MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'vriska+serket'

May. 6th, 2013



DAY 218 — Morning Greeting

Day 218. Sunny. Blah, blah blah. No requests. It's a slow day already.

[Nope, not mentioning the tentacled friend from yesterday.]

We do have a couple of punishments for a couple of hotheads though.

Damara Megido: Property damage
Caliborn: Property damage

There will be a few new additions at the Pet Cafe today for those still looking to adopt. It may be a good idea. It can teach you responsibility and give you further companionship and improve your mood. Perhaps it will make you less prone to complaining. But I dream... [Computer-y sigh.]

[Mail Delivery: From Aidan Reilly to Everyone.]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Mail submissions can be left here)

Apr. 18th, 2013


[day 215, backdated to morning; voice]

[The first thing that registers is that this is definitely not where she fell asleep. She's been to the beach, sure, but there's no way in hell she'd sleep there. Then there's the part of her that can't remember falling asleep at all, and for a moment she absolutely swears that this place is just fucking with her...until she sees her reflection in the water. Those are definitely freaky white eyes. Fucking perfect.

Under ordinary circumstances, she'd be pissed. These particular circumstances, though, and the killer headache she has, she's absolutely livid.]

Hey! Code-for-brains! Both of you fuckers, you know who you are – Veridi-whatsit and who-cares. I know you’re listening so get your nonexistent fingers out of your nonexistent sponge clots and pay close fucking attention because I ain’t going to say this again!

I am going to kill you. I don’t care that that's technically impossible because you’re computers, I am going to find your mainframes or whatever the hell you have and tear them apart bit. By. Bit. Maybe even set the pieces on fire! Because I don’t know what kind of sick game you think you’re playing, I don't even care, but either you’re fucking with my memories – which I have reason [the fact that she woke up dead] to believe is unlikely! – oooooooor I was about to do something more important than you’ll ever know or appreciate. And I’m going to go back and finish what I’ve started, and I don't care what I have to do to do that!

[Tantrum over, it's a while before Vriska clicks her communicator back on, sounding somewhat calmer.]

…If any of you losers I knew from back home are still here, report in. I mean, I haven’t been paying attention or anything, but I haven’t heard from any of you in long enough that I’m almost worried. Almost.

[Another pause.] And John…never mind. Forget it. [What is she supposed to say? “I’m sorry”? Sorry for what? Sorry he thinks she’s dangerous? That’s stupid. She hasn't got anything to apologize for, and even if what he said to her was upsetting, it's not like there's jack shit she can do about it anyway. Besides which, she’s sure he wouldn’t remember. And who even cares.]

Nov. 9th, 2012



[action | open]

[Good morning, MarinaNova. Hopefully you are enjoying your day, because its about to be ruined by one slightly frantic dogface. Not so much frantic as in...well, it looks like very dizzy as he destabilizes himself and teleports at random around the dome, occasionally bumping into people or walls.

He's very obviously looking for a certain someone, but maybe you can catch him before he inevitably blinks away again to give him a piece of your mind.]

Oct. 31st, 2012


[day 191; voice, action; open]

[action, backdated to earlier in the day]

[It'd be one thing if she could just avoid the ghosts. Staying in her apartment all day would be completely unproductive and lame, but it would still be less annoying than all of this. But no, she's not even safe from them there. This sucks. Vriska does not like ghosts.

At least for the most part they're easy to ignore and avoid. Mostly it's humans and other species, mostly strangers. Who gives a shit.

But every now and then, there's a familiar face. People she knows. Knew. Some of them, people she killed.

The weirdest, though, is seeing someone she knows is still alive. Someone who's here, or at least was until recently. Okay, she hasn't seen or heard from Terezi for a few days, but it's not like she's tried to, either.]

Haha, joke's over. Not like I needed it, but this is all the proof I needed that this is all bullshit. Unless you've got something to say for yourself?

[She doesn't. She does, however, turn her head in Vriska's direction. It's probably coincidence, but it seems like Terezi is staring at her...and for all of the different levels on which that doesn't make sense, Vriska freezes.]

...okay. Fine! Let's pretend you are real. What do you want from me? An apology? Or do you want me to say I believe you, I'm totally dead? Let me guess, I'm really the ghost, instead of you! Hahahaha, fuck off.

[It takes a moment for her to process that the ghost has already turned away. Vriska's lip turns downward in a scowl. Fuck everything today.]

[voice, a while later]

Ugh. Of all the things it could be, why'd it have to be fucking ghosts? I keep wondering if I've seen the worst this stupid place has to offer, but the wardens keep finding new ways to outshit themselves. It's like a never-ending jubilation stampede of everything retarded and terrible in paradox space.

