MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'olivia+moore'

Sep. 7th, 2015



[Day 340] Murderers Anonymous Therapy Group

[You'll find the Murderers Anonymous group in one of the rooms at the Education Center. Snacks and drinks are provided. Chairs are set up in a circle in the center of the room. The door will be kept shut for privacy.]

[Paper and pencils and materials are provided on tables throughout the room. Feel free to move around.]

Warm Up
- How do you feel today? Circle all that apply. Why do you feel the way you do? Pick some other other emotions on the chart and discuss those. ("I feel angry when...", "It makes me happy when...")

- Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, draw a representation of the part of you that is dangerous, violent, or evil. On the other side, draw a representation of the part of you that is kind, nurturing, and good. Share the result. Explain why you drew what you did and how you feel about each aspect of yourself.
- Silhouette Collage - Make a silhouette of yourself and fill your head with whatever is going on in your brain. What do you think about? What do you like? Dreams. Fears. Hopes.

- Write your own eulogy. What would you want to read at your funeral if you were to die tomorrow?
- Write a eulogy for someone who has died/could have died as a result of your actions.

- Discuss this paraphrased quote from Elie Wiesel: "Violence is a form of communication for a person who fails to find words." What are you trying to communicate?
- What are your views of death and the afterlife? What happens to us after we die?
- Do you have any regrets? Things you would take back, do again differently...
- Do you feel murder is justifiable? Explain your position.


((OOC: Feel free to add in your own activities or prompts! Info.))

Aug. 21st, 2015



337 | video

Yo! [Peace sign given as Rebecca steadies the feed, looking very lazily pleasant in an oversized t-shirt from the waist up. Truth be told it wasn't even one of hers, and what's from the waist down isn't seen thanks to the cut off of the table's edge. It's very reminiscent of one of her broadcasts a little while back, while poking through Cross's snooty foods. Except today she looks a little less bored and more content, propping her elbows on the table and sighing.]

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting out tough stains. [She shakes her hand through her hair, mussing it up and leaving some strands at floofy angles.] Bought a bottle of red home last night and well, things happen right? I was trying to Macgyver a solution with vinegar but I thought I'd ask y'all if you had a better one. I...

[Pause, while she yawns and covers her mouth. A figure enters the frame in the background, shirtless and heading toward the fridge. At first she pays him no mind, but then recognition dawns behind her eyes (to the observant) that she's recording this. Her smile is a slow blooming thing of idle realization that she's been busted. But she plays it off while Aidan sips milk from the carton in the background, looking briefly over her shoulder with a small snort before looking back to the camera's lens.]

I could also use a good recipe for brownies. I have to ask about one of my usual ingredients, but if you know how to make 'em rock my socks off, please lemme know.

Aug. 15th, 2015



Day 336 | Intro | Video | Morning

[This time the collar of her orange jumpsuit is visible in the camera frame, instead of the blouse from yesterday.] It would appear that I am going to be here for a while longer than I had initially believed. I should more properly introduce myself. I am Ahim de Famille, and it's a pleasure to meet you all.

I also want to thank those yesterday that were so very helpful in the confusion. You did quite a lot to put some of my fears to rest about abruptly waking here. Earthlings are so very helpful this way. It's wonderful.

Until later, then.

Aug. 10th, 2015



Day 336 | Voice & Action

[Calliope wakes up.]

[This alone is cause for celebration, in her book. She sits up fast, she smiles brightly. So much to do now that she knows she's alive and safe!]

[Calliope begins her errands: a nice, clean suit from a boutique. Breakfast (of bacon and sausages and nothing else, other than sugary tea). An apartment at the Streamline Complexes (along with a digression to marvel at an automatically-activating sink), and then, groceries.]

[She raids the candy and meat departments.]

[This happy little alien can be found running errands all morning, humming cheerfully or smiling impossibly peacefully as she goes. There are still visible fangs, but that's just her overbite.]

[She had hesitated to put out a network call, if only because she knew not everyone she met yesterday may be there. But, before noon rolls around, she knows what she needs to do.]


Good day! I'm still here!

Blimey, there's so much to be done to get settled. I've already gotten started with it, but I keep finding more to do! [She does not sound put-off by this.] But now that I know I'm not leaving, I definitely want to get to know everyone! I came to know nearly everyone in my village, after all. It seems strange to think I'm among strangers again.

Please tell me about yourselves! Name, home world, and, umm, one fun fact that you feel comfortable sharing!

Aug. 3rd, 2015



335 - Daffodil Dive mingle

[ Chuck hadn't anticipated all these people showing up on the day of the grand re-opening, but there's food and drink a-plenty and what's a few more guests, really?

The Daffodil Dive, once known as the infamous Devil's Compass, has seen a deep scrub and a fresh coat of paint, warm and inviting in yellow and orange, with the occasional friendly skull painted on the walls and bar. There's flowers and fragrant herbs in pots and vases, adorning the tables or filling up dark corners. Lit candles illuminate the room, with plenty of food laid out a couple of the tables — pies (savoury and sweet) and cupcakes, fresh fruit and vegetables, little hors d'oeuvres, more elaborate dishes courtesy of Piper and Sizzle and Sear. The bar will be open, champagne glasses already filled with bubblies both alcoholic and non.

