MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'yato'

Apr. 11th, 2016



DAY 371 | Closed Action / Open Audio / Open Action

Closed to Apartment Dwellers
[He doesn’t remember how he got back to the apartment. Maybe the shadows dumped him here. He doesn’t remember travelling, but he doesn’t remember walking either. He remembers realizing the incredible shrinking room was gone at some point. That he wasn’t disappearing anymore. That he couldn’t hold anything down. Yuuri wasn’t there. He left. He just walked away.

It doesn’t matter. He’s here, and he doesn’t have the energy or inclination to be anywhere other than curled up on his bed, staring at the wall and willing it stay right where it fucking is.]

Open Video
[Until about mid-day when he realizes something is wrong. Bolting up, he searches frantically around the room before dropping back onto his bed. Shit.]

Hey. So, it seems I’ve misplaced my sword? It’s pure black iron, hard to miss. If you find it, don’t mess with it! Just tell me where it is, and I’ll come get it.

Open Out and About
[He’s not really sure where he dropped his sword. Maybe he really was by the clinic? But he had been popping in and out of everywhere. The … incident happened, maybe, around Sector 4? He’s not sure. So he’s scouring the whole dome, focused and irritated.]



Day 371 | [Video]

[Laughter, like grating white noise or the friction between grains of sand.]


[Shackled by his own amusement, he sits with a hand over his face, as if it could somehow shield his shit-eating grin. If he had known getting arrested meant serving life as a fancy free loader with some sick tech, he would have opted for it a few decades ago. Still howling, he falls onto his back before realizing that this is probably a rather odd first impression, and to impress the masses, he needs to regain his composure. He sits up with his eyes finally open, friendly but carnivorous.]

"Fellow inmates!"

[The corners of his lips upturn again almost instantly, like the edges of sharpened knives. His voice is like honey, but all he can think is how inmates are probably some of the troubled people in the entire world—perfect suckers for him.

"Fast, reliable, I’m the delivery god Yato! A bonafide god, I’m telling you!" [So don’t question it.]

"Does anyone need any help out there? It seems like we’re all in a" [beautiful] "strange situation, right?"




Um. [ awkward wave? forced smile? yeah, awkward wave and forced smile. the smile melts into a grimace, and kara bounces restlessly from the ball of one foot to the other. ] Okay, I don't— I don't know who or what thinks I belong here, but you've made a really big mistake. If this is some way of getting back at Ms. Grant for whatever you think she did to you, this isn't the way to go about it.

[ it was so much easier to tackle things like this as supergirl. doing so as kara danvers just makes her feel uneasy. powerless. out of control and out of her element. the obvious upset that crosses her features is genuine. ]

I'm— I'm sorry. [ a sniffle. she wipes at her nose, takes a deep breath, fans her face. ] This isn't— I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to all this. Am I supposed to introduce myself? Say, 'hi, I'm Kara Danvers,' and just sit back and accept a fate I'm undeserving of? I'm sorry, but I really can't do that.

[ kara can't do that. neither can supergirl. ]