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February 7th, 2013

[info]hemlockandhoney in [info]doors

kellan z.

Locked to Kellan Z.

Dead yet?

[info]laminette in [info]doors

[Jack C, Maddie Kate R]

[Locked to Jack C]
Hi. [...] I wanted to apologize.

[Locked to Maddie Kate R]
I don't even know where to Hi.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

wren m.

[text to wren m.]

[Sometime after finding this.] Should I get my search and rescue gear out?

[info]ex_ideals961 in [info]doors

[Davis/Grayson, Corvus]

[Encrypted recording left for Bo Davis/Dick Grayson]
[The sharp whine of feedback.] Davis, I don't know when the fuck you're going to get back here. I appreciate that you're off being insane in Gotham, but we could use your handsome ass on this side. I got the agency to back off about you and Corvus being MIA, but they're sending us someone new, and I think he's a casualty from December. His name is Reed, Gabe Reed. Old dog, so you might know him.

I guess now is as good time as any to tell you I'm off my feet. Things went south in Bangladesh. Our FBI hacker got made, and he broke under torture. I got out under some firepower, but not until a week later. I wasn't the only one he narked, so shit is still tense out there. We're blaming them, and they're blaming us. Bottom line, I'm on ear duty until I can get around again. But we all know that's bullshit. Corvus is taking over my live cases, and I don't know if he's got it in him, so let's cross our fingers.

Our new FBI investigations contact is a bastard named Walter Moore. We go way back. Bad blood with McKendrick, but I haven't checked in with Baird recently to see how deep the animosity goes with the Feds. Also, keep Henry out of this shit, or I'm going to feed you my fist.

In summation, get your ass back here, legs. Now.

Main, out. [Click.]

[Locked to Jack C]
Corvus. You have a date in eighteen hours.

[info]upintheclouds in [info]doors

[Phone call to Damian Wayne from Payphone]


[info]leavethenest in [info]doors

[Private to Selina K.]

I found Grayson. In case you were worried.

[Batfam Comm]

Grayson contacted me. En route to pick him up now. The pit is still in his system, so you do not try to talk to him unless it's through the journals. You do not surprise visit him at the apartment. You do not even send flowers. I'll be monitoring his condition and he will contact the rest of you when he's ready. If he ever is.

[Private to Jason T.]

I need information.