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Apr. 16th, 2013


Adam W; January F

[Locked: Adam W]
I have a job! Also, can we please start talking again? I miss you :(

[Locked: January F]

Apr. 13th, 2013


various, mk is back from rehab edition

[locked to eleanor m-s.]

Hi, Nelly Bear.

[locked to wren h.]

I can't You sent LUKE to ask in on me [Nothing posted.]

[locked to adam w.]


[locked to lin a.]

So I don't remember if I ever really thanked you for helping Sam.

Apr. 12th, 2013


Aubrey R, Public

[Locked to Aubrey R]

I need a paaaaaaaarty.




[Private to the Spidey Kids]

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [and then links and links and links].

Apr. 1st, 2013



I feel kind of weird. Anybody else feel kind of weird? And hear about the kid who jumped off the building, or the girl in pottery? Something's going on.


[Adam W]

[Locked to Adam W]
[Immediately after this, on her way home.] I made it worse.

Mar. 21st, 2013


[flash t]

[The jingle jangle of a phone call, as Peter hops off the subway.]


the blondes, adam w.

[A couple days after quietly checking in to Promises Rehabilitation Center, she's finally given a chance to slip away and contact a few people. Handwriting is slow, precise, and pressed hard on the paper. Oh, yes, withdrawals.]

[locked to wren h.]

hi kitten

[locked to sam a.]

sorry about that baby doll

[locked to eleanor r-w.]

hi baby

[locked to adam w.]

wish you could be here

Mar. 12th, 2013


[Aiden S, Adam W, Connor B]

[Email to Aiden at Arcadia Unbound]
Your copy of The Cenci is of questionable origin. I only felt you should know. I've a legitimate copy for sale, should you wish to purchase it.


[Locked to Adam W]
I'm to check on you.

[Locked to Connor B]
We've met I'm to check on you.

Mar. 11th, 2013


adam w., jim m., thierry b.

[adam w.]

I heard about MK. How are you holding up?

[jim m.]

Hey, so, I know we were strangers before we were Batman and Robin-ing it up, but it was kind of fun, right? And figured I'd ask how it feels to be back in the real world anyway.

[thierry b.]

[...] I know you think it's best if we don't talk, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.

Mar. 10th, 2013


[Adam W]

Would you like to explain what happened when that girl overdosed?

Mar. 8th, 2013


[MK R, Adam W, Neil D, Connor B, Seven M

[Locked to MK R]
I'm so fucking sorry

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Adam W]
You're a fucking douche

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Neil D]
Are you ok? Please be ok. I don't know if I can

[Not posted.]

[Locked to Connor B]
Check on shit for me.

[After getting money from Lin]
[Call to Seven M]


[Private to Wren M H.]

MK overdosed. Will live. Long term damage unknown. Hope to talk her into rehab once she feels better. Already discussed it. Should work this time. Want to know if you'd visit her?

Mar. 6th, 2013


[Public, as Sam A.]

[Just after this.]

helphelp fckingHELP. Ithrew the phoneand it wont dial PLZ. Theres gooop and shes seizing I cant tell ifshes breathing.

Mar. 5th, 2013


Flash T

[Call to Flash T]
[From inside the house, just after this. Ring.]

Mar. 4th, 2013


flash t., harry o.

[After she and Harry are both bailed out.]

[call to flash t.]

[Immediately once she gets the clear to go. From MK's cell, which they confiscated until then. Ring, ring until he picks up or it goes to voicemail.]

[text to harry o.]

yeah thx for that.


[Flash T]

[Locked to Flash T]
[During this.] You need to sit down.

Feb. 28th, 2013


spidey boys.

[locked to flash t.]


[locked to peter p.]

Sorry [...] for making it weird when you first showed up.

[locked to harry o.]

Long time, no talk, handsome.

Feb. 27th, 2013


[Dr. Banner, Flash T, as Gwen S]

[Locked to Dr. Banner]
Dr. Banner? Please be out there.

[Locked to Flash T]
Flash, you have to promise not to keep Doc from helping MK, or 'll make sure you get detention with the math club kids for a month.

Feb. 26th, 2013


[Private to Connor B.]

Connor. Heard you were here. That you might have Spider-Man. Should talk.

[Private to MK]


[Private to Ain]

Need someone to talk to.

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