MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'touma+hashiba'

Mar. 9th, 2013



209 [video | action | open]

Yesterday was weird even for this place. I'm still not sure why the ducks were wearing pants.

Mm, but at least it stopped which is good because we're having baseball practice today! So, meet me out at the practice fields if you want to join a team. We're a little short, so it would be great to get some more players before we have our first game in the new prison!

(OOC: Respond to Yuuri's video here. Otherwise, you can use the action as a mingle to play with other players or potential players or lurkers. Team Roster. Backdated to IC afternoon.)

Mar. 4th, 2013



DAY 209 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates.

Today is day [ 209 ] of the first generation. Today the museum will host an exhibit on [ marine gastropod molluscs ] for your enjoyment. Please take this opportunity to further your education.

[Mail delivery of the day: Support Group Mass Mail ]

The item requested by [ Peter Parker ] is now available for pickup at the kiosk.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

((OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! ))



[Late day 208] [voice]

[To those who are checking the network, there's a snap of fingers. To those who aren't, it's as if the mirage suddenly disappears completely. There's no need to make this public, not really... unless you count the fact that it's been ages since Puck took credit for something he's done and he misses it. Don't judge.]

Well, well! Looks like it's curtain call, folks.

[Now excuse him while he crawls away somewhere to sleep for a week. If a character responds to this in the morning, there will be an IC delay in Puck's response since he'll be conked out by then.]

Mar. 1st, 2013



Day 208 — Video | Action [open except where it isn't]

[Everything is normal.

Of course that's just reality, and there can't be many out there who can see reality for what it is at the moment. If no one was afflicted with seeing mirages then this would just be Kitty addressing people in her X-Men uniform with a backdrop of one of the many neatly maintained alleyways between buildings in Sector 2 while tightly clutching a stick in her hand.

For Kitty, she is in what remains of Sector 2 as she tries to lay low between a pile of rubble that was once a building and the burning, gutted remains of another. She believes the stick in her hand is actually a high tech blaster she got off of one her attackers. They seemed alien in origin to her, but "alien" is kind of a moot point in an inter-dimensional prison. Still, they weren't wearing jumpsuits and they had personal flying devices and were loaded down with weapons.

For you, the viewer, you might see zombies creeping up on her or maybe everything is black and white and she's dressed like a newscaster. She could look like someone giving ransom demands or have a face covered in tentacles. Or maybe whatever it is you think you see becomes a tootsie roll to you. It could also be you're sharing this very particular mirage and you see it just as she does. Whatever the case, beauty and everything else is in the eye of the beholder today.]

[Video | Filtered to Defense Force]
Sector leaders report! Does anyone recognize these things? They aren't wearing communicators and... [she ducks and then returns "fire" by aiming her stick at the sky and pulling the "trigger" until she looks satisfied that she's safe again for the moment.] Damnit!

Derek, get the Investigative team somewhere safe and figure out what the hell's going on. We need to get ahead of this. Combat units, protect your sectors! Sector 6 team, we're staying in the other sectors and lending support. Dispatch, we need you watching the network and working out where the worst of it is. All units stay in communication with dispatch!

[Video | Open]
Call Defense Force's dispatch if you're in immediate danger or injured. We need everyone if we're going to get out of this.

[Video | Closed to Reid]
Where are you? [Please tell me you're okay.]

(OOC: You're also welcome to run into her in action. Backdated to earlier in the day.)

Feb. 28th, 2013



[ video | closed to DF ]

Hey, I was wondering... has anyone tried requesting weapons, yet?

[Someone had been thinking lately, and he was curious if he should bother trying to get his bow and arrow set back again.]

Feb. 12th, 2013



Day 206 ∞ audio l open action ☼ you say it's too late to make it but is it too late to try

[ Angel spent the first few days in the library. And then he kissed people he was not happy about kissing. He's not in the best of moods. But, he's smoothed things over with Buffy. And he has a few calls to make.

Before making those calls, he can be seen walking to The Blood Shack, stocking up on pig's, and walking bag. He doesn't stay long. He can also be found in Trois Park in sector 3, sitting quietly. He's taking five minutes to sketch. ]

∞ private video l sam winchester
We haven't officially met yet. Again. I was told we worked together. Before. I kept whatever we found - if we found anything from everyone I knew. Can we trade notes? I'll show you mine.

∞ private video l cordelia chase
Hey. Do you want to take a walk today?

∞ private video l dawn summers
I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was a rough day. I shouldn't have said what I said. Or gotten an attitude. Are we okay?

