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Aug. 24th, 2012


It's Friday night, I'm rather bored, and if I stare at my novel any longer, I think I'll throw my laptop across the room.

So for everyone else who may be in a similar position, let's play a game of 'This or That'.

I'll go first.

Wine or beer?

Aug. 20th, 2012


I am thinking of going home in October for the national holiday. Anyone want to see China with me???

[Filtered post for Kitane]
I really like it if you can come with me. Do not worry about the flight...I saved lots! Have permission too from my classes to go home for a week. And when we are there my family will help us. They will be excited!

Aug. 17th, 2012




Okay, moving in took FOREVER but I'm so glad we were able to get into the place right away.  I even got to bake cookies! I burned the first batch but you guys don't need to know that Now I want to celebrate!!

[Email: Ainslie G/Justine S]

Hola! I know it's been such a long time, but I made a new friend and she says she knows an Ainslie that says 'Si' a lot and I was just wondering if you were in Las Vegas? But even if you're not, it's been ages, love. How are you? I'm doing well, just recently moved to Las Vegas. I found my brother. He ran away, did I tell you that? I'll fill you in. If you want to give me a call, my new number is [#].


Aug. 16th, 2012



I'm sure someone out there wants to celebrate August 16th with me.

Come on. Every round is on me!

Aug. 15th, 2012



[Sometime in the deep evening.] The stars are out.

[...] I'm up, if anybody's got car trouble.

Aug. 14th, 2012


[Public, as Loras T]

What good is a kingdom without a true king? For that matter, any king at all?

This world is a strange one. A world where death is reversible, and history too? Impossible, and yet -

Strange, indeed.

Aug. 13th, 2012


public, as Renly B.

[Written in a fine, flourishing hand.]

And here I thought my afterlife would not so resemble the mundanity of the day-to-day in Westeros. The Seven never did deliver as much as the High Septon preached. The peaches are a nice touch, I'll admit.




Aug. 8th, 2012


Theo W./Eddard S.

[Locked to Theo W./Eddard S.]

I'm taking her for a [...] bit.

Aug. 7th, 2012



Vacation was awesome!

Aug. 3rd, 2012


public, as Theon G.

[The entry is written in a careful, elegant hand, darkly inked.]

It appears much has changed since I was last on Pyke. But, then much is as it was. The sea is coloured from the selfsame palette as my childhood, but it is colder now & more desolate. It continues its relentless thrashing & endless roiling, pursuing still its dream of reclaiming the rock and fortress upon & in which I sit, & yet I've seen only a mere handful of ships dotting the water's surface, no matter the direction I've looked. The Iron Islands have never been never heavily populated, I know, but the Bloody Keep, & indeed most of Pyke, seem to house no one of note but myself. Where has everyone gone?

Jul. 29th, 2012


Phone call: Theo W, Kitane Z, Seven M

[A short while after this, from Theo's phone]

Ring, ring.

Jul. 28th, 2012



(( GoT/ASoIaF spoiler alert. ))

I had heard once that what is dead may never die, but I am starting to tire of seeing dogs and squids come back to life.

Now why would Ramsay Bolton keep you alive, Theon Greyjoy?

Jul. 27th, 2012


Phone call to Aubrey R.

[On the way to Lake Tahoe, while in the car with Theo.]

Ring, ring.

Jul. 26th, 2012


Aubrey R., Seven M., Ainslie G., and Mingmei S.

[Individual texts sent to Aubrey R., Seven M., Ainslie G., and Mingmei S.]

Is everyone okay?

Jul. 25th, 2012



[as soon as he's had a very big glass of very expensive alcohol, while en route back to the penthouse so his writing is somewhat sloppy]

[Phone Call: Kitane/Theo]

Ring, Ring

[Locked: Seven/Theo]

We need to talk. I'll call you later tonight.

[Individual Texts: Raegan/Theo; Aubrey/Theo]

Are you okay? Where are you? Do you need me?

[Locked: Nell/Theo]

You need to make time for Arya before the end of the week. [...] Please.

Jul. 19th, 2012


public, though he doesn't know it.

[A day or two after being written, the entry is scratched out for fear of Lin's Alter being discovered by those smart enough to connect the dots.]

[Lin doesn't yet realize the journals are a form of communication. He takes it at face value, thinking it's just paper and leather, and decides to do a bit of journaling. Why the hell not?]

Okay, journal, I guess I'll write in you - to sate my own curiosity and, well, utilize you. Someone sent me a journal. I suppose that means I ought to use it, right? (That doesn't carry over, though. Not always. Just because I get something, doesn't mean I have to use it. Like, if someone sent me beef in the mail, ...I'd probably toss it, depending on how hungry I was.)

To be honest, I don't know what this key is for. I mean, I see the connection between it and the kraken in my head, but... as far as I know, I have no keyholes on my head to release him. (RELEASE THE KRAKEN! (Oh, journal, I crack myself up.))

I've never been good at this whole divulging business, even with myself. Forgive me. I have such an overwhelming urge to vomit the entirety of my day and all of its minutia, but then I can't figure out how to get it all down, so I just avoid it all together. You know what I mean? ... Probably not. You are paper. Anxiety does not plague such as you.

Anyway, I guess today was okay. I have lemonade, so that makes it a little better. OK+?

Jul. 18th, 2012



I will not taunt the mob
I will not taunt the mob
I will not taunt the mob

The patrons of the Wynn can sleep soundly again, now that I've returned to my post. It's remarkable how much havoc the common cold can wreak on the human body.

Jul. 17th, 2012


Public, as Kitane Z

[After marathoning Duck Dynasty on TiVo.]

Does anyone here hunt ducks?

Jul. 14th, 2012


Text to Theo W

[Following this.]

I enrolled in dance classes! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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