MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'kitty+pryde+%28aoa%29'

Apr. 12th, 2017



Day 423 - Video - Open

[It had taken some playing around with this weird device thing on his head before Remy got it working, staring at the feed in silence for a while before figuring out if he had gotten it working or not, and pushing past his concerns if this was a good idea or not. He was in an unknown place that was most certainly not New Orleans, in a (ugh) tacky orange prisoner suit, with none of his weapons, his powers not working, and had been told a mass of information that hadn’t really gotten through his confusion and shock to really register. Was he really wanting to draw attention to himself?

And this was all on top of the fact that the last thing he remembered was screwing up a mission to save his father from a group of people trained to kill and there was a good chance he himself had been left for dead on the Assassin’s back yard…

He was not having a good day.]

So, [Before he paused, as if reconsidering if he should cut the feed and just explore by himself first. But he was already in this, may as well jump in with both feet.] This place really needs to up its game with welcome parties. No drinks waitin’, none of those little stringed flower necklaces, especially here, at a beach, it all just sloppy. How a homme supposed to feel welcomed?

[A moment later of silent thinking before Remy finally addressed one of the many serious questions on his mind.] ‘nd I be guessin’ that, whatever ‘nd wherever I be, that that little voice through this headset thing be right, we all prisoners here. That… kinda puts a dampener on the day.

Apr. 3rd, 2017



Day 422 | Action

[Closed to Chuck. Even though he can't see her.]

[Normally Phanan is excellent about rolling with the punches this place throws at them. See being tiny the other day, for instance. Weird but he went with it. Today is not destined to be one of those days, although the doesn't know that quite yet. What he does know is he wakes up and Chuck is gone. But maybe it's something totally innocent. She could just be up already making breakfast or doing something else Chuck-like. No need to panic. Yet.]



[There will be panicking later though, all over the dome in fact. Even with all evidence pointing to her being lost in the dimensional stabilizer or whatever excuse the Wardens come up with for when people vanish he's not giving up hope just yet and is on a dome wide Chuck hunt.]



Day 422 [Closed Action | Chekov]

[Kitty leaves her apartment while it's still dark out. The strange music and fog aren't lost on her. It's giving off strong creepy vibes and adding to the drama of the moment. Clearly, the wardens are up to something today. In fact, she's half expecting raptors as she crosses the dome, but she doesn't let her stop her. She thinks she's feeling clear headed, not that you ever really know until the next day, but in this case she's right. She's also lucky, because there is plenty of nightmare fodder in her mind to play with. Maybe they wanted more of a challenge.

After a brisk walk she reaches Chekov's apartment and knocks on the door, realizing that she's probably waking him at this hour, but she really needs to see him.]

Mar. 29th, 2017



Day 421 : Video

I wanted to let everyone know I stepped down from the Defense Force, and I don't think it is going to be continued by anyone at this time. [There's really no reason anyone would have to inform her if they were, but based on the discussions that came out of talking to the other members she didn't think so.] If that changes, or anything similar is created in it's place, I'm sure they'll let you know.

(OOC: If your character was on the Defense Force they already know.)

Mar. 18th, 2017



[Day 419] [Mingle / Closed to Defense Force]

[Kitty waits until the team gathers into the Defense Force headquarters. Once upon a time this team was big enough that having a meeting inside would have been uncomfortable. That hasn't been true for awhile. She loudly taps a pen against a desk a few times to get everyone's attention before she starts.]

You were probably hoping I scheduled this surprise meeting so I could deliver a long speech at you, and your hopes are being fulfilled. [A pause as she once again considers not moving forward with this.] I have been thinking about the Defense Force and where it started and how it's changed and the direction it could or maybe even should move in for awhile now. We're a smaller team than we once were and I've been wanting to refocus our efforts more on the investigation side of things, but our numbers don't reflect that. I think a lot of us are here because we do something similar back home. We protect. We fight. We have a team to support us. We wanted that here too, but I'm not sure the needs of this prison support that now. I'm not sure they ever did. I'm not saying we haven't had successes. We have. I'm proud of what we built and what we've accomplished even if it's surprising how completely unpopular a team for saving lives and getting people home is. [She's taken the brunt of that message too. Complaints and criticisms from what they did to stop Spike from attacking people to just not getting everyone home within a few months time against impossible odds.]

I think it's time for a fresh take on this idea. And the thing is... It's not going to be with me. [Just looking out at everyone.] I don't think leading a team is what I should be doing right now. It's meant a lot to me. It's been the only thing that got me through some hard times. But it's not here for that.

