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January 23rd, 2013

[info]onerule in [info]doors


[batfam+ comms]

[Early morning. There's a distinct delay before he speaks, during which his line is very clearly open but silent. Hollowly.]

I-- [Pause. A breath, and he starts again.] Dick is [...] he's dead. [Something muttered, too quiet to he heard. Rustle of movement. Then, silence again.]

[info]caelrox in [info]doors

I'm bored, and I'm off to go clubbing. I don't know where yet.

How else do you get someone something off your mind? I was talking about it earlier, and I've been trying this responsible thing, but I'm boring like this. I am not even blowing off work, but I miss the nightlife.

How the fuck are you supposed to tell someone - , ask, whichever

My little photographer also says I have pillowy lips and a square chin. I do not.

[info]musicalwater in [info]doors

How do you make them stop, switch off, she won't stop. Can I drown it out? Does anything work?

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors


Does anyone know a good place to locate support groups?

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

[Director Fury & Mary Jane]

[After this.]

[Locked to Director Fury]
Director Fury, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but I talked to someone who might be able to help you, and he's willing to talk to you if you contact him. His name is Jamie Madrox, and he's on the journals.

[Locked to Mary Jane W]
I need to just tell you Hey, Mary Jane.

[info]winterhawk in [info]doors


"I was four years old then, and I think it was the next summer that I first heard the voices."
~ Black Elk

Um.. grandfather...

I suppose it could be worse. At least it is just one.

[info]cantstartafire in [info]doors

[Oracle, Batman, Tony S]

[Late Wednesday night a very tired Bruce Banner sends over yet another packet of information, scanned notes, test logs and results. It's another huge file]

Hey so, I think I found something that is, well it's a cure. Of sorts.

I haven't tested it obviously but if you look at the work and specs you can see that while it doesn't attack every bad thing present it attacks the worst of it giving the body time to heal itself of the "easy" stuff.

Cures aren't exactly easy to come by, which is obvious or you'd have all found one by now. But the reality is that we don't really live in a "cure disease" world anymore. We live in a vaccinate, and treat disease world. So I took that approach, we have the vaccine, and we had the treatment plan so I kept going that route for a while, until I started messing around with possible methods to do with blood of someone with antibodies already, it was a lot of science. It's all attached I won't go into it here, I'm kind of rambling off as it is.

Some of the blood samples that came through with this information were pretty simple to navigate - There were two types, one worked better than the other so that's the one I attached to the actual model. Basically it's the blood plasma. Just look at the attached and let me know if you can move to testing with that. If not I can try and deliver hard copies of everything and actual samples to you instead of just the work.

But [...] guys, I think we're there. I hope

Bruce Banner

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

Neil D

[During this.]

[Text to Neil D]
Cool with Liam crashing? He's going through some shit.