful or just shut up.