MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'nathan+harris'

Aug. 16th, 2016



Day 389 : Video/Action : Anniversary

[Kitty appears on the video with bruises from a failed strangling fading on her neck. Things got rough a couple of days ago.]

So, it's Day 389 which also means it's been a year since I got here. And since the only other one who made that length of time is gone now, I guess I'm the reigning champ of sticking around. Celebrate or mourn it with me at Lyrical I guess. Funny hats are a plus. [She doesn't really know how to feel about it, but she figures it will be better to be not alone.]

Everyone's invited. [That was for Reid. Just in case he forgot, but if newbies want to party too then she doesn't really mind. She'll be set up on a small, comfy couch nursing a drink and listening to the music she requested from the music station. She isn't actually wearing a funny hat...yet?]

[Private to Chekov]


Aug. 7th, 2016



Day 387 - Video/Action


[Nathan doesn't look exactly like Nathan today. He looks like a kid who occasionally sees the sun, eats regular meals, and even sleeps. Weird, right?]

Is anyone else normal today?

[That's it. That's all he needs to know.]


[This is not a Nathan who skulks and stares and wanders aimlessly. This Nathan is actually going places. The pet store, the arcade, the library, the Daffodil Dive... he can even be found out in one of the parks enjoying the sunshine and doodling in a sketchbook.

He's still shy—odds are good that he won't approach anyone he doesn't already know—but he's not unfriendly.]

Aug. 2nd, 2016



Day 387 Action (AU-ified! Now with more kissing!)

[The change in who Euphie is today comes down to one little sentence. Instead of being accidentally geassed (compelled) to "kill all the Japanese" it was to "kiss everyone you see." It's much better than being murderous and she's made peace with it, but it does have it's own troubles—chapped lips, embarrassing encounters, and of course, consent since she can't actually let someone choose not to kiss her. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU WILL BE KISSED!

But once the peck is in place it doesn't have to be renewed until she sees them again. It's just very stressful to see someone on the network and then have to track them down or run into a large crowd. But the prison has been a pretty easy going place for this one little quirk of far as she knows. So, she doesn't mind going out for a day of enjoyment and chores stopping by the store, spending time on the beach, playing with the animals at the pet cafe, or taking care of business at the educational center and all points in between!]

Aug. 1st, 2016



Day 387 Open video/action

Hello, fellow prisoner types.

[It's Kitty but it's also not Kitty. Her hair is long and held back in a pony tail. She's still older than the other resident Kitty though. And her style is unique from both of them.]

I've been here a little while and haven't done the whole, hi, I'm here thing. So, let's get it out of the way. Hi, I'm Kat. Kat Pryde if you want it Bond-style. I already know the ropes of the place so don't worry about giving me all the details. But introductions are good. [She's also wondering if anyone has heard of her. I mean, she was on Jimmy Kimmel's show not long ago talking about one of her company's prototypes and giving a shout out for mutant rights. She's kind of used to being recognized. Not sure how that plays here though.]

Also, and this might be jumping several guns at once, but I'm thinking there should be an inventor's club thing if there isn't one already. I have tech skills we have some raw materials. Who's with me? I might also be interested in a teaching position. I know, I know, I look like a kid, and I am, but I'm also a CEO with some teaching guest lecturing credits under my belt. [The smile is just a little smug which is also covering up some of the "oh em gee" of being in this place. Her life has never exactly been normal, but it's never been this either. It's kind of exciting too though.]

Right, so, hit me up. I'm around.

[Or maybe you'll run into her as she goes about her day collecting supplies in the various stores or getting a coffee.]

(OOC: AU Details

Jun. 4th, 2016



Day 378 // Private Audio (Reid and Kitty)

[Private | Reid]

Doctor Reid? Is it still okay if I stay with you? I'm— [What is he? He should have figured that out before calling anyone.] Just... let me know, I guess.

[Private | Kitty-the-Elder]

[This is absolutely something that he should just tell her in person, but he feels kind of guilty about it and would rather not. Is that terrible? That's kind of terrible.]

I think I'm gonna go stay with Doctor Reid. You didn't do anything, it's... stuff happened, and I figured I'd be safer with him. I mean, I know I'm safe with you, but I think other people'll be safer from me this way.

May. 8th, 2016



Day 374 - Open Dream

[Your eyes are open, but there's nothing to see. The darkness is absolute. Your other senses strain to make up for the lack of visual information. More nothing.

The silence builds until it's a palpable pressure, and all you can hear is your heartbeat (is it speeding up?) and the blood rushing through your veins and arteries (did you know that had a sound?). Panic builds in the back of your throat. You need to run or scream or do something to escape the sensory vacuum, but your legs refuse to listen and you can't make a sound. Why should you keep trying? There's no one to hear you. There's nowhere to run.

Your heartbeat is the only thing in the universe. It's too loud. You're too aware of it, and that increased awareness makes you realize how fragile hearts are. It's just a muscle—a fist-sized, fluttering thing in your chest.

Blood roars in your ears. Your heartbeat falters, and you wonder if you're dying.

