March 2014



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July 19th, 2012

[info]ex_first621 in [info]doors

Bruce Banner

[Call to Bruce Banner]
[Presumably while he's still in the basement. Ring.]

[info]stillspinning in [info]doors

Nell M.

[Locked to Nell M]

Can I take you to dinner?

[info]toberuled in [info]doors

[a note]

Left for Evan, at his apartment )
Tags: ,

[info]skree in [info]doors


[After she's given up on hearing back here. The post is reckless, and very very public. ]

I'm getting a table at Ghostbar tonight. If anyone is interested in going out to the Palms, drinks are on me.

[info]onerule in [info]doors

locked to adam w.

[After this.]

Hey. [...] I heard you and MK moved in with Wren. How've things been so far?

[info]pesadilla in [info]doors

public, though he doesn't know it.

[A day or two after being written, the entry is scratched out for fear of Lin's Alter being discovered by those smart enough to connect the dots.]

[Lin doesn't yet realize the journals are a form of communication. He takes it at face value, thinking it's just paper and leather, and decides to do a bit of journaling. Why the hell not?]

Okay, journal, I guess I'll write in you - to sate my own curiosity and, well, utilize you. Someone sent me a journal. I suppose that means I ought to use it, right? (That doesn't carry over, though. Not always. Just because I get something, doesn't mean I have to use it. Like, if someone sent me beef in the mail, ...I'd probably toss it, depending on how hungry I was.)

To be honest, I don't know what this key is for. I mean, I see the connection between it and the kraken in my head, but... as far as I know, I have no keyholes on my head to release him. (RELEASE THE KRAKEN! (Oh, journal, I crack myself up.))

I've never been good at this whole divulging business, even with myself. Forgive me. I have such an overwhelming urge to vomit the entirety of my day and all of its minutia, but then I can't figure out how to get it all down, so I just avoid it all together. You know what I mean? ... Probably not. You are paper. Anxiety does not plague such as you.

Anyway, I guess today was okay. I have lemonade, so that makes it a little better. OK+?