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July 27th, 2012

[info]ex_roses104 in [info]doors


[Locks? What are locks? Entirely public. As Rose Red.]

Snow? Are you here? I'm locked in a castle. I swear, this time it wasn't about me finding danger to be irresistible, I don't think.

[info]doomed_love in [info]doors


After the last memory fades
[Text: Nikolai/Bailey]

Your dad seemed nice.

[Right after.]

Come back to bed? I'm not going to Passages today.

[info]doorsanon in [info]doors

local news.

[There is an ongoing investigation for the fire that engulfed a local Catholic church yesterday morning. The police offer no details about DNA recovery, although it has been announced that there was a single body recovered from inside. Arson is suspect, and some witnesses have reported seeing a man with what seemed to be fire-related injuries leaving the general vicinity in a dark hoodie. No composite sketches have been made.]

[info]flamemustang in [info]doors

[public entry]

In response to the local news report just this morning, all of these supposed arsonists are giving me a bad name. First the mess with the Fulton garage, that was clearly done by an amateur, then this.

I suppose it would look a bit suspicious if I asked the other guy Vegas side to report to the local authorities, announcing that he knew a fire expert. Why can't we cross worlds more often?

Also, in regards to what a few others have already written, did anyone receive a memory of war?

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

[Peter Parker, Bruce Banner]

[Locked to Peter Parker]

[Locked to Bruce Banner]
Dr. Banner?

[info]ex_bloodofdr310 in [info]doors

Phone call to Aubrey R.

[On the way to Lake Tahoe, while in the car with Theo.]

Ring, ring.

[info]willpower in [info]doors


Yeah, like this is going to work I've got to try

I'm looking for a girl young woman in a glass house.

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doors



I'm really excited for the Olympics but I wish I was home to watch some of the events.  Is anyone else watching the Opening Ceremonies?

Oh, can anyone recommend a place to dance ballet? I just need the floor space, really and I can accommodate any schedule.

[info]andcream in [info]doors

I keep trying to find something good in this city. Something that doesn't give me nightmares or leaves me missing pieces of myself when all is said and done. Memories of orange bottles and scars and pills that aren't mine...

Maybe a trip back home is in order.

[info]ravendarkholme in [info]doors

archie m

After the memories fade, sunday
[Phone Call: Archie M/Tiffani R]

Ring, Ring