MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'wolfram+von+bielefeld'

Nov. 1st, 2012



[ Action | Closed ]

[ Wolfram is going to get home late, much later than he usually would. Not only he is sure something weird happened to him --his memory is fuzzy and he doesn't quite remember what happened-- but more alarming than the hole in his memory are the ghastly silhouettes of people walking nearby... people that shouldn't be here.

At first, it's rather creepy until he spots Gwendal. Then Jozak. He tries to follow them and reach them, yet moments later they vanish into nothingness. People from his world, older inmates, they all come and go. ... Good grief, is that Dante? And the orange cat Diva once tried to throw out of a window?

Fear makes his legs go faster and faster until he is pretty much crossing the door of his apartment and, in a frenzy he slams the door shut. ]
Axel! Are you okay!? There is something weird going on! [ I see dead people, help kdjgdklkld ]



[Video//Action | Open]

[The last few bars of a haunting song play on the feed, an aria some might recognize as Diva's signature. It cuts off mid-bridge, replaced by a voice that sounds exactly like Diva's, and the face is hers except for deep red eyes instead of shimmering blue, and hair cut short instead of long and flowing. She's been outside and is dripping with rain, her thin blue chemise clinging even though she's indoors now, laying facedown on a mussed bed. Her fingers trail idly over the rim of a delicate wine glass. Scattered around her on the bed are other bits of glass, some edged in red.]

All it does here is rain. It's boring.

[Her hand curls around the stem, then cups the bowl of the glass and crushes it in her hand. Blood drips between her fingers to stain the sheet, but when she opens her hand to let the shards of glass drop, her palm is entirely uncut.]

[Restless, Diva rolls in the mussed sheets, sliding through shards of glass and paying no mind when they prick her bare arms.]


play with me~

[It won't take long for Diva to tire of the indoors and venture back out into the steady rain. At the beach she might yank off her clothes for a swim, or she might go pull wings off the butterflies in the pavilion. Or, perhaps just following around someone who catches her attention.]

((OOC: Diva!Saya broke into a random apartment on a whim. Feel free to have your character find an unexpected vampire queen and crushed stemware in their bed if you like! Else, she can easily be found anywhere outside.))




[Who ya gonna call? No one. This is a mingle. Now go get your ghostly sightings, possessions, and impersonations on.]

(OOC: Event details | Questions)

Oct. 26th, 2012



Event mingle: POWER OUTAGE

((OOC: This post begins the power outage portion of the mod-approved Ghostly Event!. This is a mingle post so feel free to post and tag around freely. Action and network posts are both welcome here! However, you are of course more than welcome to make your own posts related to the sudden onset of pitch blackness. Enjoy!))

[The hour isn't too late just yet, the costume party's still in full swing and less mask-oriented inmates might still be out and about, doing whatever. Lovely night, isn't it? Too bad it's about to take a serious left turn.]

[Regardless of where you are in the dome, all of a sudden there's a minor power surge as the lights strain with over-brightness for just long enough to draw looks of concern, and then the entire dome is plunged into complete darkness. Anyone paying a whole lot of widespread attention might note that the first lights blink out in Sector 2, then the effect cascades through the remaining sectors.]

[Not long after the dome goes dark, there's a loud clap of thunder and then a torrent of unrelenting rain starts falling. The only light you'll get tonight is half-second streaks of lightning arcing down from the dome.]

[No lights, no power, a nasty storm, no kiosk to complain at. Have fun.]

Oct. 18th, 2012



[Action | Video - Open!]

[ A long time ago at the old prison Wolfram had discovered how addictive video games could be, so it's no surprise to see him spending his time in the new prison's Arcade. This time however, he is not playing his usual games for he found a console the other Arcade didn't have and he's spent a good chunk of his time analyzing this new gem.

The controllers he usually plays with can be held with both hands because they have plenty of buttons, but this one is different-- it's white and elongated, like it's meant to be held with just one hand. To test it out, he runs a disc that has "Sports" written in it, and pretty much by accident, starts a game of tennis.

He swings it back and forth to test it and-- ]
Whoa. [ It follows his movements exactly! Oh man, this is so cool. Before he knows it he is completely engrossed by the game, though it's clear he doesn't really know how to handle the controller at all. ]

This is so amazing! How does it know the position of my hand and arm? [ As he swings the controller for a demonstration, a little character in the screen mimics his movements. Swing swing swing. ]

{ ooc: Come play "Wee" with him! :P }

Oct. 17th, 2012



[Voice//Action | Open]

[Voice | filtered away from Morgan, Reid and Tyki]

So. Okay. Instead of being all "I have this friend who needs some advice" I'll just come right out and admit that stuff happened and I am sort of freaking about it. Not big-time, I guess -- well, it depends on what second you ask me. Maybe just a little big-time.

