MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'inara+serra'

Sep. 2nd, 2015



[ video ]

So, apparently, the prison bots have decided I'm now recovered enough that I need to carry out my punishment from being murdered several days ago, so here I am.

[And here also was a "friendly" reminder bot with taser at the ready in case she chickened out.]

That being said, I'm not really good at actually performing something artistic, so we have two choices. I could do a one-time cooking show or a magic show.

Or a combination of the two. So three choices. I'm kinda... not sure what...

Aug. 3rd, 2015



Day 335 | 4th Wall | Video

So the thing about kidnapping me? It doesn't tend to go so well. For the people who do it.

[ someone seems calm. he's tiddling with the headset he was given, don't mind him. ]

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[Day 329] In Bloom Event/Dance Mingle

[DAYTIME: Walking in a floral wonderland. Not to be confused with an actual wonderland. Completely different event. You could be anywhere and everywhere today and not escape the petals.

DANCE: The sector 2 garden is a little extra pleasant and inviting this evening. Gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, delicious hor d'oeuvres, sparkling punch, and music. And dry. Did we mention it's dry? Not a single flood as far as the eye can see. So, find someone and get out there and dance.]

(OOC: Event INFO. Feel free to have your mingle set up cover both aspects of the day.)

Jun. 8th, 2015



327 - Flood Event Mingle

[ Perhaps you're a really strong swimmer. Perhaps you've found a canoe to paddle around in, unhooked a door to recreate the ending of Titanic. Perhaps breathing isn't a necessity for you. Perhaps you're already doomed to drown. Whichever your situation, there's one thing for certain.

The rain isn't stopping. ]

((ooc: EVENT POST! Remember that death is, if not permanent, still cause for a punishment! ))

Jun. 1st, 2015



Day 326 - Open Video

[Mal looks mighty uncomfortable and a little upset.]

Right. So I apparently need to lear sympathy, and the wardens decided the best way I can do that is to listen to three different people talk to me for an hour. About whatever they want. So first three to respond, I'll listen to... either through the comms or somewhere else. Like a bar. Bars is good listening places.

May. 25th, 2015



Day 325 [video : open]

Tyki Mikk is no longer in the prison. [She contemplates openly sharing that the Defense Force might be responsible for this, but she doesn't, mostly because too much is unknown. It was not what they intended nor was it what they seemed to have achieved in their attempt. Neither was everyone's powers changing yesterday, but that might be on them too. Or it was just the wardens playing games again.

Leading a team is something she understands. Communication with the people they are protecting is newer. She's not about to miss Lacus, but sometimes she misses having a public relations coordinator even if it sounded ridiculous at first.]

And I need to help people with their chores, so...there's that. [Three people specifically. It's her punishment for the hacking.] Tell me what you need done.

Apr. 27th, 2015



Day 321 : Secret Swap Mingle

["Secret secrets are no fun, secret secrets hurt someone."

Today, secrets will be a little less secretive than usual.]

Apr. 16th, 2015



day 319 ☄ 001 ☄ open : [ action | video ]

[ action ]

[ Okay, so in the grand spectrum of things, this could be a much stranger or worse experience for Harry Kim to have.

Alien prison? Nothing new there - and this one is much nicer. Trapped in a simulation? Also, not a unique experience. Bracelet monitor? Please, it's not even intrusive. Orange jumpsuit? Honestly, who could possibly care about what they're wearing in these circumstances?

All of that doesn't mean that he doesn't immediately set about figuring this place out, though. He needs to get out of here and back to Voyager. Even if it doesn't appear as immediately dangerous and malicious as other situations in which he's found himself trapped, he can't just settle in and stay here. So you can find this new arrival exploring every inch of the dome that he comes across, starting with sector 4, where he arrived. ]

[ video ]

[ Eventually, he turns to the network for information. ]

Hello? My name's Harry, I guess I'm the new guy, and from the looks of this communications network, it seems like we're all in pretty much the same situation here.

[ He pauses momentarily, pursing his lips and arching his brows. ]

So... this is some virtuality reality they've got running here.

[ That's one way to break the ice - but this is what he wants to talk about. ]

Feb. 25th, 2015




[There's a crackle as the audio clicks on for a few silent seconds before briefly, the video feed portrays a sneering Logan in the midst of a battle with one of his finer enemies: technology. The camera falls sideways.] - piece of sh- [click!]

[Five minutes later, the audio returns.]

What ever happened to good old fashioned walkie talkies? Telephones? [Gruff.]

I've got a few questions for those who've been here long, or the longest.

What's been tried and what hasn't. You've probably all heard this a thousand times over but bear with me, I'm new. [Snort.] The walls don't get damaged, I figured that one out on my own. But who's dug down? How far've you gone? What areas are restricted and has anyone figured a way in. If not, what's stopping you. Because believe me, I'm durable. More so when I'm pissed off.