[ and finally, he switches the feed to public ]

∞ public video
Tell me those bots are over and done with. Who wants to take part in finding and dismantling them?

Feb. 6th, 2013



Day 205 — Mistletoe Mingle

[Wherever you go, there they are—sneaky and hidden and biding their time, waiting until they find you all two by two, and then closing in. Happy Mistletoe Day!]

(OOC: Read this for all the details.)

Feb. 4th, 2013



[ action | ota ]

[Touma had spent most of the evening on Patrol in Sector 0. So he wasn't up until later in the day. He went to his classes in the late morning. He did some martial art practice in the early afternoon. Late afternoon found him at DF HQ doing schedules and paperwork for his team. That night, he was back out on patrol. Feel free to catch him around.]

Jan. 28th, 2013



Day 204

[He's on screen laying in bed, staring at the ceiling while the light from the outside bleats through his window blinds. He's got black lines under his eyes.]

I haven't slept all night, so might wanna apologize ahead of time in case I'm short with anyone.

I'm gonna check out the TV station today if anyone wants to join me.

Jan. 21st, 2013



Day 203 [action/mingle] Defense Force Mixer

[There was a bit of a mail delay with PM's disappearance, but everyone on the team should have gotten a letter this morning. By noon the roof of the new Defense Force headquarters is ready for guests. It isn't exactly decked out, but there is a long table with finger-foods: small sandwiches, fruits, and hors d'oevres as well as sweets like cupcakes and truffles. An arrangement of sodas and bottled waters sits on one end next to an enclosed punch dispenser. Sorry, no spiking the punch, kids. There are also small standing tables around the edges. The only real seating comes in the form of benches along the sides. The point is to get to know the rest of the team, not to sit and eat, so this suits Kitty just fine. They can thank Lacus for the fact that there is food at all and that things have been arranged in such a way to promote circulation.

She waits until it seems like most everyone has drifted in and calls for their attention while perching herself up on the wall itself. No fear of heights here.]

Kitty's state of the force address )

[Once she's done, she hops down. The mixing can continue for as long as people want provided they still handle their sectors.]

(OOC: See [info]marinanova_df for details on the force. Roster. To join. Everyone on the DF and anyone they brought is welcome. Curious passers by likely won't be tossed out. Try your luck!)

[Private video to Dirk, Jake, and Roxy (who isn't here, but she doesn't know that)]
Thanks for the invitation. [Which she read a little late. Sleepovers at Reid's can do that to a girl.]

Jan. 1st, 2013



200 — Anniversary Festival!

Happy Anniversary, Marina Nova!

The bots have been busy cleaning up the dome and setting up decorations for this momentous occasion, and by now there isn't a nook or cranny left un-pimped! Bright blue MarinaNova flags wave happily in the artificial breeze together with the colorful ribbons that have been wrapped around poles. The streets are illuminated by strings of lights and paper lanterns and each sector gate has been lovingly decorated with fragrant flower garlands.

Of course, that is far from all! There wouldn't be much of a festival without entertainment and your loving wardens have made absolutely sure that there's something for everyone!

Let the celebrations begin! )


Dec. 31st, 2012



[ action | open ]

[Someone was awake unusually early. Either that, or he was still awake from the night before. Either way, he was on patrol in Sector 0. Sort of. At the moment, that early in the morning, he was glaring up at the loudspeakers above him in a futile attempt to stare them down for playing annoying music at such a high volume so damn early.]

What is the point?

[His question wasn't directed at anyone in particular, and was kind of rhetorical, but anyone was welcome to offer an answer.]

Dec. 30th, 2012



Day 199 – Evening [Video/Action]

[Visual of Jack wandering around the athletics complex. He's fully dressed this time, in a pretty good approximation of his normal outfit from back home. On the surface, he looks just as relaxed and nonchalant as he did in his first transmission from the beach but, now just as then, there's a lot of bitter anger just beneath the surface.]

So. I've got this punishment I have to do.

[And yes, it really has taken him the best part of two days to admit he has to do this. He tried to stick it out, not wanting to give those two damn AIs the satisfaction of seeing him submit to their demands, but there's only so long he can make it not being able to touch Ianto. Cut for language and length )

I have to organise some kind of sports event, so I'm going to need some volunteers. Now I was thinking naked beach volleyball, but then I realised that might not go down quite so well in some quarters, so how about normal 21st century beach volleyball? A net down on the beach, a ball, four players, and some cute swimwear?

Anyone here up for that?

