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Nov. 26th, 2013


batfam., iris m., eddie n.

[Tuesday evening-ish.]

[batfam lock]

Jonathan Crane is slated to be released next week. Regardless of past indiscretions and the potential risk, it seems as though this will indeed come to pass. I do, however, have a way to keep tabs on him. I thought you all should be aware before.

[iris m.]

I'm sorry I wasn't available before, Iris. Luke currently needs more time than I do.

[After the above, shhh.]

[comm to eddie n.]

Beeeeeeeeeep beep, Bats calling.


[Private to Iris M.]
[After hearing about this.]

You have a paper journal, right?
Tags: ,

Nov. 25th, 2013


eddie n.

[text to eddie n.]

[She's in class, so she misses Cass's post, but she does get Eddie's text. If texts could be frantic.] What's going on? What's wrong?


[Batman, Eddie N, Becky L]

[Locked to Batman]

I would like to speak to you when you have a moment.

[Locked to Eddie N]

I got some news this morning.

[Locked to Becky L]

I received some good news this morning that I wanted to share with you.

Nov. 24th, 2013


Public, Batfam+, Steph/Eddie


I do not like holidays.


I would like to train. Does this world's Manor have a training place?


Stop calling me 'Stitches'. And Bat-Mute. I can hear you.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


[Private to Selina K.]

Wanna play a game? It's called find the obvious similarities and jump to undocumented conclusions.

Nov. 19th, 2013


[Jack R, Neil D, Sam A, Joey A, Lin A, Louis D, October F, Eddie N, Bruce W]

[Also following this.

It's a rather varied group that the words come locked to, and how she managed to fumble a lock at all is anyone's guess. She's concussed and things are blurry and she's been given a fair amount of painkillers and a sedative because she tried fighting against the paramedics, insisting she was "fine". Written during a time that the nurses think she's unconscious. Her handwriting is the worst it's ever been, large and nearly unreadable.]

No charges. Tell them. My fault. They won't listen.

Nov. 18th, 2013


[Public as Eddie N.]

Has anyone seen Harley? She missed doughnut day. We were supposed to try our hardest not to go nuts for do-nuts.

Nov. 13th, 2013


cass c., public

[locked to cass c.]

I don't know if you're gonna [Blink.] So. Eddie's gotten out. And he'll be living with us for a while.


I'm getting into the most wonderful tiiiime of the year mode. Favorite holiday traditions! And, go.


[Eddie N, Death]

[Locked to Eddie N]
Can we pretend not to disagree about the crow for five minutes?

[Locked to Em, aka, Death]
The service was [...] nice.


[Eddie N]

[Locked to Eddie N]

Why did you talk to her?

Nov. 12th, 2013


[Public, anonymously.]

Hey Rubik. Can you really think with portals or was that one of the many benefits of having a puzzle for a brain?
Tags: ,

Nov. 10th, 2013




My childhood memories of curling up with a Harry Potter novel are forever tainted.

Nov. 7th, 2013



[Batfam+ any conceivable allies]

Why didn't any of you tell me he was back?

Nov. 6th, 2013


[Private to Bruce W.]

[Eddie Nigma's apology for being an asshole comes in the form of detailed schematics of New Arkham. Floor plans, camera locations and guard towers. Certain areas that he doesn't know much about, like the sewers, are completely blacked and labeled with a question mark.]

New Arkham is essentially the same one I remember from a Gotham I knew. The layout is the same, but the building seems newer, which I guess makes sense considering how this Gotham likes to play. No one could swim to shore if they managed to escape save Croc, Bane (if they were dumb enough to lock him up here) and probably Clayface. The more efficient way of getting out would be through the ferries with a guard keycard. That can be remedied partially with more elaborate security measures including handprint scanning and voice recognition. It's not perfect and the smart guys are always going to get out, but it's something if you wanna throw Wayne money around.

I checked and there's not enough room here for the whole of Blackgate City. They could probably take a handful, but I doubt Leland wants to mess with the feds. Honestly, I don't even know how long Leland is going to last here before things go belly up.

Nov. 5th, 2013


batbabies, kara z., eddie n.

[locked to batbabies and kara z.]

How's everyone doing after the party?

[locked to eddie n.]

I think I'm going to teach Bandit to ride on Matilda's back while standing up.

Nov. 1st, 2013




Um. [Shaky letters are crossed out, ink smeared, and she tries again, this time with a more steady hand.] Just, out of curiosity [...] is there any way for people on different sides of the door to meet? Aside from the parties, I mean.

Oct. 31st, 2013



without casios... i am without casinos... casino's, the new cereal from the makers of black death and other fine cardbored snacks... delightful...I won Sunn amps and smashed guitars off ebay... I <3 EARTH

...anyways, yeah - long story short, that's how I ended up trading a pantera cd for a Buddha statue.

i am out of alphabets, please come back later, thank you.


[Private to Harley Q.]
[Smack in the middle of this.]

Hey Harl how's it going? Good? Good. I'm good, too. How was the party? Weird and uncomfortable? Who'd have thunk it! ANYWAY. Riddle me this who wears a bag on his head and told me he just had relations with a lady?


[Eddie N, Public]

[Locked to Eddie N]

I think I am beginning to understand.


An interesting party, for sure. And a much better time than I would have had spending the evening alone in my room here at New Arkham, as enjoyable as that is.

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