Here's the deal. I have this best friend in the world and well, he kissed me. Or I kissed him. In any case, there was a kiss. And I do not have any clue what to do because what if this ruined everything and my usual chatroom and IM venting avenues are totally blocked and there's no Dear Abby here and this is just not good in so many ways and my ability to giggle is severely impeded and --

Um. Little help?

[Action | OTA]

[So where is she after making this little post? In the education center, which she is not aware is a hub for the Defense Force. She's typing away at a computer, fingers flying for a WPM in that way only a very seasoned pro can attain. Virtual world distractions, here Garcia comes!]

Oct. 15th, 2012


day 189 ; video

[The voice that cuts across the network is abrupt, angry, and faintly accented – Mexican, for those with a good ear. (Though, that deduction is probably easier to come to when you spot the matching face.) It doesn't usually show, but Rictor's pissed, and he's not the only one in his team whose voice slides back into old habit when his emotions are riled.]

I want answers, and I want 'em now. What the hell is this place and who the hell is in charge? [No, he didn’t manage to catch the message droning on the communicator earlier, before anyone asks.] And whoever it was that brought me here is gonna freakin' regret it when I get my hands on you, hijo de puta.


[Oh yeah.]

And what the hell is this get-up supposed to be? I look like a freakin' Cheeto!

Oct. 9th, 2012



Day 188 [Video] Open to all!! Mingle sort of game thing.

[On your feed today is both Aidan and Helix, Aidan waves at the camera all smiles while Helix just kicks back on their couch. Their apartment is pretty sleek looking, must be in Sector 2.]

So, a few days ago I punched a Wasp in an attempt to protect Aidan from being stung and that apparently counts as Assault, but whatever. I gotto play a stupid game with you now, that’s my punishment so lets make this quick and simple.

I’ll say something I like and you respond with something you like that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. We’ll use the common alphabet, ya know, A through Z just to make it easy on everyone, and just go back and forth.

So, I like Aidan.
[Motioning to Aidan. Who grins at the camera on cue.]

And I like Blueberries.

Simple enough? Alright, so, anyone, feel free to respond and play off of each other too, I don’t care. Or address one of us specifically.

In case you’re too duh—
[Elbowed by his boyfriend for being rude.] Just start with C or if you catch this later just ask me what letter we’re on or something.

[And at that point Helix says fuck it and pulls a Harmonica out of his pocket and starts to play, eyes closed in concentration as he waits for a response.]

((OOC: Okay, this is pretty much an open game communicator/network mingle-thing. Tag Helix, request Aidan, or tag other threads that are going on. Have fun, do what you like with it, you don’t have to stick to this particular thing. Go through the alphabet, or start over with other topics. Harmonica video is amusing but if you don't want to sit through the instruction, Helix is fiddling around and playing like he is at around 2:38.))

Oct. 1st, 2012



video; open

[Someone's standing on a roof. Like. The tippy-top of a pointy roof no one should ever be able to get onto, let alone stand on without wavering.

But, hey, since he hasn't been actively reaching out to people lately, he figures he might as well do so like this. Munching away on a Sea-Salt Ice Cream bar, Axel flicks on his communicator and shows off the heights by leaning over to stare at the ground below. Very, very far below.]

'kay. First, nice weather we're having. Next, I'm gonna need some judges here.

[Axel cracks his neck and then pulls the now clean ice cream stick out of his mouth to carelessly toss over the edge. Look out belooooow.]

I'm gonna jump, and you're gonna have to judge my dismount.


Sep. 25th, 2012



[Video//Action | Later afternoon] Mingle time!

So, the huge nasty bugs were fun and all, but they're old news. We need a little party time around here.

[Tony grins at his 'audience' as Led Zeppelin's Misty Mountain Hop plays in the background.] How about that old classic, beer pong. Open tournament starting in 30 at that karaoke club. We'll figure out the prizes if anyone's sober enough to remember the score. And punishments for losers, that could be fun.

Cheers. [And Tony toasts the people with his tumbler of scotch just before video disconnects. He won't be answering network replies because he's not interested in hearing any bullshit about what's beer pong or isn't this irresponsible blah blah boring. If you want to bitch or troll at him do it in person.]