Something touches your arm and it's like surfacing after being held underwater. Sounds—indistinct shuffling and scraping, but sounds nonetheless—return and you can see just well enough to determine that there's someone next to you.]

It's okay. [It's Nathan. He doesn't sound as if he believes himself.] Are you okay?

May. 5th, 2016



Day 374 | Shared dreaming

[Small Dragon]

op 1

[Seiryuu village was rarely visited by those that didn't wish to attack it. Yet it was still pretty left in the open. Those that arrive here might notice a small boy in a mask sticking close to a larger man. Every so often he yells at the smaller boy before he storms off into one of the huts. Standing outside the little boy looked over to a group of children and villagers that both ran and gave him looks of disgust. That is when he turns and looks dead at you...something that seems hard to do with the mask he wears.]

...Who are you?

[He looks tense ready to call on the man.]

op 2

[Alone in the dark the boy sits crying, the soft jingle of bells heard as he pressed his face against his legs. It was dark and he no longer had Ao...there was no one that seemed to care for him.

He had done something he was never supposed to do and because of that the village suffered so it was fine for him to be left alone...right?

However, the moment he hears foot steps he quickly stands up and looks at you...He tries to act tough for a moment.]


[He had to protect this village...Ao always did that.]

May. 3rd, 2016



374 - open dreams

[ Dust to dust ]

[ It's a quiet old house, filled with more flowers and folding chairs than anyone could possibly need in their day to day life, unless they're a funeral director. There's a clock ticking somewhere, an eerie stillness in the viewing room, a sturdy white casket making up the center feature. The lid is off and inside, cushioned by plush silk and dolled up as if she's going out for a nice day, is lonely tourist Charlotte Charles. Her skin is dull and pale, her lips a faint blue.

What do you do now? ]

[ Heart of hearts ]

[ Another house, this one bright and worn from generations of life, the rooms stuffed with scuffed furniture and the faint smell of cheese and birds. There's sunlight and a buzz of bees from the backyard. The smell of breakfast food is hanging heavy in the air, as does a perhaps very familiar voice: ]

Pancakes are ready!

May. 2nd, 2016



Day 374 Shared Dreaming

Dream 1: The Kiss
[You resume this dream already in progress! Your lips are pressed up against Euphie's, and it's not even mistletoe bot day. What do you do?]

Dream 2: Geassed
[You're in one of the stores and there's Euphie in the next aisle trying to get the biggest knife there out of the package and struggling with it.] Oh! Could you help me? I need to get this knife so I can kill all the Japanese! [Just as sweet and perky as ever, but theses horrifying sentiments come with a distant sort of look like she's not fully connecting. But seriously why are knives so hard to get out of the package?]

(OOC: Possible sexy warnings for dream 1 and possible violent warnings in dream 2. Plotting if you have other ideas or need to discuss anything. You're welcome to just jump in!)



Day 374 | Action | Open

Backside of the TV

[You're in a maze. It might be a sauna, hot and muggy and thick with steam. Or maybe it's a strip club, dark with violet curtains covering the walls and secret corners with music pounding through the air and whispers you can't quite make out as you wander the corridors. Maybe you're in what looks like a video game with blocky, artificial looking dungeon walls and floors. Or perhaps it's a secret base like you'd see in an action movie, the kind with sliding blast doors and scaffolding to climb around on. Maybe your maze is beautiful, like a fairy tale, or the way a child would imagine heaven, full of clouds and flowers and somehow heartbreakingly sad.

You can wander around whichever maze you find yourself in. Maybe you'll stay there, maybe they all begin to blur together and you find yourself drifting from one to another as you explore the hallways. They all have one thing in common though; they're full of Shadows, dark monsters that you can sneak past or fight. Probably fight, since Kanji is with you every step of the way, folding chair sling easily over his shoulder and looking for some action. He's wearing a pair of glasses, and you may notice you have a pair on, too. Pick whatever style you'd like, but if you take them off your surroundings will be lost in a fog that makes your head hurt. Try not to get lost in it.]



Day 374 Shared Dreaming

Dream 1: Afterglow
[Welcome to the afterglow. You're all wrapped up in each other, flushed, and pleasantly exhausted. Maybe you see each other as naked and curled up in bed together or maybe you're in the shower up against a wall in the living room or an alley in some partial state of dress. Maybe you're defiling a tree out in public. There are so many places available for these things. Was it a surprise or is your mind already hard at work making it make sense to you? Hard to say if it's all cuddling and pillow talk from here or just a cool down before round two (or three?)]

That was amazing. [She still sounds breathless.]

Dream 2: Home Sweet Home
[You've arrived inside the living room of a middle class couple living in Deerfield, Illinois. It's a cozy space—lived in, but not too messy. There's a thirteen year old girl with bushy brunette hair sitting at the dining room table reading the same page of a book over and over again. Her father and mother are sitting on the couch in the adjoining living room watching some television. You can't interact with them yet. The front door is blasted open sending splinters of it flying across the room. Then large men who are more technology and armor than flesh and blood file inside. You can't speak or move. You feel trapped and helpless as you watch this play out. The girl drops her book and stares but she seems just as frozen as you.

