MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'zeno'

Apr. 6th, 2016



day 370 - action - closed

(immediately following this)

Read more... )

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 21st, 2016



Day 368 - Hooked on a Feeling mingle



Mar. 14th, 2016



367 ♫ video

[Technology in any form is beyond foreign in its entirety to Jae-Ha, so naturally, it's taken a fair amount of time to get a good enough idea on how to use the communicator. His very first thought when the announcement began was just that he must be hearing voices. Not for the first time.

He's also done some exploring here and there, still as curious. From the looks of it he's currently in a park.]

Greetings, Marina. I must say that this place is incredibly deceptive in all of how fascinating things are in every direction I look.

[It may or may not be easy to tell that he's forcing these pleasantries, his tone clipped.]

However, I've never in my whole life seen nor heard of anything more disgusting than this set-up we all have been forcibly dragged into. Its cruelty is only amplified a hundred-fold by how pretty it seems at first glance. The length of our chains are great, as we're allowed about all over this dome. Yet in the end, they truly are no different than ones which hardly allow us to take even a step.

[As someone who was shackled to the floor and walls of a small stone room for twelve years, he would know.]

While I can only pray they aren't in such a terrible place as well, if anyone can let me know if there is a Yona present, or Hak, Kija, Shin-Ah, Zeno, or Yoon, I would appreciate it.

[he pauses after that]

Until then, I wouldn't mind being given some kind of tour around this place. There's a great deal of things I couldn't have ever have imagined. Having a pretty girl or two by my side would especially ease my frustrations, even if a little bit.



Day 237::Open

[Hak's sitting on the ground squinting at the device that is doing the video recording. This is all way over his head and completely beyond his wildest imagination. All the technology surrounding him is a bit much for Hak to handle. Not to mention the neon orange jumpsuit is enough to burn anyone's retina's.]

All of this seems like it would cause a headache. Is it really necessary? Orange isn't exactly my color. It looks like it would be safer to look straight into the sun than stare at this fabric for more than 2 seconds.

[For all his complaining, Hak is here for one reason and one reason only. He has a job and this job is extremely important to him. There's a slight problem though because in order to do his job, he has to be by someone's side and right now she's not here. He can't just ask for her though because she's not supposed to draw attention to herself.

Not that he's even sure he's using this thing correctly.]

Is this thing even working?

[He doesn't have a clue and tries to focus on the visor part of the device with his eyes, but he ends up leaning over too far and falls over on his side.]

I don't like it. Take it off. I can find my friends the old fashioned way...

Feb. 24th, 2016




Closed to the Happy Hungry Bunch )
Tags: , ,

Feb. 22nd, 2016



Day 364 - Mail Call

[They had gotten a lot of newbies the day before, so Duo was using a cart to help with the baskets. They weren't easy to carry when you had more than four of them.

To get to the newbies, he had a list of names, so he was calling them up on their communicators to find out where they were so he could bring the baskets to them. The call likely consisted of an introduction of some sort (Hey, I'm Duo.) and an explaination (I have a basket for ya.) and a request for the current location of the recipient (Where can I meet ya to drop this off?).]

Today's Deliveries

{OOC: This is perfectly welcome to be handwaved for anyone who doesn't want to thread out a welcome basket delivery. Threads can either start with the communicator call, or with Duo meeting up with the character in person to give them the basket. Feel free to reply to the basket thread or start a new top level here in the post. I'm flexible! This is also Duo's open action post for today for anyone else who might want to have a run-in with him.}

Feb. 17th, 2016



Day 363 | Video & Action

[The video feed comes to life, showing the face of a 16-year-old girl with unruly red hair. Her eyes are open and curious but also seem to burn with a certain kind of determination. Her hair sways slightly as she takes one step after the other taking in her surroundings, which appear to be rather close to the movie theatre in Sector 4. Walking the streets, she can’t help but touch some of the brick buildings with wonder in her eyes.]

These buildings are so different from what we have at home. I am sure Kija would much prefer to sleep in one of them. [She smiles fondly, then – as if remembering the video she started recording -starts to speak straight at the viewer.]

My name is Yona and I just woke up over there. [She points towards the movie theatre.] If this works like the message I saw, someone should hear me, so … if anyone has seen someone named Hak or Kija, Jaeha, Shin-Ah, Zeno or Yoon, please tell me.

[Her voice and demeanour change slightly, as she carries on. The determination stays intact but the strong feelings she harbours for her companions seem to fill her words and gaze. It’s nearly as if she wants to ease their minds a lot more than her own. She has something to work hard for and won’t stop until she achieved it; something about her leaves no doubt about that being true.]

If any of you hear this, please answer if you can. I am fine, so don’t worry about me. I will do my best to find all of you. Just wait for me.

[With a smile from Yona, the video message ends.]

Feb. 16th, 2016



Day 363 - Open


[The image is shaky at first, but then a black-haired girl appears with her head turned around. She seems to be following someone else's instructions and talking to someone off-camera.

--Like this? So I just start talking and people will see Kaya? Mmm, okay!

[She faces forward now, her cheeks a bit pink and her big eyes filled with insecurity.]

Hi there? My name is Kaya, and I just got here, and I don't really understand this place or what we're supposed to do here and... [Deep breath.] Sorry, sorry, I got carried away and talked too fast.

I got confused and thought I had died, and this was the afterlife. But Zeno here told me it's not? Is that right? Are we all really alive?

Um, also... I was really sick, back at home. I should be dying from my disease, but now I'm feeling fine. That's why I thought I was... So, uh, what I wanted to ask is, where can I find a doctor? I want to know if I'm truly cured, because I don't want anyone to catch it from me. I need to be sure. But don't worry, I'll go far away from you guys if I...

I'm doing it again, sorry. I just want to know.

[Yup, she's more worried about getting people sick than being suddenly locked up in a strange place.]


[This cute girl walks around the trees in Sector 3's residential area. She sits on a bench and stares at the ocean sky above it all. The lack of stars in the sky is strange, but she finds the water fascinating and soothing. She doesn't wander around, as the place is much wider than everything she's seen in her short life. Any house around her is several times large than her old house. Are those castles? To her, they are. Everything in that land is vast, just like the sea. Just like the street goes on and on.

Her eyes are a bit red and her sweet smile is sad, but she'll be fine.]

Feb. 15th, 2016



Day 363 | Action + Video

[As of the morning of the day, there is a menace in Quatro Park. Maybe not a terrible menace but Zeno is most definitely trudging through the foliage to find each and every single one of the pieces of artwork before then proceeding to crawl all over them. Literally. Each one becomes a jungle gym to him as he attempts to use the height of the statues to see a longer distance.

Mostly he's doing it to spot another sculpture but if he happens to see someone else then that's fine too. Good luck trying to get this grinning fool down from where he's at.

Eventually Zeno does turn his attention back to the weird looking device where he heard the voice. Poking at it until it suddenly turns on.

Have a teen blinking at it in confusion.]

Hello? Is this how Zeno talks to other people? [He seems to decide that it is.] Heeeelllllloooooo other people! [Cue him waving at the device though he isn't entirely sure that anyone can even see him.

Seriously, what a cheery guy he is.]

Zeno's name is Zeno and Zeno is new to this place. Hmm, what did the voice call it again?

[He wasn't really paying that much attention to it.]

If Zeno's here then maybe Zeno's friends are here too! Everyone should keep an eye out for Miss - she's short with red hair and Mister is tall with dark hair, then there's Hakuryuu, Ryokuryuu and Seiryuu. Don't forget mom! Mom makes the best food ever!

[Those descriptions are not helpful in the least.]

That's all for now! Bye-bye!