MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'quinn+fabray'

Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)



DAY 362 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 362 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny ].

For this day only, we're celebrating an [ old earth tradition ]. Please be mindful of this celebration as you go about your day.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: EVENT INFO! Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )

Jan. 30th, 2016



Day 360 | Open Action

[Shallan is wandering through Sector 4, fingering the disc that she had found that morning. It was not something she had wanted to remember, but...

Seeing herself kill her mother, the man she had brought in with her to kill her only daughter... That last dinner with her father where she killed him. The alley where Jasnah Soulcast the would-be thief into fire. All of the death that Shallan witnessed from her entire life. It was hard to handle by herself.]

Jan. 25th, 2016



360 - action - closed/open

[ Action/morning/closed to Rebecca ]

[ Although he promised to spend more time in the apartment, he figures Euphie would understand the need to make sure his drunk not!girlfriend got home and into bed safe and sound after gambling the night away on cards and drink. Once there it was easier to spend the night, curled up at her back and senses keen in case she needed something.

Eventually, morning comes. Announcements come. Presents are promised. He wraps an arm loosely around Rebecca's waist, snuffling against her neck. ]

You awake..?

[ Action/noon onwards/open. ]

[ Presents were delivered. Discs were watched and for a bittersweet moment everything was fine - until the last thirty seconds of his recording. The last thirty seconds are unfamiliar, blurry, hard to make any sense of. He needs to make sense of this. If he makes sense of this then he'll know what to do, he'll know that-

Helix wouldn't kill him. Would he?

Looking for privacy, he'll hole himself up in a corner table at one of the restaurants, quickly cooling cup of coffee abandoned next to him. Watch, rewind. Gunshot. Watch, rewind. Blood, pooling. Watch, rewind. Watch, rewind. ]



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 4th, 2016



357 - video;

[ So, this is an unusual morning. Nearly as unusual as finding a dead body in Chance's bed but that's only because he hasn't discovered that he's the dead body yet. Funny how you don't think about things like breathing or heartbeats when your body just take care of all that on its own, most days.

This is not Chance's apartment. This is not his couch or his clothes or anything else that he recognizes so needless to say, his distinctly american voice is a bit on the panicked side when he finally addresses the network. ]

Chance? Chance! What the fuck did you do?

Dec. 21st, 2015





Twas the day after Newbie Day, when down by the beach in the dome--

Stockings and other decorations were hung alongside jack-o-lanterns, baskets full of colored eggs, boxes of heart-shaped candies, and other things. The only creature that seemed to be stirring in this early morning hour was Quinn Fabray, who took it upon herself to see to a good bulk of the set up. Tables and chairs were set up alongside a makeshift stage and dance floor, with bright orange extension chords stretched out across the sand to give life to the lights, music, and karaoke machine. Games, should anyone want to play them, were set up to the immediate right of the food tables.

Don't be late! The Holiday Mash-Up starts promptly at 5PM. Bring your dates, wear your gowns and costumes, and celebrate all those holidays from home.

Dec. 14th, 2015



001; video

[Rebekah doesn't open up the network until after she's gone to find new clothes. Orange is so not her color. So once she has a new outift picked out this friendly(ish) video comes on.]

I'm pretty sure I heard some new crimes this time around, isn't that exciting?

[It probably depends on your definition of exciting.]

I also have some new memories from back home that I didn't have before. Which leaves me to wonder just how long I was stuck in the dimensional stabilizer? Is that still what happens when we leave here? Or what we're told happens to people, anyway?

[Rebekah isn't sure she believes anything the wardens tell her.]

In any case, for better or for worse, I seem to be here again. Won't this be fun? For a given value of fun anyway.

[End feed.]

Nov. 30th, 2015



352 - Relocation Mingle

[You might be surprised just how many things you open in a day's time. Just imagine the browser windows alone! Today, you'll open up many unexpected things, but the one thing you're likely to find more than any other is trouble!]


Nov. 19th, 2015



Day 350 - Chill Out Mingle

[Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~

Because you can't really stop it anyway, so grab yourself a steamy mug of whatever and build a snowman or snowwoman or snowporcupine or whatever you're into.]