Feb. 9th, 2015



[310] revival ; video

[If he hadn't shown up in the orange garb he might've taken a little while to realize he had been 'misplaced', but he caught on quick today. Which didn't make his mood all that better as he tried to calculate the days (roughly a month) he'd been AWOL while rapidly trying to take back the sliver of a life he set up here. His apartment was gone as well as his junk, clothes and - to make matters worse? His scrubs weren't in the clinic. He wasn't sure who was responsible for that but it was the scalpel to break the surgeon's back.

So after a disgruntled period of searching around, he clicks on the video feed to scowl straight into the camera.]

I don't care who you are or why you did it but if you took my scrubs? You suck.

[And click!]

Jan. 20th, 2015



307 - Career day mingle

[ Career day has come to Marina and Sector 0 is abuzz with activity! Booths have been erected, some of them with information about the existing establishments, some of them empty for inmates to man if they feel like advertising their business and one dedicated to the process of starting something completely new. Each establishment comes with its own information poster about career opportunities, but they all follow the same basic principle:

Restaurants, bars and cafés — Waiter, dishwasher, cook, bartender, cleaning and maintenance staff.
Shops and stores — shop clerk, stock assistant, cleaning and maintenance staff.
Hospital — Cleaning and maintenance staff
Athletic Center — cleaning and maintenance staff. Cleaning staff for the horse stable need to be vetted before employed.
Prison maintenance — cleaning and maintenance staff, gardening.

While the career day is mostly geared towards commercial establishments, there's also space reserved for the school and defence force. Bots will be readily available to answer questions and streamline the application process for inmates that wish to take over or start a new establishment. ]

((ooc: The career day has begun! Mingle and be merry! More information can be found on the event post, which is also where you should direct your questions! ))

Jan. 15th, 2015



[ video ]

Hi, everyone.

I know we had some new arrivals today. I'm Piper. I run the Sizzle & Sear. I'm also pretty sure no one arriving for the first time today really wants to hear, "welcome" because this whole place can be pretty scary and shocking at first.

I get that.

But, what I do want to do is, after everyone's managed to settle in a little more and take in their new surroundings, is invite you to a little reception tomorrow night over at my restaurant. It's kind of a welcome thing, but also a comfort thing. We'll have the regular menu, but all the specials are going to be comfort foods, and I have a lot of different ingredients and things ready to go, so I'm willing to learn any recipes and meals you might have had back home... you know, just to help you get through the transition of being here.

Also, I like to have some people around that have been here a while, and they can help you out with questions about the dome or anything like that as well.

So... stop by if you want. See you all tomorrow.

Jan. 5th, 2015




[You won't hear them coming. You won't see their snare. The mistletoe bots are out and they're hunting you, two by two. You can run and you can hide, but eventually you will be caught, and then there's nothing left to do but kiss your way out!

Chapstick stations will be available.]

(OOC: Mistletoe Bots Info)

Dec. 20th, 2014



Day 302 愛 video

[Though she'd been confused and disoriented at first, her time there had quickly begun to come back to her. She wasn't pleased to find herself back in the underwater prison, not at all but she knew it wasn't something she could change.

Inara had decided to wait a while to make any sort of announcement that she was back. She'd headed back to the apartment she'd called her own, wanting to change into something other than the hideous orange jumpsuit she'd awoken in. But she'd found her apartment bare, cleaned out of the things she'd collected the last time she'd been there.

Sighing, she composed herself and then she was ready to announce she was back, even though she was still in her orange jumpsuit. She manages a wary smile and shrugs her shoulders a little.]

Hello... I was here once before, though I'm not certain how much time has passed between now and then [about two weeks], but I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't truly matter. For those of you who weren't here when I was last or I hadn't had a chance to meet, I'm Inara Serra.

[She hesitates a moment and then glances around her apartment.]

Is it normal for things you had here before to disappear?

Jul. 22nd, 2014



Day 281 - Action - Closed/Open

[Closed to Inara]

Things weren't going so well for Mal. He woke up angry already, but everything felt a little weird. He let out a groan and started. That sounded suspiciously not human. Come to think of it, what was that odd snout in the field of his vision. Mal reached up and felt... fur?

He was awake in a snap and staring at... at... if he were thinking properly... at the head of an ass that happened to be attached to his body. But all he could see was a monster. He began swearing madly, but all that came out were brays.

[Open - Sector 0]

He should have been hiding in his room. He should have been hiding in his room and not talking to anyone, but Mal was so angry he was going to see the wardens if it was the last thing he did! Except the whole walking with the head of a giant animal isn't easy and he tripped on the way into sector 0. He started swearing again, incenced even more at the harsh sounds the creature made and wondering if anyone would understand him.

