November 23rd, 2016

[info]swanderful in [info]fableless


No need for the aviary.


How is Hissinger?

[info]suze in [info]fableless

TO: Ian
FROM: Suze
    (1) [.....] Dunno if you've seen already, but just so you know Marceline's sister's posting on the network.

TO: Rach
FROM: Suze
    (1) You wanna get drinks or someit?

TO: Roz
FROM: Suze
    (1) Oi.

TO: Marty
FROM: Suze
    (1) Heard Ian tried to kill you or someit. [...] Alright?

[info]talelessnpc in [info]fableless

Business Office Tweet -- 11/23/2016 )

[info]feefifoefum in [info]fableless

I suppose we should talk.

[info]shards in [info]fableless

TO: Maeve
FROM: Adam
(1) Hey, are you up?
(2) It's dead at work and we're short-staffed because like, three of our dancers are still recovering from the weirdness
(3) And I wanted to check and make sure you weren't still freaked out from the roar thing yesterday

TO: Jake
FROM: Adam
(1) So hey
(2) I'm glad you're coming to Thanksgiving

[info]hagzissa in [info]fableless

cut for the filters to all the people Roz needs to apologise to. )

Okay, do we seem to be having more incidents like this by the month or is it just me?

[info]fairyhelpful in [info]fableless

TO: Ryan (G-Daddy) Comley
FROM: Rich
[1] So I met Pinocchio, but I'm pretty sure he was off his rocker at the time. Does it count?
[2] Also, we need to sit down at some point and talk Christmas.
[3] The masses are clamoring for your talents and I've got a Tree Lighting and 12 Days of Christmas to plan for our town
[4] So if you're up for it I'd love to have your involvement. Help me plan decorations, stuff like that.
[5] No burn out this time, we'll have the full department on it and I'm doing most of the heavy lifting.

[info]codardo in [info]fableless

004 ➝

My classes and office hours will be resuming as usual today. My apologies to [...] all my students who felt affected by my behavior this past week. It won't change your grades, but still.

I wish to also publicly apologize to Professor Hernandez-Rodriguez. Please know that I have the utmost regrets for my actions, and to all the staff and students or other citizens in Central at the time of my [...] outburst, I apologize to you as well.

Look, I'm sure everyone has figured out by now that I was not in my right mind, so please just know that most of what I said or did was purely out of hysteria and overreaction. If I offended, I apologize.

[EMILIO] [In Italian]
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you to the others, and I know I've been acting strangely, even for me. Can I take you and your brother out for dinner to make it up to you?

[...] Hey, Marco. Hard week, no? I know a little bit of what you must be feeling right now. Let me take you and your brother out to dinner, maybe we can talk about things other than what asses we made of ourselves.

Friday night poker? The only rule is that we don't talk about crazy week, and everyone who was not affected has to bring booze for the rest of us.

[info]tippedscale in [info]fableless

It is difficult to make an apology that would be sincere for my behavior, so I will not try. I reverted to a more true form of my tale, and while this world is no longer fit to house the likes of a dragon in any state, I will not deny that on some level it was nice to be as I was without restriction. Despite this feeling, I have no intention of doing any of this against my will again, and have registered in hopes that I may encourage others to feel safe around me again.


So you hoard virgins and princesses?


Thank you for watching over me, Leela.


I do apologize for the manner in which I acquired you into my hoard.


I believe I owe you a new coat.

[info]pinolo in [info]fableless

First of all, thanks for not making me look like a complete fuckboy in Vegas. I'm currently scrubbing the shit out of all my accounts, but I had some photos saved from the trip. While I'm personally not scrapbooking this shit, LMK if you want them before they disappear into the void. These include: selfies from the stratosphere (HOW DID WE NOT DIE?), everything I ever tagged with #freebird (sorry Bone), the Vegas sign shots, the blurry Britney videos, the selfies where I'd accidentally pressed the video record button (#fatfingers).

Also, we should do a REAL weekend trip one of these days, but maybe after I finish this homework and when I'm not under the Tale influence. Why did it take me turning into my Tale for us to do a roadtrip, again?

Second part of dumb shit I did while thinking I was Pinocchio: Once we got back from Vegas, I decided to stalk and heckle my Tale Mom for every dick move she pulled on me back when she had turquoise hair. I thought it was a great idea at the time. Hell, I thought it was THE BEST IDEA I had at the time.

So long story short, I told Rich who I am.

But like all things that seemed like good ideas the day before:

Anyway, before I start anonymously submitting my entire last week to (does anybody still use that site anymore?): Enjoy the turkey weekend, Bone. Tell your folks sorry for dragging you out of state at the drop of a hat on my behalf. Kit, you're stuck with me for Friendsgiving, #notsorry.


[info]louhi in [info]fableless

My goodness. I leave this place alone for a moment and all Hel breaks loose.

Biochemistry students should take note that Professor Marietta has been called back to New York to attend to a family matter. As such, I will be taking over my classes earlier than expected, as I'd planned to finish out the semester on sabbatical.

There should be very little disruption, and this will not affect final exams, but I will offer an extension on any lab work due today -- you may have through the Thanksgiving holiday to complete anything outstanding as I catch up on what you've all been doing.

To our new freshman class: hello. I'm Dr. Flagstad. I trust your education at Woodsbridge has thus far been an enjoyable experience. My office hours are listed should anyone wish to meet for advisory purposes.

And before you ask, as someone always does: yes, I have seen the 'Mystery Science Theater' episode about me. I assure you the film is much better in the original Finnish.
Hello, my darlings. I hear it's been quite the week. I just flew in this morning.
Hello, darling. Frida was under the impression you weren't coming for Thanksgiving. I told her she was obviously mistaken, but I don't know where she could have gotten such a bizarre notion.

[info]feastorfamine in [info]fableless

WHO: Shane Watahomigie and Winter Blackwood.
WHAT: A meal on their way to town.
WHEN: Roughly Sunday-ish. They're arriving in town now.
WHERE: The Woods.
WARNINGS: Hunting, body horror.

Fire is good. Fire civilizes. Human beings cook their meat. Remember to cook. Never raw, never again. )

[info]anotherman in [info]fableless

TO: Michelle Watney
FROM: Ian Gorman
SUBJECT: Guy of Gisborne's Sword )

TO: Pippa Carson
FROM: Ian Gorman
SUBJECT: Affected Tale List )

[info]talelessnpc in [info]fableless

Business Office Tweets -- 11/23/2016 )

[info]sinbad in [info]fableless

TO: Samar
(1) Hey buddy
(2) I hear you got in a bit of a ........... catfight
(4) I brought jamon
(5) And I need a favor

TO: Cat
(1) Kitten
(2) Do me a solid
(3) Do not go to the store for the next few days
(4) Do not pass go
(5) Save collecting $200 for later
(6) Trust me

[info]brisk in [info]fableless

Instagram Post - 11/23/2016 )

[info]pursuant in [info]fableless

WHAT: Russian Tale lunch.
WHERE: The Mermaid's Tail.
WHEN: Tuesday.
My Yulia, what good timing you have! )

[info]geek in [info]fableless

Tiger Lily's just registered. Does anyone know a Shane Watahomigie?

Hello. This group includes everyone registered or known to be of our Tale. Welcome.

[info]geek in [info]fableless

WHO: Esau Dearborn and Jonathan Peal.
WHAT: Aftermath :(
WHEN: Backdated to Tuesday, 11/22
WHERE: Jon's cottage in Tumbledown.
WARNINGS: Discussion of violence, lots of sads, feels bad man.

Bluebeard would never apologize. )

August 2017



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