MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'sai'

May. 23rd, 2016



Day 377 Heatwave Mingle



May. 13th, 2016



Day 375 ⏳ video

[Although he's very newly arrived, Sai is already out of that jumper and in a more comfortable outfit of an over-sized hoody and jeans. He appears fairly calm, too. Maybe even pleased, as he greets anyone watching with a partially sleeve-covered wave of his hand and a grin.]

Hi~ This really is some place, huh? It's hard to believe it's some kind of prison!

[He lets out a laugh. His list of crimes was very extensive, and he has no reason or desire to deny or atone for any of them.]

I can't say I expected to ever open my eyes again- [actually, he was at peace and accepting that he was about to die.] but I don't mind entertaining myself here for a while.

—Ah! Speaking of. I wouldn't mind some suggestions of what there is to do, here. Hmm. . .I especially like [violence and fighting and murder!] eating and generally anything that's really active and hands-on.

I'm Sai, by the way. Pleased to meet you all~ ♥