MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'veronica+mars'

Feb. 24th, 2015



Day 312 // action, p. much everywhere

[ Yesterday was irritating.

Haruka hadn't bothered avoiding mirrors - too much of a pain - but seeing blood on her hands every time she passed one was just tacky. The sight also reminded her that no matter how much this prison has come to mean for some of its inhabitants, Haruka has her own Mission to fulfill. She can't do that here.

She doesn't want to fight a futile battle, though, which has stymied her. Wait to act until you're certain of success, then dispose of the problem as efficiently as possible: that's Haruka Tenoh's ideal style. She knows what's waiting for them beyond the prison - now she just has to get back through those doors again. Which involves finding them.

Which is where infiltrating Sector 6 comes in.

Despite the less than stellar weather, Haruka's up early this morning, driving around each Sector in turn with occasional contemplative stops in front of the entrance to 6. She's not going in yet, not today. But the mirrors did remind her of what's at stake, so her resolve's growing. She'll have to discuss it with Michiru, but.....she can't leave things as they are. ]

The wind is shifting.

Feb. 21st, 2015



311 // voice

[ If it's one thing Spike knows, it's magical shenanigans. Seeing a reflection of a much younger man, a living man for all intents and purposes, when he should be seeing nothing at all stink to high heaven of magic. Or, if not magic, the usual wankery prison throws at them. There's no doubt in his mind that this is another fakey-fake trick, designed to poke and prod at their weak spots.

He's not sure if it's in an effort of neighborly camaraderie or just annoyance at the potential daftness of his fellow inmates, but this seems like a good time for a PSA. ]

I wouldn't put it past you lot to miss the bleedin' obvious, but... don't trust your eyes. Something's up.

Feb. 16th, 2015



Day 311 [Action/Open] [Video/Closed]

[Action \ Open]
[Kitty is standing in a clothing store in Sector 4, trying not to freak out. She doesn't understand how it's possible, but she woke up decidedly pregnant or at least her reflection did. Not so much that it looks like she's giving birth any second, but more than enough to know it's not just that burrito from last night.

Shockingly, the prison clothing store does not carry maternity wear, but she needs something to...hide it. Until she can figure this out.

And eventually she'll have to leave the store, so there might be some attempts at stealth mode getting back to the apartment. Is it safe to airwalk through tree limbs while pregnant? Watch out for occasional falling leaves when she solidifies for a break.]

[Voice \ Closed to Reid]
Reid, I... Um, sorry, wrong number. [Such a good cover when you say his name.]

[Video \ Closed to Ton and Alex]
[Keeping it nice and steady on just her face. No full body shots for you yet!] I think I might need a doctor.

(OOC: Afflicted with the Reflections Event)

Jan. 15th, 2015



[ video ]

Hi, everyone.

I know we had some new arrivals today. I'm Piper. I run the Sizzle & Sear. I'm also pretty sure no one arriving for the first time today really wants to hear, "welcome" because this whole place can be pretty scary and shocking at first.

I get that.

But, what I do want to do is, after everyone's managed to settle in a little more and take in their new surroundings, is invite you to a little reception tomorrow night over at my restaurant. It's kind of a welcome thing, but also a comfort thing. We'll have the regular menu, but all the specials are going to be comfort foods, and I have a lot of different ingredients and things ready to go, so I'm willing to learn any recipes and meals you might have had back home... you know, just to help you get through the transition of being here.

Also, I like to have some people around that have been here a while, and they can help you out with questions about the dome or anything like that as well.

So... stop by if you want. See you all tomorrow.

Jan. 5th, 2015



Day 305 | Video/Action | all over the Dome

[Mistletoe bots. It's like a frat boy got drunk with a math geek and decided hey, let's find another way to violate people. Color me unamused.]

[ video ]
Mistletoe bots. I'm going out on a limb and assuming they've been around here before. What do you know about them?

[She doesn't find this cute and she doesn't find this funny. It's hitting too close to home in all the wrong ways. She's doing her best to avoid them, but that is easier said than done. She can be found in various places around the Dome.]

Dec. 1st, 2014



Day 300 – Daytime Anniversary Mingle

Happy Anniversary, Marina Nova!