((OOC: MINGLE TIME! That means feel free to make your own threads and tag around. Tony's thread is HERE so absolutely tag the hell out of him, but notifs are off otherwise. Network replies will be ignored because Tony's a brat, but characters can come to inquire as to WTF this game is all about if they're curious!

If you don't know the glory of beer pong, the link above should explain the rules! Feel free to play out games if you want or handwave results or invent new games or just have your character drinking and chatting. Characters who don't drink are welcome to play with water or soda or whatever, too!))

[ video | open ]

[Well, here is an Ashura at his morning tea, looking pensive, as if somehow expecting the tea to taste different.]

You know, in all the commotion of yesterday, I rather forgot I had turned 279. Odd, isn't it, how you can forget something like that? I had thought... I would feel different on that realization, but I suppose we all expect that and it never really happens. Maybe that will happen at 280, a milestone of sorts.

What do you all usually do for your birthdays in your worlds? Any special customs?

Sep. 20th, 2012




[Exciting day in MarinaNova. Robots and sentinels are out in mass seeking to gather up the escaped inmates from Sector 6, but that doesn't mean they're everywhere. Lots of quiet, little nooks completely free of their protection.]

(OOC: Links! Mammoth Pillbug | Hyena Wasps | Sector 1: Main Athletic Complex | Sector 2: The Education Center | Sector 3: Pa-Ching Arcade | Sector 4: The Movie Theater | Sector 5: The Museum

OOC Information | Veridical's announcement

You are welcome to play on the mingle and/or make your own posts for this event. The pillbug will only interact with people on his thread here, but you're welcome to see him or damage he's done.)

Sep. 12th, 2012



Video & Action | Open!

[ Ever since he found out he would play with Yuuri and Conrad in the upcoming baseball practice, Wolfram has been carrying a little baseball ball he got from the ever convenient Bull's Eye Store.

He doesn't like baseball as much as the other two, yet he's really looking forward to playing with his friends. It has been a long time since they did something that they would do at home — no fighting, no drama... just enjoying each other's company. Aw, man. Never in his life he thought he would be looking forward so badly to play in a baseball game! Hence why, while strolling around the beach, he stops to toss the ball at the nearest tree. Bounce, catch. Throw, bounce, catch. Some time passes and after a little while, the back and forth becomes boring. Just throwing a ball is kind of dull, isn't it?

... What if, just for the heck of it, he uses his abilities to set the ball on fire? A smirk appears on his face. Seconds later the ball is engulfed in flames and flying across the sandy ground of the beach. It's all fine and dandy except that playing alone is kind of lame, so he grabs the blazing and now blackened ball and opens a video feed. ]
I am looking for a someone to play with. Preferably someone with the ability to control fire. [ Who knows, maybe a worthy opponent might pop up! Though, non-fire users would be okay too; any kind of throwing and catching would be useful since it has been eons-- well, more like mere months-- since the last time he got to practice anything baseball related. ]

Also, don't forget to bring a bat.

Sep. 4th, 2012



[ Video/Action | Open | Midday ]

[ As soon as Sasha receives her punishment directions, she cannot help but feel both relieved but puzzled over punishment for injury. Nonetheless, she takes the time to think of what to say, make sure she looks presentable enough, and so the feed opens to Sasha with a polite smile. The only clues to her whereabouts are the sterile white wall behind her, and the neckline of a hospital garb. ]

Good morning, Marina.

My name is Sasha, and I come before you today to apologize: first, for taking time and resources away from our Wardens to heal my injuries; and second, and most importantly, that my actions of the day before has indirectly lead to others being hurt and putting them at risk through property damage.

Details herein, cut for length orz )

(( OOC: As the subject line says, all are welcome to react and to personally give her a scolding give her a visit X3;; ))

Sep. 3rd, 2012



Day 183 [video | open]

It's raining. [The obvious weather report has been stated. You're welcome.] So, we can't really play today, but today would be too soon anyway. We need to get the rosters back up first. [Anyone know what he's talking about? Being clear wasn't really important, was it?]

But in a few days we should have a baseball game! [And then all those cheerleaders will have something to cheer at. Otherwise they might have to cheer at science class or something.]

Um, but first we need a team captain for the other team and more players. So who wants to play?

(OOC: Current roster here. Let me know if you have a kid that needs to be removed or moved to the other team or someone that should be added! Also, if someone else wants to manage cheerleading elsewhere I'm happy to just link to your post or you can drop notes on this and I'll add them!)