[Note: Think Bottom from Midsummer Night's Dream. In all threads... anytime he speaks will be in italics. If your character has an ear piece in - you can understand it. If not, it'll sound like a donkey braying. Furthermore... he's having a difficult time with the earpiece and therefor will not have translating powers for any animals. He still understands English and Mandarin.]

Jul. 9th, 2014



[ video - open | action - open ]

[ video ]

Hey, everyone.

I was just thinking... things have been kinda slow at the Post Office lately. So... what if we had some kinda raffle or something?

Oh, and, yeah... I'll be over at the gym this morning, then at the Post Office before baseball practice and before the beach party. I was thinking of trying to get the basketball thing going again. I think it's been long enough.

See ya.

[And he was off.]


[ action ]

[Just as promised, Duo spent the early morning at the gym, checking the basketball equipment, jogging around a little, taking some practice shots. From there, he went over to the Post Office long enough to check the dropbox and leave a note that he was at baseball practice. After baseball practice, he went back to his apartment, cleaned himself up, and then went back to the Post Office to sit for a while... organizing newbie baskets that were done up and in storage, checking the dropbox, coming up with ideas for the raffle prizes if he decided to do it after all, and then checking the inventory on the post cards and other things available. Once finished, he closed up for the night and headed to the beach party.]

Jul. 8th, 2014



day 279 | action; | open

[ action ]

[ deanna is in desperate need of something to do. she's tried several places already today. the ice rink just made her think of her husband. no good. fusion was nice. it has a few dishes she recognized but nothing really appealed to her so she'd left. the art center is interesting. it makes her think of both data and nathan... and also the enterprise. it could work if she can't find anything else. she'd wandered around the row and found a few things that seem to work well for her sense of style and comfort. they remind her of some of the things she used to wear before captain jellico had requested that she be in uniform. as she doesn't have her uniform here, she may as well be comfortable.

and then she'd found chill, the little ice cream parlor in sector 4. she's needed this for a long time and she's quick to order the most chocolate-filled sundae on the menu. chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, chocolate syrup, chocolate toppings, and chocolate sprinkles. clearly this means she's having a bad day. she'll be there for a few hours, savoring the chocolate taste for as long as she can, even if that means she has to drink the melted part at the end. ]

There is nothing like a good chocolate sundae.

[ totally just talking to herself, but it's said loudly enough for anyone nearby to hear. ]

[ ooc: catch her anywhere listed in the dome or at the ice cream parlor! ]

Jun. 16th, 2014



[ video - open | action - open & mingle ]

[ video ]

Hey, everyone.

Since yesterday was an arrival day, I'll be having a welcome reception tonight at the Sizzle & Sear. Stop by for some comfort food favorites. And, if there's something we don't have, if you're willing to show me how to do it, we can work something out.

Also, everyone's welcome. Long time residents can stop by and help the newbies feel a little better about things.

Hope to see you tonight.


[ action - mingle! ]

[Piper had set up the restaurant for the evening to dole out comfort foods. In additional the regular menu, she had classic American favorites that she knew like mac and cheese, hamburgers and fries, just good old fashioned bad-for-you food that people liked to eat when they were feeling down.

She was also open to suggestions for comfort food from other cultures! Stop by and share some recipes!]

{OOC: Open to Siren Clam pearl shenanigans!}



Day 276 - Open Action

[Morning - Sector 2]

Mal walked Serenity through the streets of sector 2 paying only enough attention to not run into anyone. She wanted to run though, so he couldn’t exactly get lost in his own thoughts. “Shh girl. We’ll be at the beach soon.” And sure enough they were. He gave her a gentle kick and the horse took off like a shot. When they reached the other side, he turned her around for another pass, and then dismounted. She rolled around in the sand as best she could while Mal lay out his coat and flopped down, staring up at the overcast sky. Anyone who dealt with Mal normally would notice that he’s significantly calmer and happier when he’s with his horse.

[Afternoon - Sector 5]

Unfortunately, Mal couldn’t spend all day at the stables. After lunch, he let his feet take him somewhere. Oddly enough, they took him to Sector 5, an area he tended to avoid. He merely shrugged today and made his way into the museum.

Jun. 15th, 2014



Day 275 [Video\Open][Voice/Closed]

[Open | Video]
Hey, I am...going to do a thing tomorrow. [Yes, off to a good start.] If you need self defense training be at the athletic center tomorrow at noon. [There's probably more that should go with that.] Don't eat a big lunch first. Wear whatever you normally wear. That's what you have to be prepared to fight in. It'll last...however long it needs to last.

[Private to Martha | Voice]
[He still has the letter in his hand as he makes the call.] Why didn't you tell me? [Except she did. Days later and about the same time he heard it with everyone else on the force from Jack. He hasn't exactly been making himself available to her either. Not after the dreams. But even before that.]

(OOC: The lesson itself is going to be handwaved for Day 276. This post is backdated to late afternoon.)