Come! Enjoy your time in prison! ]

((ooc: Official reopening party log of the Daffodil Dive! 4th wallers and regulars equally welcome! Please feel free to assume invitations have been scattered around the dome. ))

Jul. 20th, 2015



333 - Rubber Ducky mingle

[Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make everything so much fun. Which is why you'll find them just about everywhere. Maybe even in that pitcher of tea you just made. Never a dull day here in MarinaNova Asylum. Whether you are trying to beat the heat at the beach or at the pool or running errands you're going to encounter a lot of them.]

(OOC: Event Info)

Jul. 14th, 2015



Day 332 [Action | Open][Videos | Closed]

[Action | Open]
[On today's episode of "adventures in being a zombie" Liv is attempting to order brain from the Vampire Blood Shack without anyone noticing that going down. Watch as the extremely pale girl attempts to be chill and subtle as she checks out the bar and waits for it to miraculously empty so she can work on this craving thing before it's a problem.]

[Voice | Closed to Carol]
I'd ask if you're planning to tell anyone, but from what I remember I guess I should be asking if you're planning to kill me. [Hi, Mom. Miss me?]

[Voice | Closed to Natey!]

[Voice | Closed to Lyle]
[Saved the hardest for last.] Most relationships start off with dinner and a movie. We didn't even exchange names. [But she knew it. Everyone was right. This place does get stranger.]

Jul. 6th, 2015



Day 331 | Closed to Liv, Nathan

[It is a lovely morning - as most mornings are. Carol goes for her morning walk, and returns home with a bouquet of flowers and more the usual amount of groceries, and starts whipping up breakfast.]

[ Closed Audio ]
Liv, Nathan, is anyone joining me for breakfast? I'm making pancakes.



Day 331 (strange relations) / Open Video / Picnic Mingle

[Have Euphie's smiling face on the screen. Kanji and I would like to invite you all to a picnic today! Of course we want to see all our family there, but friends and soon-to-be friends too. [That means strangers.]

You don't have to worry about bringing anything, but if you'd like to bring something extra to share or a game that would be fun or even just an extra blanket just in case that would always be welcome.

We'll be in Trois Park near the koi pond and fountain at noon today.

[There will already be some blankets laid out and pink picnic baskets with a variety of food—many of which have been prepared in extra cute ways like rice balls shaped like cats. You probably think this was mostly Euphie's doing, but it was mostly that boyfriend of hers, Kanji.]

(OOC: Mingle! Tag yourself in or hit up Euphie on video here or at the picnic here. Want to be a relation of Euphie's? Just let me know!)

Jul. 4th, 2015



Day 330 | Video

Greetings, fellow domelings. [Any Phanan video that starts off this smugly is never a good sign. He's in the clinic, boots hygienically propped up on the table, beaming out at the camera just as brightly from his organic eye as his artificial one. He does look a tiny bit serious as he starts in on the bad news but it will rapidly vanish as he talks.]

For those of you who haven't realized it by not Martha Jones is no longer here with us. She was a good doctor and a better person and I think we can all agree we were the better for her presence in this place. On a related note Alex and I will now begin our new reign of terror as leaders of the clinic. With our specialties in pediatrics and battlefield medicine we are obviously very relevant to the needs of this dome. Please bring all your medical problems to us from now on so we can make fun of you for getting hurt while we fix you. And if we have any new doctors among us who are interested in joining our new medical regime speak now or forever hold your peace until you get bored or change your mind or something.

Again, that's reign of terror, new head doctors, quality service. See you soon.

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[Day 329] In Bloom Event/Dance Mingle

[DAYTIME: Walking in a floral wonderland. Not to be confused with an actual wonderland. Completely different event. You could be anywhere and everywhere today and not escape the petals.

DANCE: The sector 2 garden is a little extra pleasant and inviting this evening. Gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, delicious hor d'oeuvres, sparkling punch, and music. And dry. Did we mention it's dry? Not a single flood as far as the eye can see. So, find someone and get out there and dance.]

(OOC: Event INFO. Feel free to have your mingle set up cover both aspects of the day.)

Jun. 15th, 2015



Day 328 [Video / Action | Open]

[Turning on an unfamiliar device and speaking to an audience of unknowns was not number one on Liv's new arrival to do list. It did, however, manage to make the top ten, because even after having her crimes played for her and her situation explained, she needed to talk to someone—anyone—about what she heard. And maybe she's not alone here? Ravi? Major? Peyton? It's probably too much to hope this is where they disappeared to, right? Not that she wants them to be in prison, but as long as she's having some kind of psychotic break or wild dream she might as well see some familiar faces?]

Hi. [Good lead in, but now what?] I'm Liv. Olivia. Well, Liv. It doesn't matter. The point is that I'm here wherever here is.

I'm just a harmless [Trying too hard?] assistant medical examiner, so I don't really know why I'm here. [She was extremely not amused to see cannibalism and necrophilia on her list of crimes. He was a zombie, not a corpse. There are some pretty big differences. Zombies can lie about being dead. And that's what she's going to be doing for as long as she can. Which might not be very long at all if she doesn't find a way to get brains.]

So, is there a morgue? [Of course she just want to know for work-related reasons. Sure...] Just asking. I don't really know anything but what they said in that welcome message, so fill a girl in?

[She'll just be exploring for now.]



DAY 328 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 328 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny ].

We apologize for the [ weather related malfunction ] yesterday and assure you that it has been corrected. Please be careful as you make your way outside, as some areas may still have excess moisture. Your safety and well being is very important to us.

The following inmates have been found guilty of breaking the [ facility rules ]. Full details of their punishment will be transmitted to their devices shortly.

Charlotte Charles : Death.
Sarah Williams: Death

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )