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Sep. 7th, 2013


liam r

Ring, ring.

Sep. 5th, 2013


Jack R

[Locked to Jack R]

Can I talk to you when you have a moment?

Sep. 3rd, 2013



I'm guessing that Mexico is rather miserable this time of year, if the weather here is anything to go by.
Tags: ,

Aug. 30th, 2013


Sam A

[Text to Sam A]



Liam R, Ronan

[Text to Liam R]


[Locked to Ronan]

Have you seen Liam?


[On the heels of his last post, Liam disappears from the apartment and has not been seen for a number of days.]

Aug. 24th, 2013



Ghostbusters is on again. I keep hoping somebody's going to actually come up with a working Proton Pack.

Aug. 23rd, 2013



There is absolutely nothing like that feeling of putting pen to paper and churning out page after page of what I think, at least, is gold.

I'm not going to hold my breath on the writer's block being gone entirely lest I jinx myself. But this is a good start. A very good start.

Fireflight. Tentative project name. I'm sure a couple of you will get the reference.

Aug. 20th, 2013


Shailee, Liam, Ronan

[Phone call to Shailee]

Ring, ring.

[Locked to Liam R.]

How are you feeling back in Vegas?

[Locked to Ronan]

Doing okay?

Aug. 16th, 2013


Sam A

[Text to Sam A, from Mississippi]

[A picture.]

Miss you, Sam.

Aug. 5th, 2013


[After this. Locked to 'Restraint' anon, but posted as Billy K.]

I owe you an apology. Maybe several.

Aug. 4th, 2013


[Ben S, Sam A, Veronica H, Seven M]

[Locked to Ben S]

Don't panic at the empty room. I'm heading home for a couple of weeks. Some things with my mom that I need to take care of. I left an envelope on the kitchen table for you to cover my share of the bills. I'll give you a call once I get home.

[Locked to Sam A]

Haven't heard from you in a while, but I hope you're okay. I'm heading back to Mississippi for a couple of weeks for some family things, but I'll be back. Let me know you're still alive when you get a chance.

[Locked to V]

Heading home for a few weeks to try and get my head back on straight. Hopefully I'll have something for you by the end of the month.

[Locked to Seven M]

I'm heading back to Missi Will you even notice I've g I miss you.

(Nothing sent.)

Jul. 25th, 2013



Is blanket permission to take over your Vegas half offered if said Vegas half is acting in a manner that you do not believe healthy?



You know, I didn't think Las Vegas could get much fucking weirder from the last time I was here. But congratulations book thing, you've done it.

Jul. 13th, 2013


Dean W. and Public.


Did anyone meet anyone or anything at the party that they think may have been responsible for it? It's a shot in the dark.

[Dean W.]

I just had the "anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" conversation with Laura. And I'm not kidding. I am awful at this.

Jul. 12th, 2013



[After this]

[There's a knock, knock on Liam's door.] Hey, Liam?
Tags: ,

Jul. 11th, 2013



Who says this place can't throw a lovely party?

Jun. 21st, 2013


don't give a damn what you got on your to-fucking-do list today, you come screeching into the fucking drive like that you're going to take out more than my fucking bike.

or I'm going to ram my fucking fist down your throat.

guess I'm building a new one.

Jun. 12th, 2013


[Comm. to Preston R. (HQ)]

[A quiet click or two, then a test. A deep voice, without a real excess of inflection, which is to say, almost none.] Hello?

[Comm. to Bo D]

[Without introduction.] You're my contact?

[Comm. to Max M]

We've worked together before. [A statement, not a question.]


[On the journals.]

[...] Is it normal for one of the people on the other side to suddenly get older?

Jun. 9th, 2013


[Sam W, Dean W]

[Group lock to the Winchester brothers]

There is trouble in Oklahoma. Your assistance is required immediately.

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