[He gives the camera a hopeful look, all dimpled smiles and big puppy dog eyes.]

Dec. 28th, 2012



day 199 | action

[Today you will see one (1) Jake English scrambling around all parts of the dome, picking up litter and-- say, are you carrying a bag of groceries? Let him help you. He insists!

Are you trying to reach an itch on your back that you can't reach? Let him help you.

Trying to master a new move? Let him help you.

Jake wants to earn as many points as he can despite Veridical basically saying he's a dumbass who just got convicted for murder. He will prove himself all the while doing his best to get Dirk's (late) birthday present!!

Problem is he's kind of too helpful and perhaps a bit too clumsy.]

Dec. 24th, 2012


✦ Day 199 ✦ [video]

[All things considered, Zatanna looks fairly calm as the feed turns on. There's no murderous glint in her eyes, no sadness, or even the slightest hint of annoyance...other than the giant earmuffs she had placed over her ears to block out that awful music.]

[Because of this, her voice is slightly louder than usual as she addresses the Network.]

Now, based on past experience with the Gruesome Twosome, I'm guessing "encouraged" is Warden-speak for "practically mandatory"...which, for once, I'm actually kinda okay with. I even have a couple idea in mind. Might need an assistant or two, though.

Any volunteers? I promise it's nothing dangerous.

Dec. 3rd, 2012



Day 196// Family Isuues Group

[There's an annoucement for another group, this one meeting in one of the rooms at the education center. This group is specially made for those with issues with the families. When you arrive to the room the chairs will be moved to form a circle. It's to promote a feeling of unity, okay?

There are a set of sample questions written on a dry erase board, but of course, things might go off topic.

Sample Questions:

1. How many members in your family are there?
2. Have any of them passed away? How?
3. Do you have any siblings? Brothers or sisters? How many?
4. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
5. Your father?
6. Your siblings (if you have them)?
7. Who are you closest to in your family?
8. If you could change anything about your family, what would you change?

[ooc: you could be forced to this one by the bots, or volunteer, either way goes. And even if you didn't sign up a character for this one, feel free to go for it.]

Nov. 10th, 2012


192 ♦ Action - Open

[It’s very late at night, yes. But lets face it, Summers girls have always kept odd hours and Dawn is out exploring. Buffy probably wouldn’t like her being out this late on her own, but that’s never stopped her before. And as she can’t sleep, she’s decided to start learning more about the prison. Right now she’s walking the circumference of the dome following along the walls of the prison, or, in some places, as close to the wall as she can get. She has a book bag with her and is jotting down notes in a notebook as she goes.

Any night owls or insomniacs are free to run into her, or come looking for her, or scare the bejeezus out of her. You know, whatever.

Oct. 30th, 2012



[ video ]

Um... hello? Can anyone hear me or see me? Because, well... I'm having a bit of a problem here.

[Touma looked rather concerned.]

It uh... it seems I can't touch stuff?

Oct. 26th, 2012



Event mingle: POWER OUTAGE

((OOC: This post begins the power outage portion of the mod-approved Ghostly Event!. This is a mingle post so feel free to post and tag around freely. Action and network posts are both welcome here! However, you are of course more than welcome to make your own posts related to the sudden onset of pitch blackness. Enjoy!))

[The hour isn't too late just yet, the costume party's still in full swing and less mask-oriented inmates might still be out and about, doing whatever. Lovely night, isn't it? Too bad it's about to take a serious left turn.]

[Regardless of where you are in the dome, all of a sudden there's a minor power surge as the lights strain with over-brightness for just long enough to draw looks of concern, and then the entire dome is plunged into complete darkness. Anyone paying a whole lot of widespread attention might note that the first lights blink out in Sector 2, then the effect cascades through the remaining sectors.]

[Not long after the dome goes dark, there's a loud clap of thunder and then a torrent of unrelenting rain starts falling. The only light you'll get tonight is half-second streaks of lightning arcing down from the dome.]

[No lights, no power, a nasty storm, no kiosk to complain at. Have fun.]

Oct. 22nd, 2012



Day 190 [Video | Action to Avengers House] shortly after the morning greeting

[oh, good morning, Marina, here is Pepper, dressed very nicely for being in an underwater dome with limited designers OR Louboutins available. She's bright eyed, and smiling.]

Good morning. My name is Pepper Potts. I have a proposition for everyone. A book club, since we are stuck here, yet with access to various reading materials.

I have a few ideas for reading selections, but this is for seeing if there is any interest and to organize the first meeting.