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Aug. 14th, 2012


[Public, as Loras T]

What good is a kingdom without a true king? For that matter, any king at all?

This world is a strange one. A world where death is reversible, and history too? Impossible, and yet -

Strange, indeed.

Aug. 13th, 2012


public, as Renly B.

[Written in a fine, flourishing hand.]

And here I thought my afterlife would not so resemble the mundanity of the day-to-day in Westeros. The Seven never did deliver as much as the High Septon preached. The peaches are a nice touch, I'll admit.

Aug. 11th, 2012


alexis k.

[locked to alexis k.]

Went through. A little weird, a lot claustrophobic, but mostly boring. He didn't do anything really interesting. End result: it probably depends on who you've got and where you're going, but it's not that bad.

Aug. 9th, 2012



[As Dallas S.]

Is there any sort of official consensus on how this thing works yet? I mean, can anyone on the planet read this right now? Is it just limited to people who might be going loony can hear another person talking in their heads? Shit, I probably shouldn't even be writing this at all

I'm just wondering how secure it is. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if there's even a chance that the everyday citizens of Las Vegas can read this... if there's no security, or no assurance thereof... then what would be the point? I would enjoy a forum full of people who can answer my ponderings, but not if it's going to get my name associated with this mess for anyone to find.

Not that this is the time or place for twenty questions, but I'd certainly appreciate some answers. Isn't there anyone in charge around here? Authority figures are always comforting

Aug. 7th, 2012


text to Nikolai S

[After this, from an unknown number.]

[attached is an extremely compromising photo of Bailey, a man, and Alexis, everyone with their eyes on the camera.]

in soviet russia, porn watches you.

Aug. 6th, 2012


public, as alexis k.

this isn't as bizarre as i might've thought before facebook existed. a social medium conntecting to me without my permission seems perfectly normal these days.

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