Sep. 1st, 2012


[ action | day 182 ]

[ if you've seen any of the fliers that Soubi had taken the liberty of posting over the last few days, then you know that Marina Nova's first art class is being held outdoors at Quatro Park in Sector 4. Soubi has an assistant, today--Reki's come along to join him, and will be helping out during class.

if you still have your sketch books from classes at Marina, then Soubi lets you know that you're free to use them--and if not, then he has fresh ones on hand. there is a table set up and piled with various media: colored pencils, chalk, pastels, and even some paints. the supplies are there to be experimented with, and they're for anyone's use.

the focus of today's class is color.

Soubi's made up some color wheels, and you all get one. he talks about analogous colors and complementary colors, and how colors behave in context--what colors make others seem brighter, and how color can even make a shape appear larger or smaller, depending on its use. he has everyone draw a red square against five different background colors--black, white, orange, light blue, and green--and points out how differently the red behaves with each of them.

and with theory out of the way, he sets everyone free to do as they like. the park is colorful enough to provide some inspiration. both he and Reki will be around, so feel free to speak with either of them, and talk among yourselves. ]

(ooc: i wanted to get this post up before the end of the week--but unfortunately, i won't have internet again until late on monday. so apologies if tags are slow and/or nonexistent until then! )

Aug. 24th, 2012




If whoever moved my lab puts it back where they found it immediately, no one has to get hurt.

Aug. 21st, 2012


[Video / Open]

[ So many people! And many people means many dreams to feast upon~ It's strange, but Phantasos sees people moving outside from hir perch on one of the pretty Sector 4 buildings, and zie sees people in the little shell zie held in hir hand~ How cute!

With a little sound of glee, Phantasos gives the "shell" a smile and a wave, blond hair draping over the straps of her (illusionary) black dress~ ]

Look at you little people going about your day, with your little smiles, little frowns and tears. It is very entertaining!

Tell me, do little people dream as well? Care to share with me your most fondest wishes and deepest desires? Or just the things you see when you sleep at night. Nightmares are amusing in hindsight, aren't they?

(( OOC: This be Portrayer Phantasos, a Dream God whose domain is that of Fantasy and material desires, or one of the Greek Oneiroi. Zie hails from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas. ))

Aug. 6th, 2012



video, action | open

[Axel's been spending a lot of time in the library lately, mostly to find something decent to read so that he can pass the time, but today he's broken out some pencils and started to doodle random things on a blank piece of notebook paper.

In the middle of his sketching he picks up one of the pages and flicks on the communicator to show it off. You know, just because?]

Which one strikes fear into your heart? This one? Or this one?

[... Ok, so that second one isn't really that detailed, but you get the idea I'm too lazy to draw that. Anyway, his point is, the latter would be totally more effective at keeping people out of trouble. Or something like that, you know?]

Yo, DF. Or anyone, really. Think our lovely wardens would let my babies come to the dome? You can't tell me they don't look menacingly precious.

[If you wish to talk to him face to face, then he'll be at the library doodling away~]

Aug. 2nd, 2012



[ Video ]

[ Sup Marina. It seem Ashton is getting used to living here, but there are still some parts of daily life that he has to get adjusted to! So he is coming to you over this audio call with a very important request...

While still dressed in that godawful orange jumpsuit. Yes, he's been wearing it a few days now. No, it doesn't bother him, because he's certainly gone on longer without changing clothes. At least he bathed! He's not a barbarian. Wrong Class.

He also doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that he's showing on the feed, dragon necks coming out of his back and all. ]
I never realized before how inconvenient it is to have just one outfit. A limited selection is fine for traveling, when carrying a light load is ideal. [ Quieter. ] Even then you really need to visit streams often or things are going to start smelling really bad...

[ Anyway... ]

But here? With these fancy machines making laundry a cinch, it would be nice to have some options.

I just, uh... that is. [ The young man clears his throat, and if you listen close, you can hear grumbling in the background. ] I would need some help from a tailor or two so that I can have some shirts that actually fit. I can tear and fix them on my own — I've got at least that much skill — but I want them to look like they were made for me!

My only problem is payment. I can't work my old job here. It is impossible to be a hired sword without swords! So... since there's no currency, you would have to let me know how I could make it up to you. I don't have a lot of other skills, but maybe we could come to some kind of arrangement? Thank you in advance for your consideration!

[ There is some kind of growling from one of the dragon heads. ] ——oh! Right! And my name is Ashton. Ashton Anchors. Please let me know as soon as you can if you can help me. [ The young man waves to the camera. ] Thank you!

((OOC: Changed up the post format from voice to video since it first went up. o/ ))