MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'lal'

May. 20th, 2014



[272] open dream post;

[001. Trains]
[It's scenic, long stretches of green hills and towering blue skies. In the distance is a wide expanse of water, glittering in the afternoon sun. The wind rolls through, bringing up the smell of the water through the open doors of the box car. The train's traveling slow, and it's through the floor of it he feels every familiar jostle and bump on the tracks. He lounges there, outstretched with his hands behind his head and the sun soaking warmly into his skin.

He doesn't care about anything but the feel of freedom. There is nothing else but this.]

[002. Forsaken]
[The hallway's dark and nearly endless, stretching out to dark expanses and turning or twisting should you walk too far past the only open door. The path will always lead you back, to a checkerboard floor covered in shattered glass. Lightning cracks behind half-broken windows, where red velvet curtains hang and the entire room may seem dated to those who aren't from the late 19th century. Obscured paintings, plush rugs beneath old curved couches in the parlor -- there's a lingering feeling of dread.

And there's Tyki Mikk, hunched forward on one couch with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands.]

[003. Wildcard]
[If you have another idea, feel free to IM/ PM me and we can wing it.]

May. 19th, 2014



Day 272: Shared Dreams: Open!

[ First Dream ]

[ Ten Forward, the crew lounge of the USS Enterprise-D, is where you will find yourself. It is duplicated down to the smallest detail. The table placement, the impressive view, the lighting... The only difference is the patrons, and the complete silence. The normal, usually cheerful, din is completely absent.

Lal is waiting tables, just as she did when she was actually living on the ship. At one table sits Data, flanked by Counselor Troi and Guinan, the woman who runs Ten Forward. Oddly, none of them are chatting, though they are all smiling serenely, and making the same exaggerated head movements. Identical to the ones Lal so often employs.

Scattered among the rest of the tables, are the entirety of the Enterprise's senior officers (and Wesley), the core group she'd witnessed the most interactions with. And they're all silent and still, save for those disjointed head tilts.

[ Second Dream ]

[ It's unlikely that most would recognize this setting, even those familiar with the actual location. It's a rather sophisticated laboratory that's been constructed from images of the ones in the Daystrom Annex on Galor IV. It is lit only by the ambient glow of the few computer panels that are still working, intermittently placed along the walls.

The room is circular, and next to each panel in the wall, is a large glass cylinder. At first, it might be a little difficult to see exactly what's inside of them, thanks to the lighting. But a sudden flash of light through the windows, thanks to the raging storm outside, provides a glimpse, even if only for a few seconds. Inside each is the form of Lal's father, Data, though very much younger than the one in Marina. Younger, even, than he was when he created her. They all appear deactivated though.

The room is completely deserted otherwise, aside from a lone figure on a metal table directly in the middle of the lab. It is Lal, and she might appear to be deactivated along with all the other androids. But, upon closer inspection, her eyes are moving. Darting back and forth wildy while the rest of her remains motionless.

Apr. 15th, 2014



day 267 | open video & action

[ Lal's never seen an actual ocean before. Or a blue sky, an underwater dome... Almost everything in MarinaNova is totally new to her. That is why her first transmission comes some time after she's arrived. As urgent as it is that she is returned to The Enterprise, there wasn't exactly anyone around curb her curiosity, or answer the multitude of questions she's storing up for later.

But now, she finally starts her video from the shoreline of sector one. For all intents and purposes, she seems to be an ordinary young woman. Except for the odd and slightly mechanical movements of her head.


[ She doubts he's actually here in the asylum with her, but she has to make sure. She pauses, cocking her head to one side just a bit. Being used to the starship's communication methods, she expects an immediate answer. When none comes, she continues on. ]

Asylum. Protection from danger. A facility where care is given to the sick or insane.

I am not sick. This is not The Enterprise. This is not Galor IV. I do not know of a planet with an ocean named "Saylar". Why... was I taken from The Enterprise? Why was I charged with crimes? Captain Picard stated that I had not done anything wrong. So why am I here?

It is a mistake. Since it is a mistake, I've concluded that the logical action would be to return to the surface of this planet. I will do that now.

[ Obviously, the best way to do that would be through the ocean. She hasn't yet realized that the water before her is independent of the dark sea outside the dome, so she's going to start marching forward purposefully. She'll keep going, eventually sinking below the surface unless she's stopped. ]