[There's a note of panic not usually heard in Vriska's voice. She's trying to hide it, and it's pretty clear that she is, but it's there.]

So great job, assholes! Thanks for ruining everything, all the time. Too bad you're probably too broken to hear any of this.

Oct. 16th, 2012


day 198 ≈ video

[The video clicks on to show a kid who isn't really sure what expression to make. His expression seems to settle into one of confusion after a minute or two.]

I guess I wasn't really expecting to wake up here after that whole dream bubble thing. Then again I probably was never expecting to wake up in a prison?

I am not really sure about this crimes list they gave me, though. I mean I did do some of these, but uh... Most of these were from playing a video game, so I don't really know if those count? Also I wasn't really driving that car??

Oh man, I am going to start rambling! Anyway, I am new here apparently, so hi. My name is John! I wonder if anyone else I know is here? On second thought, I hope not. That would really suck.

Sep. 28th, 2012


[backdated to day 185, day 186] [video; 2x post combo!]

Backdated to the event )

[Day 186]
[It's not a good day for Vriska. Not that many of her days since arriving here have been very good! But waking up in the hospital, then immediately being dragged off by the sentinels and getting forced to do the punishment she'd been putting off kind of sucks! Not to mention having five new punishments to do, just because she'd fucked up some stupid insects. They were just bugs! And it's not like they couldn't defend themselves. Ugh.

Her network post begins with a heavy sigh.]
So apparently, I had to bake some things for you assholes. It's basically the dumbest punishment ever, but it's done. So I guess if you want some confectionery blocks, you can come eat them or whatever. Who cares.

[To anyone who isn't a troll, the things baked by Vriska are pretty much completely unrecognizable, apart from looking sort of vaguely like cookies. But not really. To other trolls...they're still pretty unrecognizable. They're edible, though. Barely.]

Sep. 15th, 2012



day 184 | video | open

[A buck-toothed smile appears on the screen along with a pair of thick black frame glasses. Bright green eyes look very, very excited. Like. Really freaking excited. Like you cannot believe.]

It's been quite the galvanizing day! I've spent a good portion of it with my chums from-- er, my world, and I've met a few other friendlies here and there.

I'd wager you have nothing to fear, my fellow captives. You may be dismayed by our current status as prisoners, but cheer up! All this crime malarkey aside, I believe we're all just a bunch of ordinary ladies and gents in a completely ordinary underwater dome.

They even have a movie theater! Which I will most definitely be visiting on a frequent basis.

Which, by the way. Dirk, Roxy, Jane! Are the three of you up for a good ol' friendly outing? Complete with bags of overpriced popcorn served to us by jovial youngsters trying to save up for a fancy automobile?

Sep. 11th, 2012



[voice / open]

We're all in prison, which means we're all filthy, vile criminals. So I'm curious, everyone.

What did you do? What is it that made the wardens believe you deserve to be locked away in an inverted aquarium for the rest of your natural life? Please note that if you're just gonna say "I didn't do anything" or "They made it all up", I'm not interested in hearing it. You're surrounded by other criminals, no one gives a damn. Either answer or don't, it's up to you, but don't respond with bullshit prevarication.

Since it'd be hells of rude to ask without providing an answer of my own, here's what I'm in for: Cut for length and Homestuck spoilers. )

Well? I showed you mine, now show me yours.

Sep. 10th, 2012




[ Roxy's greeting to the majority of Marina doesn't come for a little while after her arrival, mostly because her arrival involved appearing on top of her best friends, and cuddles were meant to happen!

But after all the cuddling and what-not, she figures out her communicator thingamajig and a video goes live - a teenaged girl with ash-blonde hair, pink eyes, and a big grin comes onto the screen

Hiiii! [ grin and wave! ] So it looks like Strider was wrong, which must be quite the shock for him, but here I am! I know I met a few of you back when things were goin' all wonky, but I don't know how many of you were like... actually here or just temporarily here. So I guess there maybe aren't any of you still left, but whatever.

The point is, hey there underwater prison folks, I'm Roxy Lalonde and your underwater prison has just gotten like a billion times cooler. [ wink! ] And 'cause Strider probably won't tell, there anywhere in this joint a girl can get a drink?

Aug. 27th, 2012


[day 182, all day long] [action]

[It's becoming more and more obvious that this shithole has it out for her.]

[Here she is, minding her own business and (mostly) not even doing anything questionable! It's not like there's any rules against looking for info on building doomsday devices or trying to collect materials for them, and no one could be mad at her for going to the arcade, getting food, or anything else. Yet she keeps getting stuck inside, and it's really getting annoying.]

[Just her shitty luck.]

