March 2014




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Mar. 19th, 2012



Is it normal to have a hangover after your other half drinks about a gallon of wine on the other side?

Right now, the world is too bright. And moving.


[Message left on MK's answering machine]

Yes, Miss Robinson? This is Doctor Adam Waterhouse with your monthly check up. How are your blood glucose levels? Any sprains to the anterior talofibular ligament? Please call me back urgently or else these gambling devices will relieve me of all my monies.

[Public as Adam W.]

I've been in town for exactly three weeks and have already removed five utensils from unspeakable places. When will people learn that sporks only have two creditable uses?

Mar. 18th, 2012


[Public::As Anne]

Written in very old fashioned, flowing script

I beg of you to tell me why I must be brought to the walls of this castle to find it almost bare? I at least expected to find my husband and his harlot making merry at my death.

Yet the servants act as if things are as they should be.

Mar. 17th, 2012



So. Best places for a cup of coffee here for a newcomer to the area. And by 'best', I mean 'not Starbucks', no offense to anyone who enjoys their coffee, I just think it tastes like dirty dishwater.

I've got to buy myself a coffee pot if I intend to keep my caffeine habit.



[With a bold and heavy hand.]

Sup, bitches?

Mar. 16th, 2012



Hey guy who has been to Alaska who has never had a casserole -

Still want to try one? I actually finished my contracts and am off work this weekend. I was thinking of making up some green bean casserole and possibly a hash brown casserole as well.



Distract me. Books have endings. You can read to the back, and you can see what happens on the last page. You can cheat fate, close the cover and refuse to accept the ending. For those of us with things in our heads that haven't ended, what now? Do they never end?

Mar. 15th, 2012



I've had the worst headache since the last full moo

Does anyone know a good cure for headaches besides a nice cigarette?

Mar. 14th, 2012



(Kit's handwriting is small, a good mixture of cursive and print. It's relatively nice and mostly legible.)

I wonder - who's out there? Whose words are those that appear, as if by magic, in the pages of this strange, old journal? I feel like Harry Potter, reading Tom Riddle's diary. I only hope that this thing isn't a horcrux. I don't have the patience to stamp out pieces of someone's soul.

Mar. 13th, 2012



So, the riddle of the voice in my head keeps growing stronger. I have to admit, I am a bit jealous of those who know just who they are dealing with.

So, this is what I know for sure from my dreams:

This person is female.

She lived (or her world? Still not clear on that one) is some time in the past when women wore horribly uncomfortable corsets, heavy dresses and they way they talk sounds just like my Meemaw's King James Bible.

She has a husband whom she both loves and hates who had her killed.

She has a redheaded daughter.

She distrust men, especially her father - and mine.

She looks like me, but has dark hair.

I am stumped. I tried googling it at work today, but there isn't really a term that I can search that isn't incredibly vague, and it's not like I can go ask our research librarian to help me find the possibly fictional woman who is possessing my dreams and making me crave roast duck and apples.

Mar. 11th, 2012



After almost fifteen years as a vegetarian, I've had the strongest desire for meat. Specifically, I've caught myself twice almost ordering a Meatzaria Pizza with six kinds of meat.

I'm not entirely sure if this is normal.

I'm also wondering if one can eat a bacon cheeseburger and still keep their upstanding liberal Berkley graduate card. These cravings are ridiculous.



Do the classier hotels on the Strip allow dogs?
Alternatively, does anyone know anything about sneaking dogs into hotels?

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