You may have noticed the veritable fleet of maintenance bots zipping all over the dome throughout the night, working hard to clean up the dome and set up decorations for this momentous occasion. Come morning there isn't a corner left unfestive, with brightly colored garlands hanging across the streets and wrapping around the sector gates. Even the trees have been primped for the occasion, colors changing into rich reds and oranges. Strings of light hang from the branches and lanterns line the streets, here and there broken up by a pile of stacked hay bales perfect for taking a rest on.

Of course, that is far from all! There wouldn't be much of a festival without entertainment and your loving wardens have made absolutely sure that there's something for everyone!

Let the celebrations begin! )


Nov. 12th, 2014



day 297 :: open video

[ The video opens on a man in his mid-twenties, fit and caucasian and brown-haired, complete with charming smile and the top of his orange jumpsuit tied around his waist. ]

I don't know what you're all complaining about. I think this is a great look for me. [ He flashes a pearly-white, rogueish grin. ] What do you think, ladies? Or gents. I'm not picky.

Nov. 10th, 2014



DAY 297 — Morning Greeting

Today is Day 297. Yesterday was quite the adventure. All systems and inmates have been returned to their proper places. You probably have a lot of questions. I guess that means today will be my adventure.

There are new arrivals. I'm sure you'll make them feel very welcome.

"There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors." —Jim Morrison

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)

Nov. 3rd, 2014



Day 296 — Video/Open

[Once the siren has gone off Sam turns on his video feed. For the moment he's holding a flashlight on himself as he speaks—scary story style.]

I was still at home when this happened, so I had access to flashlights. [Lots of flashlights. Salt isn't the only thing he's stockpiled in his time here.] I'm guessing that isn't true for everyone, so you might want to stop looking directly at the video. I'm going to just point my light at the screen for awhile so you can use your communicator as a makeshift light source. It's probably not the brightest thing, but it might help. And since you can review things on the network for up to 24 hours you should be able to keep rewinding it.

[Avert your eyes! Here comes the light!]

Is everyone doing okay? I saw Kitty's post about the door. Does anyone else have anything to report?



Day 296 — VR MarinaNova — After the doors close

[Maybe you saw a glowing door open and avoided it or maybe you have no idea anything just happened, but you know something is up now because everything just went dark. Seriously dark. No ambient light of any kind. The kind of dark that makes you wonder if something's wrong with your eyes. Oh, and there's a siren going off from the speakers on the floating island. Don't worry, that will end in about thirty minutes, but you're not so lucky when it comes to the dark.

The kiosk was open earlier, but it's gone dead now and the maintenance bots are in the same condition. As a bonus some people are missing too! Welcome to Day 296.]

(OOC: This mingle is for those who did NOT go through the doors. EVENT INFORMATION)



Day 296 : Video - Open to threadjacks!

[Kitty was out walking. Once upon a time she might have called it patrolling, but her thoughts were internal rather than on the environment around her. At least they were until she walked by the arcade only to see a back door of sorts pop itself open and start glowing.

She turns the video feed on and points it at the door. She almost locked this to the Defense Force, but she knew what she was about to do and she wanted Nathan to know too...just in case.]

You don't see something like this every day. [She steps closer toward it.] One minute it was a normal, closed door. The next, well, you can see for yourself. It reminds me of an energy signature. [Some of her fellow X-Men had their own light shows when their powers activated and for the moment she was reminded of Blink's even if the shaping and colors were all wrong. Maybe it was just because it was in a door that had her thinking of spatial displacement.] I don't feel any heat coming off of it. I can't see anything past the light.

I'm going in. [Warning them. Bracing herself.] I'll report what I find as I go. [No plans to turn the feed off.] I'll try to stay phas— [The transmission cuts off abruptly in the middle of her sentence and the feed goes dead.]

(OOC: This takes place during the brief window when doors are open and the lights of the facility are still on. She will be totally unable to respond, but please feel welcome to threadjack amongst yourselves. I'll have notifs off!)

Oct. 13th, 2014



DAY 293 — Morning Greeting

Today is Day 293.

As you may have noticed there was something of a minor glitch with the environmental systems yesterday. Impressively, you all managed to survive despite your best efforts not to go to the designated safe zones as instructed. Unfortunately, some of the food supply from Sector 6 was caught up in the storm as well, and did not fare so well.