I've talked to Jack and he's not going to be moving into the role either, so where this leaves us is kind of up to all of you. And before anyone volunteers I just want to say take some time to think about it. Think about whether you have a direction and a passion for it. Also, it won't be my call to make what happens next, so you'll just have to see if others will follow if you want to lead. Which means, for the moment, there is no Defense Force.

[And with that her speech is over. Time to see what comes next.]

(OOC: Discussion post.)

Mar. 17th, 2017




[Ryou's in his kitchen (he basically lives there), not doing anything in particular. At least not at the moment.]


What kind of food do you think is weird?

Mar. 13th, 2017



Day 419 - open


What was the worst way to go from sitting in your robot lion, flying through a wormhole, ready to fight the being that had attempted to steal your lion, had been the one ultimately responsible for being captured on a mission to Kerberos?

Suddenly being in the water of course.

This was the lovely introduction Shiro had to Marina, finding himself suddenly in the water. It took him a moment to process what had happened before practically launching himself out of the water, finding himself standing on the beach? Where in the name of all things holy was he? ... And how did he end up in that awful looking jumpsuit? No one would every pick such a thing to wear.

It was while he was wading out of the water that he full processed the communicator, the welcome message displayed. As he read it, he had to sit back down. First instinct reacted unconsciously to "prison". Brief flashes from the Galra prison danced across his vision for a moment before he pressed one hand to his forehead, forcing them back.

That list of absurd "crimes" almost instantly became the least important priority. Where was the black lion? Where were the other paladins? Had he really just been separated them right before they were supposed to fight Zarkon?! There was no way that they could assemble Voltron without him! This stupid place had pretty much killed the other paladins, Allura, Coran, all of them!

His hands tightened into fists as he glared angrily at the wall of water on the other side of the dome. Then with his metal arm, he punched the ground as hard as he could.


[It takes a bit before Shiro has collected himself in order to use the communicator, but this was very important. There's a concerned look on his face as he speaks]

So it seems that I have just arrived. I do have a few questions if someone can help me. I'm trying to find someone. Actually several people. Does anyone know if it is possible to figure out where they are?

Alternatively, is there any possible way to find out something that is going on back home? I need to know something that was going on back home.

Mar. 7th, 2017



[ Day 417 ] Action

[ Morning ]
[ Kirk's morning was not all that notable - unless one counted completely changing genders as notable. Kirk rather did, and he spent a good couple of hours revolving between panic, being pissed, and curios. After all, it wasn't every day you go from being a six food man to a six foot woman with a short bob and D-cups.

Eventually, he reasoned this must be a glitch, and as frustrating as it was, he could either hide in the apartment all day and be pissed, or live his life. He chose the latter, because like hell he was letting these Wardens mess with him and push him around. But it became immediately apparent that his first stop would need to be the clothing store. His normal black shirt fit well enough (albeit stretched at the front), but the jeans were no longer fit for his hips and his shoes were just a bit to big.

So one could find him wandering with ill fitting clothes, or trying them on in the shop, and after that he made his way to coffee shops for breakfast. Don't mind him licking the sweetness from his fingers as he devours a danish or two. ]

[ Afternoon ]
[ From there he just did what he normally did. He walked through town, stopping in the library to pick up a new book from the stacks - maybe two. He made his way to the beach for a bit, attempting to read, which he couldn't concentrate on despite his best efforts. That being the case, he made his way to a quieter, more secluded part of the beach, stripping down and wading into the water to go for a swim (he found it much more soothing than the pool and it was a fascinating sensation in his new body). Eventually he tired of that, though, and after he dried he returned to his apartment to change into workout gear he'd acquired at the clothing shop and went to gymnasium instead. Yeah, punching things always did make him feel better. ]

[ Early Evening ]
[ With little else in the way of evening entertainment, Kirk took dinner at one of the cafes again and then went to browse the bars, because damn this day had him yearning for a drink. He thought all of them in the dome could use a drink and it was a good thing that the drinks were free. Oh, was that a pool table? Please be a pool table, he needed just about anything to distract him right about now. ]

[ ooc: Kirk is glitched throughout the post and is now a woman for Day 417. If you would like a specific prompt let me know - open to anything! ]



[417] video / action


[You know, when she went to bed last night she knew leaving a line of code to run through a few filters was probably a stupid idea. Having done it plenty or not back home, there's something to be said about glass houses and rocks. But really, when did simple hacks garner any more punishment than a public roasting and some menial tasks? Man, maybe this is her punishment? But the lack of a morning shaming sort of makes her wary - but doesn't take away from some of the curiosity of suddenly having a dick in her panties.

