MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'catherine+halsey'

Nov. 25th, 2013



Day 247 - Sector 0 - Picture Day!

[There are multiple peg boards set up in Sector 0 today—some tall, some short, some on wheels, some long, some magenta with glitter! But what do they all have in common? They are covered in pictures with familiar faces.

Maybe the face is many years younger and surrounded by family or maybe it's a shot taken in Marina (version 1 or 2!). Maybe it was a time when no cameras were present and yet here is the evidence of that moment in all it's candid glory.

You could have grabbed that really embarrassing or incriminating one and thought you were safe only to find out there were three duplicates! Sweet, horrific, sad, casual, posed, past, or present—the wardens are good at variety, so enjoy!]

(OOC: Plotting post for sharing pictures people might find on the boards.)

Nov. 18th, 2013


Day 246 ; video

[Seriously, this is the least impressed one-armed woman you've ever seen. But this new development has her... not curious but slightly confused. This place... she'd thought it was relatively family-friendly, somehow. Apparently not.]

When I was told there were educational institutions here, this wasn't what I expected.

[At any rate, she manages to look wholly disinterested.]

Human sexuality, at least, is something best kept to ourselves, when possible. However... this is a very natural thing to be curious about. Medically speaking, it might even have benefits for some.

[SOME. Not that she's ever... NOT THAT SHE EVER WOULD. But some people? Need to chill.]

Let it give you something to think about.

[End feed.]

Nov. 11th, 2013



Day 245 | voice;

[ normally helen makes her communications visible. she likes to see whom she's speaking with. today, however, is slightly different. it's still early in the day and goodness only knows where she is, but after recent events, she's not certain she can handle regaining her gentleman friend only to lose one of her best friends. ]

Out of curiosity, as I've found her difficult to locate recently... has anyone been able to contact Rebekah lately? I haven't seen her in a few days and I was wondering if perhaps we've simply missed each other.

[ she doubts it. at this point, her instincts are screaming that rebekah's gone, but with the way things have gone, she has to be certain. elena's returned, so perhaps rebekah is simply hiding out. helen does know rebekah was responsible for killing her, however short that death was. ]

For those who might be new, the clinic in Sector 3 is open to any who might need medical attention and would rather not be seen by the bots in the hospital. Any one of the volunteers who work there are perfectly qualified to handle whatever may come through the doors.

[ and with that, she's going to quietly spend a good portion of today mourning her lost friend. rebekah was one of the first she made here and the strongest other than jean-luc and james. helen will certainly miss being able to go to rebekah to talk. ]

Nov. 4th, 2013



Wonderland Event — Dome-wide mingle

[ There were blankets set out in the lush parks of the prison, and on top a feast was spread out. Fine china and chubby pots of tea, delicate cake trays filled with tarts, biscuits and sandwiches; yes, anything the hungry and weary prisoners could wish for was laid out for their convenience.

The sun was shining brightly and a playful breeze rustles the leaves of the trees. Surely a wonderful day for a tea party! ]

((ooc: Mingle for your mingling needs! Event information can be found here! ))

Oct. 16th, 2013


Evening 241 } Action } Open Mingle

[ As mentioned by the wardens yesterday, Eric is hosting a costume party. The Blood Shack is lit by candles for the evening (he remembers the last party he had being interrupted by a power outage) and a small buffet of sorts has been erected. It furnishes mostly hors d'oeuvre and finer foods, things that Caroline picked out as Eric hasn't a clue about human food.

There is blood on tap (naturally) as well as a full bar. Eric has made certain to include water, sodas, tea and various non-alcoholic drinks.

The jukebox is playing a variety of music, but patrons are always invited to pick out their own music. The dance floor has a disco ball and there's the ever present 'dancing' pole on stage if someone gets brave. Tables are scattered about as are sofas and chairs so that people have a choice where they sit.

Enjoy yourself, mix, mingle and admire everyone's costume and everyone is required to have a costume in order to be here. ]

[ooc: I've turned off replies so if you want Eric's attention please tag his thread. Mingle here, have fun and be merry? Everyone is invited, including and especially newbies. ]

Oct. 14th, 2013


day 241/video

[On screen is one (1) very wet, very much line facing, Kurt Ambrose. He's managed to get his expression under some control but he still manages to look frustrated as he talks, even as he tries to ignore the water dripping into his eyes.

Okay so he may have gone for a swim...after he tried to catch the fish to see if the sluggish feeling he had was just because of drugs or something else entirely weird. Said swim wasn't exactly what he was aiming for and he actually failed in his goal to start with, and he's now sitting on the beach as he contemplates it all and finally using the device.

If this is an actual prison, then letting your prisoners near water after doing something to them where they could drown very easily is not the best way to keep your prisoners alive. [He is judging you so hard in other words and he's hoping the fact that he looks like a very tall Olympic athlete means he can intimidate some answers out of people.]

Apart from that if anyone has information as to why a military officer is being charged by what I can only guess is a bunch of civilians I would very much like an answer. [And then there's a sigh.] Please. And if someone wouldn't mind showing me where I can find a place to stay as I figure this place out I would appreciate it.


[ kelly only addresses the communication device after she's made sure it's not a bomb or rigged to send a signal to someone else or some sort of covenant communication device that's liable to go off in her face. this involves dropping it several times, even after she finally turns the damn thing on. up, down, up, down, up -- she looks frustrated, which for a spartan means she's very angry. she's trying to channel that anger into getting things done, finding out information, and generally being productive, but it's difficult when her entire body is slow and all of her senses are incredibly dulled. she feels blind, deaf, numb, and deathly slow and she does not like it at all. ]

I need to speak with whoever is in charge here. [ her voice is hard, maybe a little cold, as though she's trying her hardest to keep herself under control. ] They need to learn a lesson: if they want someone's cooperation, drugging and stripping them isn't the way to gather favor. [ she's being horribly affected by the power dampeners and it's throwing her off. ]

I don't appreciate being drugged or kidnapped [ even if that's happened to her before ] and I won't stay here. You can keep your play at prison for someone else.

[ for those watching along at home, kelly does appear human, but she's extremely muscular, looking closer to a lifelong body-builder than an actual normal person. and she's twitchy if this is anything to go by. she pauses for just a moment, hesitant to add on one more thing to her list of complaints. ]

And someone has my-- [ a pause as she debates how to address that. ] --clothes.

day 241 | voice/action

[Arriving at a strange place isn't new to Catherine Halsey. Her life has been full of odd occurrences and this shouldn't be any different. But it is, more mysterious than anything else she's been through. Prison? Again. Not rightfully so; hasn't she served her time? Hasn't she suffered enough, properly atoned without being put in a jumpsuit?]

This isn't the chain gang...

[It's muttered as she fumbles with the device, starting up a voice communication.]

To anyone who is listening: An explanation would be helpful, something more relevant than what I've received, a detailing of events and the essence of this situation. Additionally... [She pauses.] ...if anyone is near gardens and a series of greenhouses, I require physical assistance as well.

[Because newly arrived, stolen away only minutes after her life-saving amputation, she is now stuck in a greenhouse with a rather stubborn door.

At least the view is nice...?]