Cut for depiction of violence/death )

Apr. 12th, 2016



371 - closed audio; open action

[ Action; Open ]
[ He spent the night at the clinic. It seemed like the only option, going home in that state in the dark would've definitely gotten him killed and even now when everything is back to normal it seems like a great feat of strength just to get up and go outside. Scratched and bruised, like many others after Raptor Day, Aidan might not stick out too much on this walk of shame. Sure, he's a little whiter than usual, but who can even tell what with his pale complexion? It was a rough day.

He makes his way slowly through the dome, partially because what's left of his hand hurts like a beast today and partially because he has no idea where he's going. To Euphie's? Rebecca's? Either seem equally bad. Someone should distract him on the way so he doesn't have to choose. ]

[ Audio; Rebecca Crane ]
Hey, uh... you okay? Sorry I didn't check in until now.

[ Audio; Euphemia li Britannia ]
Euphie. [ Shit. ] Did you stay safe yesterday?

[ Audio; Shallan Davar ]
Thanks... y'know. For lookin' out for me.

Apr. 8th, 2016



Day 370 [Audio/Action]

[Audio/OPEN] (because what is light?)

[The day has been going as you might imagine. It's dark and dangerous and while she feels a thrill when engaged in a fight she also has more than her fair share of concern when it comes to others. She feels protective of the inhabitants of this dome which is probably a good thing for the leader of the Defense Force to have, but it also runs deeper than that. It would be there even if her position changed. Always one of the X-men, but also someone who has just lost too much for too long.]

Report in. Anyone. Force or not. We're all in this today. [But she also hopes they heeded Suzaku's warnings and stayed in. Too many heroes getting themselves hurt today isn't going to help anyone. Same could be said of her of course.] I want to hear some voices. [If only to know you're okay.] What are you seeing? Anyone need help?

[Nathan, Reid, you're both getting private calls if she doesn't hear from you. Help, a girl out.]


[She's wearing glow sticks around her neck and arms to provide a little light without being too cumbersome. There's a traditional flashlight hanging from her belt if she needs it. She's also dressed in uniform from her life as an X-Man—tight, blue, low cut, but it's durable and easy to move in.

She's not necessarily trying to engage with the beasts, but it doesn't stop her from running up against them on her own or to help someone out. Watch out for blood splatter if you run across her while her claws are out. She's not taking prisoners.]

Mar. 9th, 2016



Day 366 [ Action / Closed ]

[They are nestled into the booth they normally favored when they spent a lot of time sharing meals. The food has already been served and she's pulling another eggroll onto her plate and smiling at her dinner partner. Originally, this meal was a cute suggestion left on a belated birthday gift that signaled things were getting better between them. Now, after their kiss at yesterday's dance it feels like it might actually be a date.]

If I start talking about maps and charts you'll get so distracted you won't even notice me stealing extra eggrolls, right? Something something, percentages, something something, statistics.

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Jan. 25th, 2016



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 19th, 2016



[Day 359] Poker Mingle/Closed

[Poker night at Kitty's place in sector 4! She has them set up at the kitchen table with cards and poker chips. There's a variety of snacks set up along the counters—pretzels, chips, dips, pizza rolls, meatballs with toothpicks, etc. There's also some pie because Chuck is here! Ice cream in the freezer since Kitty lives here. You'll also find water, sodas, wine, and beer. Stay hydrated!

There's also a living room with comfortable seating for taking breaks or relaxing after the game. If you're going to snoop you might find a Nathan hiding out in his room or peek through a partially opened door to see Kitty's room. It's very utilitarian—no decorations, generally clean though there are stacks of books, tech, and clothes here and there. For anyone who visited other apartments she's had they were a little warmer and included more personal touches. Nothing too exciting to find in the bathroom, you perv!]

(OOC: Invitees tag in mingle style.)

Jan. 11th, 2016



Day 358 - video/open

I just want to apologize to everyone I spoke with yesterday. I didn't know what I was able to do and if I had... [Emotion fills her voice and she takes a moment to gather herself before going on.]

I would never have been so careless. I don't think I am affected any longer. [But she's also afraid to test it to find out. Not to mention vague. Enjoy your confusing apology, everyone!]

I sincerely hope everyone is feeling like themselves again today in more than just body. [Because she knows first hand how badly something like yesterday can shake a person.]



Day 358 - video/closed : action/open

[video | closed — Chekov]
Hey, I have some explaining for you about yesterday. [And the sooner she can rip off the band-aid of awkward the better because she can't really have them separated by weird and bad. That's her least favorite state-of-a-relationship.]

[video | closed — Reid]
Are you, you? I'm me. Freshly unevil. Or no more than usual anyway.

[action | open]
[Kitty is sitting in a corner booth at Squeeze with a mixed-fruit drink and breakfast platter she hasn't really touched yet. She's absently flicking her glass. Sometimes her finger strikes it audibly and other times it swipes right through the glass harmlessly.]

[video | closed — Ianto]
Hey, how do you feel about cinnamon rolls? [This is not her main question today.]

[video | closed — Nathan]
How's my favorite roommate?