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Feb. 21st, 2013


[public, as batgirl.]

this costumed hero thing is better than i ever imagined. well. if you take a little liberty.

Feb. 18th, 2013



[After reading through the last few posts.]

All patient appointments are cancelled until this [...] sorts itself. If you need to contact me, I will be available here or you can leave a message on the office phone [number] and I will respond as quickly as I am able.

Stay safe Be careful.



Feb. 15th, 2013


Public: ...OOOPS Scattering of doodled images..

[Amongst a journal entry that displays flowers and several leafs of a similar style, can barely be discerned a few words written and scattered in between doodled whorls and vines]

‘West is the spirit of water. It is the direction from which darkness comes.
It is the power of change, the place of dreams, introspection and the unknown.
The west signifies purity and strength.'
o´❀¸(░) `O.¸¸.¸.o´❀'Alfirin?' flower ❁⚘~❀~~❁~~♫♫ ¯`❄.¸(░) `O.❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲⚘❁❀ 'Mallorn' leaf 。❄*´*。✲O.¸¸.¸.o´❁⚘~~~❁⚘❁⚘⚘'Eres Sea?'¯`o.¸(░)`O.¸¸.✲.♫♫♪¸.o´¯`¸.o´¯`❄¸(░)Mae govannen? = greeting?❁⚘~~~❁⚘❁⚘ `O.¸¸.¸.✲´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄。¨¯`*.Read Beowolf....¸.o´♫♫♪¯`o.¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)´*。✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。Jack/Aragorn?.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯♫♫♪`❄。¨¯`*....¸.o´¯`o 4x4 Rental/Malcolm

And yes, Chay is still trying to figure this journal thing out

Feb. 10th, 2013


(Written in Sindarin)

Cold wind
blows across sand
sending grains of rock dust
like a snake, spiraling across the

Feb. 9th, 2013



Seriously done with the fucking bleedover thing. If someone doesn't get this bitch back to that castle stat, I will cut someone. I'll do it. All this leaky feeling shit has me cranky, don't test me.

Feb. 8th, 2013


mk robinson, jack r

[text: MK R/Val M]
We're going to do something stupid. Where are you?

[Locked: Jack R/Val M]
Might be leaving soon. Just FYI.

Feb. 4th, 2013


[In the small hours of the morning, towards three, a drawing appears across all the journals. It has been done in ink, and no name is associated with it, even when it appears on tablet or phone screens instead of paper. There is no text associated with the image; it appears to be a sleepless doodle in the book.]

a strange, still street beneath a mountain. )

Jan. 31st, 2013



Are there religious people here? Or people with a strong sense of faith? I feel [...] lost I suppose is the best way to describe it and not even dance is helping.  I suppose I'm wondering how to deal with the loss of someone you loved and how to help someone through that kind of loss.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Sam A, Liam R, Blake T, Iris R, Malcolm D, Val M

Locked to Sam A

Just checking in, how are things?

Locked to Liam R

You've been quiet. How are you doing, Liam?

Locked to Blake T

How are you, Blake?

Locked to Iris R

Are you returned yet?

Locked to Malcolm D

Is there a protocol for this? Don't be Hey.

Locked to Val M

Hey. Sorry I had to end our phone call so abruptly the other night.


public, svetlana m, luke h

Does anyone know why or have any theories why your headcase might change?

[Locked: Svetlana M/Charlie M]
Thank you for everything, again.

[EMail: Luke H/Charlie M]
[On their academy provided email accounts]
I missed the last two days of classes for unexpected personal reasons.  Is there any way I can get the notes from you?

Jan. 27th, 2013



Is there a doctor in the house? Discretion required.

Jan. 24th, 2013



Okay so. Hypothetically speaking, if you find yourself in the hospital and need to call someone to spring you out, who's the best choice.  I have a half brother, a diner owner who thinks I'm annoying, and a friend I'm not so sure where I stand with. Hypothetically speaking. So. Advice?



Bronchitis sucks. Business trips suck. Daytime television really sucks. I have been coughing my brain out and my mother is threatening to send vats of borshch by express mail to make sure I feel better. I don't even know.

There. That's at least five minutes of whining no one in this house had to listen to. Success.

Jan. 23rd, 2013



"I was four years old then, and I think it was the next summer that I first heard the voices."
~ Black Elk

Um.. grandfather...

I suppose it could be worse. At least it is just one.



Does anyone know a good place to locate support groups?

Jan. 16th, 2013


[Jack R]

[Phone call to Jack R, the night after the fight with Seven, from Nick's apartment]



Jack R

[This is going to be as quick as she can make it so she can get back through the door. She's actually standing in the hall outside the DC door, and she doesn't feel well. Not plaguey (can Death even catch enough of the plague to transfer to her? She doesn't know), but tired. Exhausted, really. And shaky. Her handwriting reflects that, slow and careful but still a little wavery.]

Doctor Roman?
Tags: ,


Val M, Winnie O

[Phone call to Val M]

Ring, ring

[Text to Winnie O]

You, me, drinks tonight?

Jan. 14th, 2013


[Filtered: Aragorn and Legolas, viewable to Denethor but Sam doesn't know he's there yet!]

How is it, where you are? The Shire is as it ever is, though I think maybe I could try to escape for a wee holiday. Mr. Frodo probably wouldn't know that I'm gone too long, he's been so busy as of late. Always off wandering, he is. He's always been one for adventures and stories, though.

It's maddening, knowing that Mr. Bilbo has the Ring here, and that there's not a darn thing I can do about it. He has to know it's not good for him, doesn't he? I would think, certainly! I can see it changing him now. He doesn't age, Mr. Bilbo. He's 109 but he looks like he could be 50, still a young hobbit! It never struck me as odd before, just that he was lucky, Mr. Bilbo was.

Miss Elinor, the woman in the other world, saw the movie of Mr. Bilbo's life before everything happened. He was pretty brave, Mr. Bilbo was, but when he took the Ring from that horrid creature...I don't honestly know what he was thinking! I understand now though. The...whatever you call it. The want of it, I guess. I don't really care much for it and just want it GONE, but Mr. Frodo even felt its pull there at the end. Were it not for that wretched Gollum, Mr. Frodo would have been taken by the Ring, too. It's why I can't just go find him and kill the creature, because without him, Mr. Frodo would have been lost forever.

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