Phase one of clean up is currently underway. Bots have already cleared the misplaced organic material. They will move on to ensuring all structures are sound. Enter at your own risk. However, you will not be permitted in the library, The Tier apartments, or the movie theater for the remainder of the day. If you are unwisely already in any of these locations, exit immediately and with utmost caution. Anyone caught on any of these premises will be removed and assigned a punishment.

If you live in The Tier we will take care to protect your belongings, but do not attempt to get them. Simply find an empty space in one of the other apartments or stay at a friend's apartment if you've managed to make friends. Get anything you need for the day at one of the various stores. If you abandoned your pet to save yourself yesterday a bot will be returning it to your person shortly.

Take care where you step today. There are still some low-lying areas filled with water and the ground is very moist. Repair and clean-up efforts will take a few days. We also have some new arrivals. I would apologize that the place isn't as presentable and functional as usual, but then we're still practically a resort prison, and you are criminals. Welcome.

"There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm." — Willa Cather

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go HERE!

If you want your character to commit the crime of trespassing on an off-limits location, just reply to IC Rules to report it. The areas will be roped off with warning signs.)

Oct. 4th, 2014



Day 291 | afternoon

[ video ]
[Veronica looks remarkably well for someone who was violently assaulted yesterday. The magic of Warden technology. Still, while they could heal the stab wound, the emotional ones will take more time.]

Our good friends the Wardens have asked that I start a game over the network, so why don't we play one of my favorites: anonymous confessions. Got something weighing on your soul? Share it here. Our favorite Warden has made it so your voice will be distorted beyond all recognition. People can guess but no one will ever know...

[If knowledge is a weapon, secrets are the assault rifle for a private detective. Know a person's secrets, and you know that person's weaknesses. And while this may not be the most effective way of gathering them...well, everybody's gotta start somewhere.]

[ooc: Veronica got special permission from the Wardens to enable people to respond anonymously to this post. Just put "anon" in the subject line for any post that's anonymous. Voice responses will have a filter (can be a silly filter if you want), and video posts will have a silly picture and voice distortion.]

Sep. 28th, 2014



Day 290 // Closed Action

[Why would we need you?

Kitty's words have been echoing in Nathan's head all day, as persistent and inescapable as any of the usual intrusive thoughts. She probably hadn't meant much of anything when she said it--she didn't know him today, after all--but it's a valid question with a simple answer: Reid and Kitty don't need him. No one does.

It pisses him off.

Nathan isn't even sure who he's mad at. Kitty for forgetting him, Euphie for being profoundly messed up, the wardens for shoving them all into this stupid dome, Deanna for not fixing him, Doctor Reid for not letting him die like he should have? Himself?

He doesn't know how long he's been awake. His mind won't let him sleep and his feet won't let him rest, and he gets more restless and agitated as he stalks through the dome. Why can't he get away from his thoughts this time? If he walks enough, he can usually exhaust himself into a pleasantly blank state. At the very least, he typically manages to wear his anger (he hates anger--it's the most dangerous emotion, and he knows that he has to lock it away whenever it shows up) down into despair or self-pity. This anger, though--this anger has been building. Nathan cuts it down whenever it rears its head, but it only comes back stronger and more insistent. It has been feeding the monstrous part of him, clawing down the barricades that he has built to keep the thing that wants to stab and dissemble and destroy from escaping.

By the time the day draws to a close, Nathan's control is more tenuous than it has been in weeks. He's only half-present as he storms through one sector after the next, unseeing, unable to focus on anything other than the thoughts in his head and the anger burning through the last of his self-restraint.

Why would we need you?

The teenager reaches into his pocket for the red pearl that he knows is there (he forgets, sometimes, that it hasn't always been there). It's warm and smooth and comforting, and the craft knife that's keeping it company feels almost as familiar. Nathan doesn't know how the knife got there--he can't remember taking it--but it seems right. ]

Sep. 17th, 2014



Day 289 Video/Audio - Solitary Confinement



[When being handed the communicator, Mal's fingers turned the video on. Mostly you're seeing Mal's chest and a blank wall behind him. The words are clearly in the background.]