(ooc: feel free to have your character trapped with vriska at any time and basically anywhere that would make sense why would you inflict that on them)

Aug. 22nd, 2012




[PM is seated on the desk at the post office, one leg crossed over the other. She's wearing her mail uniform, and also a matching navy blue eyepatch over one eye, and her expression calm and pleasant.]

Greetings, everyone! I'm afraid I don't have enough welcome baskets for everyone, and it is possible you may only be here for a limited time anyway, so please enjoy your visit while you can. I can try to answer your questions, too!

My name is PM: the Prospitian Monarch. Umm, there's another reason to make this broadcast. It's part of a punishment for something I did the other day.

[She clears her throat and reads off a little notecard.]

On day 179, Jack Noir, also known as the Sovereign Slayer, kidnapped one of my dearest friends in all of paradox space. The Slayer then privately broadcasted himself trying to assault and torture my friend.

In response, I hunted him down and cut his arm off.

So! I must apologize. Not to Jack, because he's a horrible little man and had that coming, but for allowing my temper to get the better of me. And also for entertaining him and his sick little games for so long. I've learned my lesson, and I will never do that again.

I'm sorry for the trouble.

[... hi, 4th wallers!]

[ voice/action ]

[ Caliborn's voice is surprisingly calm despite it all. ]

What the fuck. Is this bullshit. Supposed to be.

Prison?? Crimes?? Fuck you. And the Earth human horse. You sauntered in on.

But I guess there is. A very happy side of this story:

I'm totally alone.

[ If you happen upon the arcade, however, you'll find one green skull-faced alien rather contentedly losing at shooting games. One leg of his green dress-pants is ripped and stained with red blood while a shiny metal leg resides under it! The human-shaped foot does not match his other one, which is clawed and reptilian. ]

Aug. 21st, 2012



[4th wall | voice | action]

[The Trois Park in Sector 3 just got a lot less peaceful and relaxing, as it serves as the place where one (1) angry Fire Nation princess suddenly finds herself in. She skims through the welcome message, paying attention only to the important things— like the fact that she is in a prison. A prison. And despite the weird names of the wardens, it is clear to her just who is behind this.]

I must say I'm impressed. It’s not every day I find myself in a place I have no memories of ever arriving to... so I guess it would be unfair of me not to give you some credit.

But really, an underwater prison? [It seems the Avatar and friends were a little more than impressed with Lake Laogai.] So unimaginative. Then again... I suppose that's all one could expect from a bunch of losers incapable of protecting Ba Sing Se against three little girls. [She stresses the last three words, voice undeniably sarcastic.]

But listen, Avatar. Don't think you will get away with this. Imprisoning me was a mistake... and I'll make sure it's the last mistake you ever make. [And the last thing he ever does, at that. To dare to imprison her... well. She'll make sure he— and his stupid little group of friends— pays for that.]

[[OOC: Hi, here’s Azula, from Avatar: the Last Airbender, from the beginning of season 3, so she’s decidedly non-crazy. Well. As much as she can ever be.]]

Aug. 20th, 2012




[Calliope hadn't expected to ever wake up again--but here she is. Not on Prospit, but in a new and strange place.]

[It calls itself a prison, but Calliope isn't so sure she can fully agree.]

[Still, she isn't ready to toss the "game" out the window, so no video, no announcing her name. But there are other ways to play.]

[Calliope's voice is actually very androgynous and sort of gritty, but the lilt and enthusiasm and tones do lean it somewhat toward feminine.]

Hello, lovelies!

What a surprising, marvelous twist this is! I'm not even certain as to what I should do first. Hmm. Well, for starters, will anyone recommend their favorite Earth cuisine? Don't be shy!

[She really doesn't want to ask, but she knows she has to.]

... "brother"...?

[day 180, backdated to early evening] [voice]

Wow. I guess I can't take my eyes off of you losers at all! So many things I've missed. But there's mostly one thing I'm concerned about, and the wardens aren't exactly being helpful right now.

Who tried to steal my kill.

(Not that I don't think I already know the answer!)

Just so no one else misunderstands, I'm going to kill Jack Noir. Me. And I've got no intention of letting anyone else do it.

And for the record, the wardens can try to make me do their stupid punishment all they want, but I'm not going to. It's not like I even did anything wrong!

Aug. 1st, 2012


[video; private to jack noir]

[It's becoming readily obvious that she's not going to be getting her dice back any time soon. Which sucks, but at least it's not like she's helpless without them. She has her powers back now, sort of, and her punishment's over. So if she's going to take out Jack Noir, there's no point in sitting around and waiting for a better opportunity.]

Today's your lucky day! I finally found time in my busy schedule to kill you.

