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Aug. 27th, 2012


micah c, andrew m, public

[Locked: Micah C/Bianca S]

Have you settled your living situation?

[Text: Andrew M/Bianca S]

I miss you.

After talking to Micah
[Public; excluding Micah C]

Does anyone know what happened to the piano player that used to play at this jazz club on the strip? Micah is his name, I think. I haven't seen him around in a while.

Aug. 25th, 2012



Does anyone else struggle with the thought that their alter beyond the door deserves more time in their world than you manage to offer them?

I simply feel as though he is more accomplished, more successful than I'll ever be, and it's not the most comforting of thoughts.

Aug. 21st, 2012



So, out of curiosity, has anyone [...] had their person on the other side change? Or heard about it happening? Like, you start off with someone, and then one day it's someone crazy different. I can't be the only Since there's no rulebook or instructions or anything, I figure anything's possible, right?

Aug. 12th, 2012



Want to trade one blank cheque for key to DC door.

Aug. 10th, 2012


[locked to dc door except villains]

[Red Hood]

As much as it pains me to suggest we all work as a happy family, there's too much going on for any one of us to take it on individually. So, if you're going to follow the Joker's men and the babies they snatched to the source, which is where I'm headed, I don't want to hear word one about methods. Somebody needs to deal with the screaming kids in the park and the nurses, too, not to mention the mess on the street.

Aug. 7th, 2012



Months of roommates sharing my living space makes this empty apartment feel even quieter than it really is.

Aug. 5th, 2012


Jules S, Ethan C, Bianca S

[While still in the hospital, passed off as 'journaling']

[Locked to Jules S]

Just checking in with you. I do hope that you are doing well.


[Locked to Ethan C]

I get out on Tuesday if everything progresses as it has been.

Thank you, for your help.

[Locked to Bianca S]

I wanted to apologise for the near-silence as of late. I hope you are faring well.

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