An' I can call someone if I wan'? No tricks that'll land me another punishment?

[The video lands on his face, and it's clear he's not only angry but just as upset if not more than he was the day before. He looks down and realizes the thing's on.]

Mother of Buddha

[The feed cuts out.]

A few minutes later


[His voice is still rather thick with emotion... but he needs to do something to keep himself from going crazy. Maybe writing up the fucking brochure will help.]

For those who ain't aware, Inara's gone. Also, I don't feel like talking to Mr. Smiles here... and since I think I may be allowed a visitor... anyone wanna bring me pen and paper?

Sep. 16th, 2014



Day 289 || Open Audio

[ The audio is a little fuzzy, Clay realizes, but that doesn't matter. He's not looking for quality, here, and he's not showing his face. The people who need to hear this message will know who he is soon enough. ]

So, Marina. It's a balmy sort of day. Cool, pleasant, nice. You know, besides being stuck a thousand leagues under the ocean. Makes everything distinctly less pleasant.

[ A long, long pause, before Clay laughs, manic and strung out. ]

What's your stance on revenge, Marina?

Sep. 4th, 2014



287 // video

[ For a moment he considers locking this away from Tyki Mikk, but that would mean acknowledging that he's scared and he can't do that. Instead he makes the transmission open, video and all and aside from being sans tie (which is unusual in itself) he looks fine. A little tired, but when isn't he?

Good thing no one can see his heavily bandaged right hand, right? ]

Hey. Just letting everyone know that Criminology class will be cancelled today, due to time constraints. Hopefully we'll be back up by day 292, but until then anyone who wants to catch up on the previous lectures can contact me or Artemis Crock for a copy of the compendium.

Thank you for your patience. [ A beat of hesitation, and then he adds. ]

Oh, and uhm... anyone who knows how to bake cookies? I'd really appreciate it if you could come down to the home ec room at the education center. I, uhm. I need some help.

Sep. 2nd, 2014



Day 287 - Open to All

[AM Pet Cafe]

The more she thought about it, the more sense it made. A dog would be quite useful. And so here she was deciding between the merit of an adult dog versus a puppy. The puppies were cute, and she had the time to train them. However, a puppy couldn't also protect her for a few months yet. The choice was ultimately made for her when a two year old pit bull walked on over and licked her hand. He sat on command, and was able to handle some basic commands. All in all, Martha walked out of the pet cafe with a leashed dog in one hand and a small bag of food and a bone in her other. The food wouldn't last too long, but she'd have time to get more before it was a problem.

[AM Around the Dome]

Martha spent most of the morning walking the dog, she named him Patch, back and forth from various stores to her rooms. He had a bowl, food, plenty of toys, a bed. Anyone encountering her along the way would note she was humming Row Row Row your Boat peppered with occasional commands.

[PM Clinic]

Martha sat at the desk with a book in hand, tossing a ball across the room for Patch to chase. When he was tired, he flopped down behind her chair, slurping up water from the bowl she now kept there. Of course, he wouldn't be allowed back in the rooms. But for now, he was just fine in the waiting room. She smiled to herself as he came back with the ball and began humming Row Row Row Your Boat again.

Aug. 18th, 2014



DAY 285 — Morning Greeting

Oh, look at that. It's Day 285. Do you know what that means? Yes, that's right—very little.

The museum is having a display on wigs. There will be some available in the gift shop for all your beauty enhancement and disguise needs.

Oh, and once again we have guests not getting along. For shame. Tyki, I do hope you know there's no certificate for the most infractions.

Spencer Reid: Assault and Injury
Tyki Mikk: Assault and Injury

I've been remiss in your quotes. This is not an apology.
All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff. —Frank Zappa

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here!)

Aug. 17th, 2014



Day 284 / Video — Open

Hello Mariners!

I think we should play a game, so I thought of one that might work over the network. It's called Would you Rather.

I'll give you two scenarios and you'll have to choose which one you'd rather do. You won't actually have to do them of course! Then you'll give me scenarios and I'll choose. Let me know if it doesn't make sense. Maybe once it gets going it will be clearer.

Now, I'll start.

Would you rather visit the future or the past if you could time travel?

(OOC: Backdated to late evening. Please feel free to threadjack.)