Nov. 16th, 2015




Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, so happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland...

[ she laughs. ] I have no idea if Christmas is coming up or not.

[ it's cold out, but quinn doesn't mind. seeing snow fall around the dome is refreshing, not to mention relatively harmless. she much prefers these kinds of events to whatever that haunted hotel nonsense was they were dragged through earlier in the week. ]

But, speaking of holidays-- In high school, my Glee Club director used to encourage us to think outside the box and mix two songs together to form something new. We called it a mash-up. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a sort of of mash-up holiday party or dance of some kind. It's impossible to tell when or if one is coming up, so why don't we just sort of cover all our bases at once: presents, chocolates, costumes...

When it's warmer, of course. I'd rather we not be stuck inside -- especially if we're hiding eggs.



Day 350 | Video

[Calliope may not be a fan of showing herself on video, but that doesn't mean she can't point the communicator's camera out her apartment window. So the video's view is a lovely—picture-perfect snowfall, ice on the window in neat snowflake patterning, and everything is beautiful.]

[From behind, Calliope sighs miserably.]

I'm terribly glad that this is a one-day occurrence. Winter is, quite possibly, the worst season!

[She second-guesses herself, and makes a soft noise of doubt at her own statement.] I suppose that's unfair. Plenty of people enjoy it, and I suppose it's not as if we have to worry about clothing or firewood or food.


[Calliope lets that "but" hang, since she feels like she's complaining too much. It's so hard, given how much she commiserated and bonded with others during Demeleier's endless wet cold winters.]

[Including her brother.]

[Unseen, she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head.]

So...! Um. What do you like to do indoors during snowy weather?

Nov. 14th, 2015



Day 349 – late afternoon – Open video

Hi kids. Miss me?

[It's accompanied by the classic Jack Harkness smile, but someone who knows him well may see the hint of darkness behind the dazzling brightness. This is a Jack who's been through a lot in the time he was gone - time which was a lot longer for him than it seemed on this side.]

Nov. 10th, 2015



( day 349 ) video

[ a graveyard. a prison. underwater, no less.

of course.

she should be angry. (but is she truly undeserving of punishment?)

elena should be livid, maybe. she can't quite access that emotion at the moment. she looks as composed and resolved as she possibly can, circumstances not withstanding, but clinging to her like a second skin is sadness. she is tired. hungry. worried. it doesn't matter. she can't afford to think about it, much less feel any of it. she can't process yet someone plans to hold her here for the rest of - there is only this moment. one step at a time. surely there are answers; she just needs to find them. play it smart.

I can't say I've given prison a lot of thought, but if I ever did? This is not exactly what I'd have in mind. ... Except for the jumpsuits. [ her lips quirk wryly into a faint and halfhearted smile. her attempt at levity is equally halfhearted. she feels heavy, heavier than the monitor that sits squarely at her ankle, but she is pushing past it. she needs to. the smile is initially brittle, but it remains steady. this hardly feels real. ] If there's anyone out there listening, I'm Elena. I'm new. Ish.

[ new to the prison world, but definitely not new to weird shenanigans, and that includes experiencing the multiverse. ]

I guess I just wanted to know what everyone's thoughts on this place are and how long they've been here, if they don't mind sharing. I've - [ she cuts herself off. blinks. blinks a few more times. ] Is that a robot?

[ ??????????????? ]

Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Oct. 20th, 2015



Day 346 | Video


[His conversation with Mary has been on his mind a lot this morning, wondering if he was right about their captors playing favorites, regretting that he wasted it by asking all the wrong questions, pointless ones rather than inquiring about why people vanish and what brings them back. He doesn't need any outside confirmation about what's happened; he knew the moment he woke up in an empty bed and felt the cold, empty line on his wrist where his band usually sits.

