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June 4th, 2013

[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[When Jack is finally allowed to stay doorside, once Bane and Deadshot are toast.]

[luke h]

Luke. Are you safe? Is it done?

[wren m]

Wren. I'm at the house, where are you?

[gabriel r]

I need to meet with you as soon as possible. I can [...] explain things, I think, in person. Not here. And I want to apologize to you to your face.

[max m]

I'm sorry.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

News: Las Vegas

[The story started running on the nightly 5 PM local news channels last night "Anton Sparke rushed to hospital." There are very few details going around, someone actually said he was dead at some point. This has since been corrected. There is a gaggle of news reporters outside the hospital waiting to hear from anyone on anything to do with this condition. The details are this: at around 4:30 PM on Monday Anton Sparke was rushed to the hospital from the dog park in an ambulance. Witnesses at the scene ranged in their descriptions from "he was having a seizure" to "it looked like he was drunk." The hospital hasn't commented, and no one from Anton Sparke's team has commented either. "Sources" say that he is in the ICU, and the problem is related to the heart condition that put in the hospital five years ago. STORY DEVELOPING.]

[info]jackofallhearts in [info]doors

[As Brigs M.]


While I appreciate the hotel-warming present in the form of a free tablet, even I might find it a bit of a stretch to think I've attracted a secret admirer in the twelve and a half hours I've been here. Not to mention the fact that the presence of strangers babbling about marigolds and enchanted forests and Christmas presents leaves a bit to be desired in the way of sanity and coherence. Is this, like, a support forum for the mentally deficient? Because that's really going to detract from my enjoyment of the tablet, even if it did come with Temple Run 2 installed.

Finally, minor detail, there seems to be a man in my head. Is this something that can be fixed with a liberal dosage of Xanax?

[info]haigha in [info]doors


[The same day as this, though several hours later. After he steps out of his office for something, upon his return there is a tea tray on his desk. The (hopefully familiar) pot has an ill-crocheted cozy over it to keep the tea warm, and the lid's handle is cracked right off. It matches the rest of the teaset though, painted in tiny blue flowers, empty cup delicate (with chipped handle) and waiting to be filled both with tea and his preferred additions (if any, they are also set carefully on the tray). There are several small dishes (all covered by a single, unfolded napkin) that hold a small scone (still warm at the very very center), as well as two small bowls - currant jam and clotted cream. She has not provided him with any sort of knife or spreader. And there is no note.]

[info]pricked in [info]doors

[Holly G]

[Phone call to Holly G]


[info]torresdedios in [info]doors

Sometimes, living in a big city such as this makes me miss Reno. Granted, Reno wasn't all crime free either, but I suppose it was better there that I wasn't personally involved in it. Seeing everything that happens here, though, can wear on a person after a while.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren h., max m.

[Once Bruce finally agrees to cross. From the hotel lobby.]

[call to wren h.]


[locked to max m.]

Are you alive? Did you get back okay? I've been out of the loop for a while.

[info]notawarlock in [info]doors

[James X.]

[Locked to James X. Immediately after he hears about this.]

Is Anton okay? Are you okay???

[info]riddlethem in [info]doors

[Comm to Stephanie Brown]
[After this. Beepity beep. When she picks up there's the distinct sound of a mariachi band playing faintly in the background. Eddie is shouting Viva Veracruz.]