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December 9th, 2012

[info]ex_thorns985 in [info]doors

[Snow White, Draco Malfoy - as Rose]

[Locked to Snow White]
I'm returned, but we have a new problem situation.

[Locked to Draco Malfoy]
Thank you for the day, Draco. It was wonderful to be out beneath a blue sky again.

[info]ephemeras in [info]doors

Neil D

[Call to Neil D]

[Call from the Center phone, a few days in, @ 10 at night, just before they turn out lights. Ring.]

[info]the_huntress in [info]doors

Bruce, Damian, Kara, Tim

[Locked to Bruce W.]

If you get a delivery of a purple Batpod, it's mine.

[Locked to Damian W.]

Those kids that were in the camp when it was attacked, do you have their names?

[Locked to Kara]

SUSHI! <><

[Locked to Tim D.]

I'm going to Tokyo for a few days. See you in Rome?

[info]garrettdonnelly in [info]doors

public; trystan, adrian r

[Public; Anon]

Need a place. Discreet. Dominatrix type thing. No sex, just pain.

[Text: Unlisted #/Trystan]

tomorrow 10pm [hourly rate hotel address] rm 12

[Text: Nico R/Adrian R]

Checkin in

[info]maldito in [info]doors

public, as January F.

Elvis has entered the building. Hello?

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors

rose r

[Note for Rose]

Propped up against the Fairytale Door, with Rose Red written on the front, is a sealed envelope containing a hand-written note. )

[info]flamemustang in [info]doors

Filtered to Beth

I wanted to thank you for your assistance earlier this month. It was...not something that I am used to, but I certainly appreciate your kindness. How are you?

Filtered to Aubrey
I've spotted a few unusual guests frequently requesting the strangest of things from the concierges. Perhaps it's just as we have started the holiday season, but could I request that you keep a close eye near the concierge desks? We have a few new employees whom I'm concerned about there.

[info]doorsverse in [info]doors


[Posted to every journal on the network]

"A chance to see what the world would be like without you."

December 24th. Midnight.
No injuries. No tricks. Home in time for Christmas morning.

No RSVP required.

[info]takespoint in [info]doors


[Decidedly unsteady blue felt pen.]

My mom says I need a grown-up Christmas list.