March 10th, 2017

[info]madamerose in [info]fableless

WHO: The Glass Slipper VIP List and their dates.
WHAT: The Grand Reopening of the Glass Slipper - IC/OOC!
WHERE: The Glass Slipper obv
WHEN: Saturday, 3/11, 6PM-Onward (Forward-dated by one day!)
RATINGS: Some of the songs are NSFW due to language; I will add warnings here if anything else comes up in the comments!

To ensure the security of our guests, this invitation is non-transferrable and the guest list will be strictly enforced. )

[info]venuspudica in [info]fableless

In a far off galaxy I too am 21 and get added to cool ass VIP lists. Or I guess there could be a galaxy with different alcohol rules too.

While all the responsible adults are getting wasted, we can too, right? I mean we're gunna have to do some celebrating about getting through opening night. Riiiiiight?

[info]whozits in [info]fableless

WHO: Leda Stavros and Maverick Whittaker
WHEN: Today, 3/10
WHERE: The Godfather
SUMMARY: Small talk. (AKA During the Great Black Out of 2017 Cortney and Jessie were like 'who would the most random characters thrown together be')
STATUS: Complete!

Clever me’s figured out how to thin the Friday crowds. )

[info]thedoll in [info]fableless

A day where the idea of stepping foot outside seems horrible. Boredom strikes and it is just gnawing at your psyche wanting to be acknowledged. Boredom, I get it, you're there. Yet, you can't find the energy or will to find direct. So you remain bored. Laying in a hoodie and sweats. Waiting to feel for a second you have a purpose or direction. You don't. You never have. You will amount to nothing more. Wit and sarcasm are all you have as a barrier against truth. You can help everyone else, but not yourself. You are a shell of a person. Nay, a Wooden Doll. That is all you are.

[info]gepetto in [info]fableless

WHO: Helena and Ryan Comley
WHEN: Today, 3/10
WHERE: A mall.
SUMMARY: Helena takes Ryan shopping. Sigh.
PROMPT: Flash Fiction
WARNINGS: Siblings.
STATUS: Complete!

LOOK HOW CUTE YOU ARE shut UP. Ohmygod. We’re getting this. )

August 2017



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