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December 10th, 2012

[info]thedualman in [info]doors

Lin A


So, my mom is going home for Christmas and I don't feel particularly inclined to deal with crazy old french people. And after your family debacle over Thanksgiving, I figure you won't be making that trip again. Basically, what I'm saying is - feel like having a totally not awkward misfit Christmas together this year? Because you know I hate getting drunk alone.

Hahaha, I'm hilarious.

No, but really. Christmas is the one day of the year I refuse to get drunk alone so it'd be cool, I guess, if you wanted to come over. Or whatever

[info]thecalibrations in [info]doors


I think the hotel gives weird dreams. Just saying.

[Private to Maggie O]


[Private to Connor B.]
[After a couple hours.]

Do you jog? I can never tell with you federal boys.

[info]tsukino in [info]doors

adam w

[Text: Adam W/Val M]

You + me + LOTR marathon before midnight IMAX Hobbit = best plan ever

[info]estel_crowned in [info]doors

[Public, as Jack R.]

There have been a lot of conversations about people who run into problems because of their other (the voice, the presence, the person they are once they cross the door, whatever you would like to call it), are there those that like that person? Or at least those that don't actively dislike them? I'm curious.

[info]laminette in [info]doors

[Thierry B, as Selina K]

[Locked to Thierry B]
Your person through the door is a very, very bad man.

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doors

sam a., adam w., public

[text to sam a.]

long time no talk. sry for bailing at the party, adam came

[text to adam w.]

might've gone crazy at crate and barrel with decorations for your apartment


Christmas partyyyy at the hotel. I don't know if I should dress for a disaster or a good time.

[info]soundofwings in [info]doors

[Wren M]

[It's maybe due to the fact that she's barely seen or spoken with anyone in too long (and feels helpless in all the things going on with her own family), that Iris thinks again about Wren's request. It takes a while to come up with something to say, but she finally leaves a short message for Wren, as always slightly messy in its penmanship.]

I will help with Gus if you tell me when and what sort of aid you might need.

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors


[Through the wall, the Center]

[After hearing movement and voices in the room just next to hers, thanks to the walls being thin as paper. Tap, tap, tap, just behind her headboard.] That bitchy nurse just leave? You're the last one in her rotation.

[info]author in [info]doors

Iris R

[Phone call to Iris R]


[info]thelazarus in [info]doors

[public, anonymously]

[After this.]

I'm in need of a doctor who's interested in money, not questions.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

Las Vegas News

[On the evening news, after the top of the hour stories.] ...Today a city councilman, John Paul Warner, came under fire for what some are calling a gross misuse of city time and taxpayer funds.  John Paul, elected in 2011 to Ward 2, was recently found to be engaged in meetings usually not found on a city councilman's appointment book.  Katie Hill has the full story...

[info]antiqued in [info]doors

Luke H

[Locked to Luke H, on the heels of this]

I need to speak with you when you have a moment.