Are you still interested? Or do I have to track you down? Really, either's fine with me, so long as you make it interesting.

Jul. 17th, 2012



mid-day 175 [ action, closed, backdated ]

[ Terezi has no clue where she is. Gamzee lead her around and around and supposedly to somewhere safe-- and now he's gone to find them both some sort of food, by her own request. She doesn't like trusting him as much as she is right now. But she trusts him all the same, because there is little else she can do.

The room she's inside smells very indistinct. There is nothing to define it or give her an idea of where she is; but tapping the anklet against the wall makes an echo, so she assumes it's fairly empty. She doesn't like that. The air is cool, not enough to chill her given Alternia's usual temperatures but enough to make her wonder why. So she just sits on the ground with her back against a wall and draws her knees to her chest.

Little does she know, she's in the air conditioned amphitheater. ]

Jul. 16th, 2012



[ voice ] ==> Pun...ishment?

[ In retrospect, Dirk had been pretty rash in that attempt. If it's as PM says and how long he spends here has no bearing on the amount of time that passes back home, he can afford to take his time. He really doesn't want to and it pisses him off just how little say he has over what's going on here, but he has to gather more information. It will all work out in the end.

And in the meantime... ]

"You are restricted to your home for three days. Robots will bring you a food allotment. You may entertain visitors and use the network, but you'll be unable to leave." Um... Is this supposed to be punishment? I don't get it. Where's the psychological distress? The grueling physical labor? You're relegating me to three days of my exact living arrangement before you kidnapped me, only in a nicer apartment with food provided at no cost.

Might as well dress those bots up as sexy French maids, because I'm living it up over here.

[ He's exaggerating how okay he is with this. ]



[video | action] ==> Punishment

[Jack gets the network's attention by turning on his headset and whipping it across the room so everyone gets to enjoy the sound of the microphone coming in contact with something heavy. Unlike PM, Jack has not taken his ring off (or if he has, its not off now), so the strange winged, dog-like humanoid is walking over to retrieve the headset. Unlike the day before, he's fitted with a shiny silver collar.

It looks like he's finally taken up residence somewhere, though the room is pretty dark. With what little light is filtering in the room, people watching the feed might notice a few shelves with some strange odds and ends stacked on them. Nothing really special, to the naked eye -- in fact, it just makes him look like a pack rat.

The oddest among them seems to be a jar with a preserved, pure black eye floating in it.]

These robots think I'm gonna do shit for you assholes.

They got a funny sense of humor.



[Video | ALL DAY | 176] ==> Punishment

[After the announcement, her communicator clicks on. PM, outfitted with a new silver restraining collar, is lying in the bed she shares with WV and AR (who is hogging the blankets and more than a third of the bed thanks to being skewed diagonally). For the unfamiliar, the three of them are of a hard-shelled alien race--PM is pure sparkly white, and the other two a shiny beetle black.]

[As she starts to wake up, the situation seems so nonsensical that she doesn’t register it as anything more than an odd dream. There’s a span of confused, puzzled squinting with her remaining eye as she reads the summary of her punishment, and finds that no, she can’t turn her feed off. The very moment that the situation fully dawns on her is clear--a sudden widening of her eye, tension returning to her body. She pushes out of bed and strides out, her pajama gown billowing a bit behind her, and she ignores any half-asleep protests from her "dear friends." It takes all of her self-control to gently close the bedroom door.]

[She makes her way to the balcony of their Sector 2 home, which is at or near the top of the apartment complex, given the spectacular view. Only once she’s outside does she let herself explode.]

Excuse me, WHAT?!

[Her whole body is trembling with incredulous rage. Even if the rules had said something about being punished for injury, she didn't actually expect that to apply the one time when she was more victim than mutual combatant. It just seemed too bizarre to be real. PM grips the glowing gold ring that hangs around her neck as she takes a deep, calming breath.]

[Her voice is strong and has an angry edge, but she is otherwise in control.]
Good morning. This is PM. It seems that the wardens are forcing me to broadcast myself today.

And this is why.

[They don’t want her to keep secrets? Fine. She’ll oblige. The alien queen brings her injured wrist up and points to her gauze-covered eye socket.]

Yesterday, a man named Jack Noir, known also as the Sovereign Slayer, ambushed me while I was decorating and preparing the new post office. He stabbed me through my wrist to pin me to the floor, and then gouged out my eye.

This punishment is for letting myself get hurt.

... Be careful, everyone.

[That offered, she stalks back inside to go about her day. And you all get to come with her!!]

((OOC: PM will be 100% trollable all day! About anything!! Everything she does is stalkable!!! Click through for more deets. )