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Sep. 19th, 2012


post to lou; text to ethan

You and Sam are on the outs?

(though he doesn’t have her number, she’s sure he’ll figure it out eventually)
How’s that bok choy treating you?

Aug. 22nd, 2012


[locked to huntsman]

You pledged your subjugation to me, as I recall. Do I retain it?



[Locked to the Huntsman]

You said you would help, should my sister require it? She's stupid, and therefore requires it.

Aug. 21st, 2012



So, out of curiosity, has anyone [...] had their person on the other side change? Or heard about it happening? Like, you start off with someone, and then one day it's someone crazy different. I can't be the only Since there's no rulebook or instructions or anything, I figure anything's possible, right?


I can totally make my guy on the other side do stuff. He thinks he's so tough. Yeah, well we got a mani/pedi today. Next weekend, if he doesn't let me come back through when I want to he'll be singing Whitney's greatest hits at karaoke.

What's new pussycats?

Aug. 10th, 2012



Hint: Politics

[A hand-drawn hangman game. So far:

a flat scaffold for the doomed man to mount, and the vertical structure to hold him up. The vertical structure is now taller, and the scaffold is nearly complete with a horizontal bar out to the right.

Now the hangman's head (only slightly lopsided), and his stick body float in white space. And one leg... and two... And now his left arm. How unfortunate..

And his right. The hangman swings. With a magical sombrero atop his head.]

_H__ _A__ _R__ ___ ___ _A__ _L__ _L__

Discard: O P E I U S X T N Q M C Z

Aug. 9th, 2012



[As "Red". The handwriting is half-legible, half-mess, from someone that used to have school lessons, but who hasn't used them in years.]

How do you put down the beast that carries you on the other side of the door?

Aug. 5th, 2012


Jules S, Ethan C, Bianca S

[While still in the hospital, passed off as 'journaling']

[Locked to Jules S]

Just checking in with you. I do hope that you are doing well.


[Locked to Ethan C]

I get out on Tuesday if everything progresses as it has been.

Thank you, for your help.

[Locked to Bianca S]

I wanted to apologise for the near-silence as of late. I hope you are faring well.



Hey Vegas,

Stop being on fire. Its hot as a motherfucker as is, and my detour to the skating rink took like 45 min. Get it together.

[Little hearts of sincerity drawn here.]

Aug. 4th, 2012


Ethan C, Sadie P

[Locked to Sadie P]

I think we need a cat. Thoughts?

[Locked to Ethan C]

Did dad ever tell you not to take candy from strangers?

Aug. 1st, 2012


Ethan C.

[Phone call, early morning hours after this]


Jul. 28th, 2012



Does anyone know what those new keys do?

Jul. 27th, 2012


I keep trying to find something good in this city. Something that doesn't give me nightmares or leaves me missing pieces of myself when all is said and done. Memories of orange bottles and scars and pills that aren't mine...

Maybe a trip back home is in order.



[Locks? What are locks? Entirely public. As Rose Red.]

Snow? Are you here? I'm locked in a castle. I swear, this time it wasn't about me finding danger to be irresistible, I don't think.

Jul. 25th, 2012


[Oliver C, Ethan C]

[Group lock to Oliver C, Ethan C]
This place is a bloody riot. A good romp, either of you? Both of you? Threesomes are quite American, if the tabloids are to be believed.

Jul. 21st, 2012


Call to Ethan C

[Sunday morning, 4am]


Jul. 19th, 2012



[After she's given up on hearing back here. The post is reckless, and very very public. ]

I'm getting a table at Ghostbar tonight. If anyone is interested in going out to the Palms, drinks are on me.

Jul. 9th, 2012



The water off in Turnberry?

Jul. 4th, 2012



Fireworks, margaritas, and some fried rice.

I do believe I can call this Wednesday a complete and utter success.

I am nearly out of Jose, however. Help a girl out?

Jul. 1st, 2012



You know, by the way they reacted, you'd think that law students were squeamish or something. You come on a field trip to the medical examiner's office and really expect not to see some dead people? It was just a human heart, anyway, lighten up.

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