February 13th, 2017

[info]cheerfully in [info]fableless

If you're looking for a last-minute Valentine's Day outfit (And yes, I know it's the 13th and this would be very last-minute, but hey, these things happen!) to really WOW that special someone, then stop on by The Red Cloak! We have some fabulous new arrivals, and I love helping people put together ensembles!

[info]gepetto in [info]fableless

Left in Jasper's mailbox this morning )

[info]prioress in [info]fableless

WOW taxes are dumb and hard. Why is this not something I was taught in school? Why was I wasting my time calculating how many fucking cups of flour an imaginary monkey needed to make an imaginary pizza instead of learning how to do taxes? Am I being hustled? Did I get handed this business JUST because my dad didn't want to do taxes for another year? Why are taxes so dumb and hard?

UPBEAT NOTE: Tomorrow is our annual 'Love Is Cheezy' Day: Bring a date to the truck any time tomorrow and experience the joy of buy-one-get-one-free lunch combos. And yes, this promo includes the newest member of the Cheez Louise family, the Unicorn's Milk Cheese.

And no, it doesn't have to be a DATE date. Bring a friend. Bring your mom. Bring your coworker to stand by you in line and then eat both meals by yourself. Who the fuck am I to judge you?

Who's got VDay plans? Who's got weekend plans? Who wants to have a party this weekend to celebrate my getting these dumb taxes done?

Yo - you're the intern up at Regulatory Affairs, right?

Hey girl. Getting excited about tomorrow!

[info]jameson in [info]fableless

If the sheer volume of people who came to buy carnations at the Club alone is any indicator, this town is going to be smelling like grandma's potpourri for weeks after tomorrow.

[info]carbonatom in [info]fableless


I turned 19. Plus I got a cat. I may have quoted Despicable Me upon getting the sweet thing, but oh my gosh.

Please meet Doc.
Picture behind cut )

My mom is the best!

[info]pursuant in [info]fableless

TO: Roman Kimura (Male Assistant)
FROM: Nick Emelin
[1] Where are you?
[2] Why is the other one here today? It's Monday.
[3] I have things to get done.

TO: Maxim Pukhov
FROM: Nick Emelin
[1] What does one give their daughter for Valentine's?
[2] I still don't get this holiday and I left the USSR 30 years ago.
[3] You have children, do they ask for things?
[4] Not that she asks for things.

[info]numberoneknight in [info]fableless

I'm not sure how I always get talked into letting my daughter decorate my office for holidays.

Though related to that, I will have far too much candy in my office tomorrow because apparently "Valentines" and "Halloween" require a similar amount of candy buying according to her. So if anyone wants some I will be more than happy to share.


I may have made a grievous error in judgement. Possibly.

[info]notretired in [info]fableless

WHO: Henry Spencer & Maggie Sampson.
WHEN: During the Age-Swap plot.
WHERE: Maggie's place.
SUMMARY: Henry goes over to check on her. It's uncomfortable.
STATUS: Complete!

It appeared the universe still held some miracles in it.  )

[info]gongfu in [info]fableless

WHO: Vincent Miller and Noel Hu
WHEN: February 13th
WHERE: Vincent’s place.
SUMMARY: Noel doesn't … dislike Vincent anymore. (PROMPT: chocolate)
WARNINGS: Prop 64 rights being exercised. Trippy shit.

And you're sure you're not a time lord? )

August 2017



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