Every piece of his suit is impeccably in place like armor. He looks a little pale, a little quiet but perfectly composed, perfectly calm, just Ianto reporting in on something as everyday as coffee or the weather. He's done this before, when Jack left to find the Doctor and even though everything is different he remembers how to deal with it, how to keep tight control on himself a fact as though everything is alright. It's not, it's so far from alright he doesn't think he'll ever recover but he always lies when he's hurting, even when everything feels like its crumbling out beneath him.]

Jack's gone. Considering how involved he was in things here I thought everyone should know. Among other things we'll need to do a bit of restructuring to the Defense Force although I'm not sure I'm the appropriate one to handle that at the moment. I'll let you know if I discover any more.

[Private to Spike]

[Its just a second or two, but there's a lot unsaid in it. Things like is this my fault for what I said last night? or please come over I need a friend or I need some space right now, please leave me alone or come over, I need you as more than just a friend. Or maybe he just pushed the wrong button on the communicator. It's only a few seconds after all. Then it's off.]

Oct. 19th, 2015



Day 346 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 346 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ overcast with occasional showers ].

For this day only the museum will host an exhibit on [ the mineralized tissue creating the internal structure of animals ]. Please take this opportunity to further your education.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: The Museum has an exhibition on skeletons! Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )

Oct. 15th, 2015



Day 345 | Open Action/Open Video

Open Action

Link rolled over in his sleep, trying to avoid the various rocks digging into his back. His eyes flew open a moment later. The rocks were gone. He squinted a moment trying to make sense of what he was seeing, then moved to rub his eyes. Except that was just as confusing. His tunic was gone. Goddesses, his whole pack was gone. Along with his horse. Instead, he was wearing an orange garment, brighter than an Ordon pumpkin.

Link sat up, rubbing his hand through the mop of hair and starting when he caught a piece of wire. He pulled the earpiece out and examined it, gasping slightly when, at the push of the button, a voice started talking. He put it back up to his ear in time to hear the words "MarinaNova."

Link listened attentively to the message, though it made little sense. There was nothing else to do except start exploring. And perhaps searching for money in the bushes...

Open Video
[The video opens on a clearly confused kid. Teenager. Well... he's eighteen, but his eyes look older. Perhaps he's been forced to grow up quicker than most.]

Er... hello? I can communicate with this device? It's... How does it work? And more importantly, how did I get here, how do I leave, where is my horse, and by the name of Farore what do you mean by assault and battery?

Oct. 12th, 2015




Well, isn't that nice.

[ the melodic, breathy voice that comes floating over the network this fine morning may be familiar to some, strange to others. she sounds annoyed, though not at all shocked to find herself here. perhaps that's because she's been here before. ]

Not only am I branded a heretic this time around, but I'm also being shamed for having sex and a child out wedlock! [ a clipped, mirthless laugh. ] Funny how that wasn't included on my reasons-for-incarceration list the first time around. Is that some sort of new policy that I missed out on while I was gone? Tack on new crimes every time someone is brought back from wherever it is we go when we're exiled from the dome?

[ and now, she sounds furious -- but takes in a deep, steadying breath. her voice evens back out when she speaks again. ]

I guess, then, this is me saying that I'm back. Don't know where I went, but I'm back.

Did you miss me, Prisneyland? [ did anyone still call it that? who cares, she's calling it that. ]

Mar. 20th, 2013



DAY 211 | vii ( mingle ) → a rock-a-hula-luau!

[ although the morning's rain prevented them from getting an early start on setting up, quinn and rebekah have managed to pull everything off in time for the dance to start. there's tables to sit at when you don't feel like dancing or enjoying the surf, lots of hawaiian-themed snacks and desserts to eat, grass skirts and leis available for those who wish to wear them, lanterns and torches everywhere, with live music provided by quinn, oz, jack, lacus, and anyone else who wishes to get up and sing!

the only thing this party's lacking is the booze, per quinn's intentions of having this be an alcohol-free party. however, that doesn't mean someone isn't going to spike the punch when she's not looking, so if you were planning on doing so -- have at it!

so, go ahead and dance it up with your dates, mingle with some new cr, hop around, and threadjack to your heart's content. festivities will carry on until sometime after midnight when clean up will commence. enjoy! ]