Which she's looked at a little. Little more than maybe she should've.

But after a while, she's stuffed it back in her pants and speaking of pants, her skinny jeans really aren't cutting it today. So for the morning (and let's face it, the entire day most like) Rebecca's rocking this put together look as she races out the door to see what else she may or may not have fucked up.

While doing so, she opens a video channel with a huskier than normal voice:]
In advance, I might be sorry. I'm not sure yet? So don't quote me. Because I might not be - because this may not be my fault at all and strictly a coincidence.

[Laundromat; Afternoon]

[So after a bit of reckless running around in very comfy stretch pants, Rebecca's added some clothing to her wardrobe but still faces the looming chore of doing a few weeks worth of laundry - why not do it today. Because when she's not distracting herself with code (and error messages and the reality of what she might've done) having some offline chore helps? That's a lie. It's not really helping and she can't tell if it's because it's boring or because she can't wear any of her clothing, so why is she bothering to wash it all?

Sitting in front of a rolling wash, she's stretching a strappy red thong out between her hands with a bored look. And a pile of other women's panties next to her that aren't getting folded or put away. Feel free to stumble in on this crucially weird looking moment.]

[Daffodil Dive]

[Becca's swinging by to catch lunch and do a low key check in on some select, favorite people. The doctor kind that are actually really important. And who ironically can't get her pregnant anymore - hey, is that what this is about? Maybe? No. They wouldn't. Still looking like a puked up crayon, Rebecca folds back her hood when she goes in and goes straight for the bar to look for Chuck. She'll be there for lunch, and then some. Angsty darts seems fun too, with all the testosterone in her leggings.]

Feb. 27th, 2017





(OOC: Event Info)

Feb. 17th, 2017



day 415 [ accidential video ]

[ The device clicks on after it has been thrown to the ground. Connor, donning his orange jumpsuit, has picked a fight with one of the sentinels. It doesn't matter that it is six feet tall. ]

You think me a fool?! That I would simply bend a knee and accept how you wish to rule above us?! Or, perhaps, how you expect us to be complacent as you sit back and quietly place judgement upon us! [ He inhales deeply and gives the best shove he can to the six foot towering machine. ] I will not stand idly as you strip people of their true freedom by concealing it in lies that we can do as we wish!

If none wish to stand up against you, then that is their choice to do so. I will fight you. I will not stop until we are free from this prison you have built!

[ It is a beautiful declaration of his will. Unfortunately, he is thrown down to the ground and the feed cut. ]

Feb. 14th, 2017



415 | Action, Video | OPEN

[ Action | Sector 2 Park ]

Sector )

[ Video ]

[The communicator is easy to figure out, once he stops gawking at the dome and all its wonders - still not entirely convinced it's not a coma dream as he lays dying on the train tracks - and takes the time to mess with it. If he's going to be here a while, he might as well get to know the population.

He opens up the feed with a wide smile.]

Hey! Prompto here. This is ... something, huh? Not what I would expect of an Imperial prison. Honestly, I was expecting something more bleak. You know, cells, guards, creepy experiments... this some kind of experiment?

[His voice wavers and his smile falters.]

Feb. 13th, 2017



Day 415 - action & video - open


action under cut )



[Keith wasn't a great conversationalist, so poking around on the network was sort of more for gathering information than actually initiating a chat with someone. He didn't know any of these people. But, still, the fatalistic attitude of "we've accepted our lives here" that a good number of them seemed to be showing sort of bothered him a little. That made his line of questions seem almost pointless. This place was on Day 400+. Surely someone had tried getting out, right?

He frowned a bit. Pidge was the hacker. She'd have better luck at seeing if hacking their way out of this simulation was even possible. Keith was definitely not a hacker. He decided to ask anyway, but he had a bad feeling on what the answers were going to be.]

Uh, hi. I'm Keith. I'm a Paladin of Voltron. [Still getting used to that, even after this long...]

I was just wondering... has anyone tried getting out, yet? I mean, I would think someone probably has, but I was wondering what happened when it was tried. Consider it research.

[If someone looked close enough, they might see the beginnings of what looked like one of those boards used by criminal investigators to source crime patterns.]

Feb. 7th, 2017



Day 414 / Open action

Jack's out and about today but he's starting to like Mistletoe Days less and less the longer he's here. And especially just now – given the current delicate state of his blue-band relationship, getting caught by a bot today just seems like it'll be asking for trouble!

Nevertheless, he will inevitably get caught. A man can't live without his coffee, and he's determined to make up for his binge drinking over the last couple of days (or twenty years) by getting back into his early morning swim routine.

He's kind of looking for Ianto too. A little too nervous to actually call him and get this talking thing started, more kind of hoping he'll just run into him and – well. Things will just happen.

((OOC: Decided to put this in a separate post for easier navigation on potentially long threads!))

((Note: NSFW happenings in the Ianto thread (surprise surprise!!!) ))

Feb. 6th, 2017



Day 414 - Mistletoe Mingle



Feb. 3rd, 2017



413 - closed to Kitty

[ He's not looking forward to this one bit. This is a guy who's faced down countless serial killers, stared down the barrel of a gun more times than he cares to remember, isn't afraid to speak his mind in disciplinary hearings that could literally ruin his career and yet he's absolutely to the bone terrified of the conversation to come. It's a small prison with a dwindling population and a semi-militaristic loosely organised neighborhood watch led by his ex girlfriend. This should be nothing and yet it's everything.

He enters the Defence Force HQ and takes a deep breath before going to look for her. This is a professional call. He really hopes he can keep it that way. ]

Jan. 30th, 2017



[ day 413 ] action ;;

[ If you come around where John has taken residence up, you will find him busy drawing/etching a rather hilarious looking seal onto the floor and wall. Not to mention all of the notes that are scribbled on his arms and the walls too. It's been a day and some since he was thrown down his personal timeline, so what is a man to do? Try and retain everything he has learned. Just in case it becomes relevant and needed at some point in the future.

He's been busy the last twenty-four hours and some making sure he has every bit of information down that he can think of. People he knows, or people he knew in the future? Feel free to drop by and check up on him. ]



413 - action, open and closed


[ It's an errand day. Nothing special, really, expect that today Spike's loading up on more than the usual cigarettes-whiskey-bloodbags that have become his usual shopping list. He can also be found at Bull's Eye, picking up extra linen and towels, stopping by the actual frozen food section of the grocery store where they keep the frozen food that isn't blood, adds a pack of coffee to the pile. Almost like he's preparing for less an overnight guest and more something permanent. Shit hit the fan and for once he's not the one to blame.

He'll take his time, so there's plenty of chances for people to stop and say hi. ]


[ It's later that evening when he tracks down Jack at some bar. Maybe it's the first bar he checked, or the third, but there's an unmistakeable determination in this search. Almost like he's looking for someone to punch some sense into. ]

Figures I'd find you here.

Jan. 24th, 2017



Day 412 | Closed action | Open video

Action: closed to Lelouch and C.C.

[ So after that...

Suzaku's wakes up far more gently than usual. It's his usual time, he knows, but something's not right. He's very comfortable, and very warm. Comfortable enough that for a long moment, he doesn't even open his eyes, just makes a small sound of pleasure.

It feels good.

He'll... register more. In a moment.

Video: Open (later)

I know Kitty summed things up earlier, but I just wanted to add - is everyone all right? If you need something but are kind of hiding from somebody today, for one reason or another, you can give me a private call and I'll try to help.

Jan. 23rd, 2017



Day 412 The rewind

[Video/Action | OPEN]
So that...happened.

I've been here for awhile and for those of you who are on the newer side of things, I wish I had some keen insight for you, but that's just one of the games they play. It was kind of a remix of some of their old ones. [She's seen people remember more future before and seen people think they were connected to others in new ways. She had a husband for a day once before.] I think it's just important to remember who you are without their toying and lean on people when you need to. We're in this together.

I don't think what we saw was a real future even if parts of it seemed like they were. There were some conflicting outlooks. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from trying to remember exactly how we overthrew them in mine. [It hasn't stopped her from thinking about a lot of things it brought up.]

Anyway... [She hopes you're all okay. She would have been better at saying that yesterday when it was still twenty years from now. So, she just ends the feed there and you might find her out and about looking particularly thoughtful. Maybe absently walking through solid objects including you! As one does.]

[Action | Closed to Chekov]
[Before her broadcast or any other calls there is just a girl waking up next to a boy. Everything feels right at first. She snuggles closer and the details don't feel important. Are they still in the future? Was yesterday a dream or an experiment? It doesn't matter yet. She's only half awake and warm and comfortable.]

[Video | Closed to Jack]
Hey, so, how are things? [Concerned but also unsure how to ask if yesterday ruined his relationships for real.]

[Video | Closed to Ianto]
Need a coffee? [Code for "let's talk."]